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Chalara Ash Dieback Stakeholder Event 25 April 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Chalara Ash Dieback Stakeholder Event 25 April 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chalara Ash Dieback Stakeholder Event 25 April 2013

2 Chalara ash dieback – Stakeholder Event Objectives Update on current situation & actions to date. Summarise the science and consider ongoing research. Outline and take views on the draft Chalara Control Strategy. Explain ongoing surveillance plans and discuss stakeholder engagement.

3 Chalara ash dieback – Stakeholder Event Agenda Opening addressNoel Lavery DARD Permanent Secretary Overview of work to dateAlan McCartney Agri-food Inspection Branch Science UpdateColin Fleming Agri-food & Biosciences Institute Supporting tree health and plant biosecurityClare Hall SRUC – Scotlands Rural College All Ireland Chalara Control StrategyStuart Morwood Forest Service 2013 Chalara Surveillance PlansJohn Finlay/Paul Gardiner Agri-food Inspection Branch/Forest Service Stakeholder/Public EngagementSharon Cabecinha Agri-food Inspection Branch Discussion/Close


5 Getting a complete picture

6 Chalara ash dieback – Stakeholder Event Overview of Work to Date Current Position Ongoing Disease Management Arrangements Surveillance activity over the winter period. Work with DAFM on the draft All Ireland Chalara Control Strategy. Ongoing surveillance plans Stakeholder engagement.

7 Overview of Work to Date Current Position Confirmed outbreaks as at 1000 hours 24 April 2013 o 44 outbreaks in recently planted sites o 3 findings in trade No evidence at this point of the disease circulating in the wider environment

8 Overview of Work to Date Ongoing Disease Management Arrangements Chalara Strategy Group Chalara Incident Management Team Chalara Bird-table meetings Regular briefing to Minister and Assembly ARD Committee Ongoing stakeholder engagement Focus has been to take swift action to detect and remove infected material to reduce inoculum levels

9 Overview of Work to Date Surveillance activity to date Surveyed 1,045 sites Tracing work Structured survey work across a range of plantings o Woodland o Road-side o Urban/amenity o Hedgerow/Farm o Nursery trade Focus to date based on assessment of risk has been recent plantings.

10 Overview of Work to Date Work with DAFM on the draft All Ireland Chalara Control Strategy Worked closely with DAFM and GB colleagues Informed by developing scientific knowledge Draft Pest Risk Analysis for GB and Ireland Aim to maximise advantage of our island status Draft strategy has been circulated for your views o Contain & eradicate the disease and minimise risk of establishment o Build the evidence to underpin a Pest Free Area

11 Overview of Work to Date Ongoing Surveillance Plans One outcome of the draft Chalara Control Strategy Risk based, intelligence led, targeted plan IPPC ISPM no.4 & no. 6 Sets criteria for site selection Proactive/reactive elements Dynamic

12 Overview of Work to Date Stakeholder Engagement Fourth formal stakeholder event Ongoing bi-lateral engagement Role in Surveillance Plans Plans for wider public engagement – Ash Tag Maintenance of o Helpline/email o Web presence on DARD and NI Direct Sites o Direct contact Explore focused ongoing engagement on the Chalara Control Strategy

13 Chalara ash dieback – Stakeholder Event Agenda Opening addressNoel Lavery DARD Permanent Secretary Overview of work to dateAlan McCartney Agri-food Inspection Branch Science UpdateColin Fleming Agri-food & Biosciences Institute Supporting tree health and plant biosecurityClare Hall SRUC – Scotlands Rural College All Ireland Chalara Control StrategyStuart Morwood Forest Service 2013 Chalara Surveillance PlansJohn Finlay/Paul Gardiner Agri-food Inspection Branch/Forest Service Stakeholder/Public EngagementSharon Cabecinha Agri-food Inspection Branch Discussion/Close

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