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Cowboys Vocabulary and Amazing Words

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Presentation on theme: "Cowboys Vocabulary and Amazing Words"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cowboys Vocabulary and Amazing Words

2 Vocabulary Words cattle trails cowboy railroad herd campfire galloped
chuckwagon bellowed roundup

3 cattle Animals raised for their meat, milk, or skins.

4 trails Paths across fields or through the woods.

5 The Chisholm Trail .This was a famous cattle trail that went from Texas to Abilene, Kansas. 

6 The Great Western Cattle Trail
This was another famous trail which went from Texas to Dodge City, Kansas. From there, the cattle would be shipped to eastern cities such as Chicago, Illinois, and New York, New York.

7 cowboy A person who works on a cattle ranch.

8 railroad A road or track of two steel rails.

9 herd A group of the same kinds of animals.

10 campfire An outdoor fire used for cooking or staying warm.

11 galloped To run very fast.

12 chuckwagon A wagon or truck that carries food and cooking equipment for cowhands.

13 bellowed To make a loud, deep noise.

14 roundup The act of driving or bringing cattle together from long distances.

15 Amazing Words climate livestock occupation buckaroo drover lariat
legend rawhide

16 climate T he kind of weather that happens in a particular place.

17 livestock Animals such as cows or chickens that are raised on a farm.

18 occupation The work that a person does to earn a living.

19 buckaroo Another name for cowboy or cowhand.

20 drover Another name for a cowboy who herds droves of cattle along a trail.

21 lariat Another name for a lasso, or stiff ropes with a sliding loop at one end used for catching horses or cows.

22 legend A story that has been passed down through the years that many people believe.

23 rawhide An animal hide that has not been tanned, or made into leather.

24 1. Why do cowboys use chaps. 2
1. Why do cowboys use chaps? 2. What are some uses for a cowboy's bandana? 3. Why were cattle branded? 4.What animal skins and fur would trappers use to make clothes? 5. What is a calf? 6. What is a brand? 7. What is a Dutch oven? 8. Why do cowboys go on roundups? 9.What are trail drives? 10. Why do cowboys wear tall boots? 11. What is a chuck wagon? 12. What is a lasso? What is a reata? 14. Why do cowboys wear hats? 15. What cattle trail goes through Oklahoma City?  16. What are spurs and why do cowboys wear them? 17. What is a ketch rope? 18. What is a "piggin" string? What foods would a chuck wagon cook take with him on a cattle drive? 20. Why would cowboys sing softly to cattle? 21. What is a stampede? 22. What is a roan? 23. What rodeo event did Bill Pickett invent? 24. Name the most famous black cowboy. 25. How do you measure the height of a horse? 26. What is a slicker? 27. What is a remuda? 28. What is a buckaroo? 29. What is a mouth harp? 30. What was a quirt used for? 31. What is a maverick? 32. What is a vaquero? What is a dogie? 34. A small half wild, horse or pony is called what? 35. What is a greenhorn? 36. What would a rustler steal? 37. What would be considered livestock? 38. A "Longhorn" refers to what kind of animal? 39. What is the wrangler in charge of?

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