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1 Influence of Main River Basin District Plans on Environment Czech University of Life Sciences Faculty of Environmental Sciences Miroslav Martis,Vladimir.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Influence of Main River Basin District Plans on Environment Czech University of Life Sciences Faculty of Environmental Sciences Miroslav Martis,Vladimir."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Influence of Main River Basin District Plans on Environment Czech University of Life Sciences Faculty of Environmental Sciences Miroslav Martis,Vladimir Zdrazil

2 2 Directive 2000/60/ES (Water Framework Directive) Until 2027 will determine fundamentally orientation of EU Member Water policies PROGRAMMES OF MEASURES By amending our Water Act the Water Framework Directive requirements were transposed and programmes of measures were involved into water plans 8 Main river basin management plans in the Czech Republic

3 3 Planning in water management is systematic conceptual activity provided by the state. It is composed of State level Plan of Main River Basins CR (PHP) Regional level Plans of River Basin Districts (POP)

4 4 What IS the Plan of Basin district:… …  Tool to achieve good status of water bodies within the river basin district  Catalogue of important impacts and effects on water bodies within the river basin district  Platform for integrating the requirements of “old” water directives and other directives (like NATURA 2000)  Document setting objectives for water bodies and technically feasible and economic bearable measures to achieve them  Background for land – use planning

5 5 What IS NOT the Plan of Basin district …  „Finished project“  „Universal guideline solving all problems in a short time horizon (2015)“  Implementation tool for Water Framework Directive for a level below water body

6 6 Brief summary of planning process The purpose of planning is to determine and harmonize public interests Protection of Water as a component of the environment Flood protection and mitigation of the effects of droughts Sustainable water use, water management to fulfill requirements for water services, in particular for the purposes of drinking water supply

7 7 Assess risks, costs & benefits Determine objectives Adopt programme of measures Monitoring Implement measures Assess Water Body status continuously Three 6-year cycles to acheive good statuss until Assess stresses & effects 2004 2027 Propose necessary steps Publish programme of measures 2006 2007 2008 2010-2012 2009 2013-2015 2015 2021 Elaboration of River Basin District Plans 1. 2009 - 2015 2. 2015 - 2021 3. 2021 - 2027 3 CYCLES – 6 YEARS 1.PREP WORKS – 2007 2. DRAFT OF Plan of Main River Basins – 2008 3. FINAL Plan of Main River Basins – 2009

8 8 Water management planning  continuous conceptual work  define and mutually harmonise public interest in the field of protection of water resources  sustainable use of water resources  measures to meet demand for water services

9 9 Water protection goals  Prevention from deterioration in all water bodies  Achievement of good status in all water bodies  Goal-directed reduction of pollution by hazardous matters, nutrients and organic materials  Decrease in eutrofication of the Northern Sea by reducing nutrient pollution  Achieving goals for protected territories (in the sense of „older“ directives)  Protection of habitats and species depending on water

10 10 Protection of water resources as a constituent part of environment  protect surface and ground water resources,  enable sustainable and well-balanced use of water resources,  create conditions for protection and improvement of the overall condition of both surface and ground water resources as well as aquatic ecosystems and individual species of aquatic organisms, and  contribute to the protection of terrestrial ecosystems or individual species of terrestrial organisms being immediately dependent on the aquatic systems.

11 11 Flood protection decrease number of population threatened with flood and reduces the risk of damage to property, cultural and historical monuments by applying the threat prevention rule as a matter of priority. Protection against adverse effects of drought gradual adaptation to the anticipated climate change

12 12 Water services  ensure smooth supply of sanitary safe and high-quality drinking water to population and other water consumers,  efficient wastewater disposal  without adverse environmental impacts, provision of water services at affordable prices, maintaining high quality standards

13 13 Heavily modified water bodies Body of surface water that has had it's original appearance significantly changed as a result of physical changes due to human activities (“significantly changed appearance” means a change in hydrological and morphological properties)

14 14 Specific water bodies  may have specific water protection objectives (or “exceptions”) defined in the plan of river basin district. They consist either in extension of the deadline for achievement of objectives (those set for 2015) or in specification of less strict requirements.  Deadlines – achievement of water protection objectives as scheduled is not possible due to lack of technical feasibility, inadequate costs or nature conditions, if further worsening of the condition of specific water bodies can be excluded at the same time

15 15 Protected areas suitable in terms of their morphological, geological and hydrological features for surface water storage Protection of areas suitable for surface water storage to be able to compensate potential impacts of climate change, in particular to reduce adverse effects of floods and drought within a long-term time horizon (during next fifty to one hundred years).

16 16 Division of Measurement in the document of basin district plan (POP)  Programme of measures (measures implemented until 2012)  Other measures (implemented after 2012)  Type A – concrete measures (waste water treatment facilities, stream revitalisation)  Type B – good practices (nitrates in agriculture)  Type C – approved legislative procedures (prevention accidental pollution)

17 17 Assessment of surface water bodies status !!! Strict assessment : if one indicator is unsatisfactory then the general status is unsatisfactory The most frequently exceeded indicators: BSK, nutrients, benthos, metals, specific pollutants (organic) Synthesis of general start status SatisfactoryPotentially unsatisfactory Un- satisfactory Water bodies of standing water Number119 %91882 Water bodies of flowing water Number910165 %81280 Water bodies in total Number1011174 %91181

18 18 Assessment of groundwater bodies status !!! Strict assessment : if one indicator is unsatisfactory then the general status is unsatisfactory The most frequently exceeded indicators: priority hazardous matters – old environmental loads, nitrates. Synthesis of general start status SatisfactoryPotentially unsatisfactoryUnsatisfactory Number of water bodies 429 % Area of basin12682

19 19 Why is estimate of status in 2015 infavorable? Strict status assessment + Great measure of uncertainty in assessment of measure impacts Allowing exceptions - time shift in achieving objectives after 2015 Allowing exceptions - time shift in achieving objectives after 2015

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