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HamVention 2002 TM You’re not in Kansas anymore… Ted Turner VE3LV Ben Price VE3CDA.

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Presentation on theme: "HamVention 2002 TM You’re not in Kansas anymore… Ted Turner VE3LV Ben Price VE3CDA."— Presentation transcript:

1 HamVention 2002 TM You’re not in Kansas anymore… Ted Turner VE3LV Ben Price VE3CDA

2 Getting to Dayton (from Ottawa) 1150 kilometres 14 hours of reasonable driving Ottawa – Detroit on the 401 Detroit – Dayton on 75 south Customs (at the border) 30 minutes going (bridge traffic) 5 minutes returning

3 Location of HamVention

4 Accommodations and Meals All hotels are booked in advance Hotel rates are about double the normal rates for the same room Lots and lots of American restaurants The coffee sucks

5 Hotel to HamVention ™ Park in the Salem Mall and take the shuttle bus Park at the HamVention

6 The Salem Mall We parked at the Salem Mall and took the shuttle bus to Hara Arena The mall is about 2 kilometres from the arena The bus ride costs $2 per day

7 Waiting on the bus at the Salem Mall

8 Purchasing a bus ticket Can you spot the VE3?

9 Shuttle bus ticket ($2 U.S.)

10 Long bus lines, but it moved quickly

11 In the bus ( the only vehicle without 4 antennas)

12 Arriving on Friday morning

13 Buying a $22 ticket

14 The ‘big’ picture ‘ We took this from our helicopter’

15 There are 3 major areas of interest Inside the Hara Arena(s) 500 exhibits Inside, at the forums (or seminars) Outside, at the flea-market, 2500 vendors

16 Our first look inside, this is the ‘main’ building

17 A forum in progress

18 Outside, at the flea-market…

19 It rained a bit on Friday…

20 Friday We spent most of Friday inside…

21 The not-so-good floor plan

22 The good (blue) floorplan It’s very handy to have a good floorplan

23 I’ve got this old talkie and the battery is dead …

24 All I want for Christmas…

25 Inside vendors…

26 More inside vendors…

27 What kind of rocket is this, anyway?

28 Look! Mecca…

29 Stereo Kenwoods

30 Yes, can you tell me where the MFJ booth is?

31 Ah, here it is…

32 Hey! Where’s Martin?

33 Here’s Martin! Hey Martin, what can we have for FREE!

34 He gave us his card…

35 …and we gave him ours

36 QCWA – Jim Walsh, hard at work

37 Gord West, live and direct

38 A re-enactment of HamVention DXing (VE3LV will explain)

39 Back at the ranch

40 Reading up on my wish list

41 HamVention was big news in Dayton

42 Saturday

43 Arriving Saturday morning

44 Saturday We spent the day outside, roaming… People we met while on patrol

45 Lots of Antennas

46 Is this VE3GK?

47 That’s a funny looking windshield wiper

48 Truckers forever…

49 Check out the screwdriver

50 We saw lots of spiders?

51 Tall towers

52 One is just not enough

53 Now for the ‘funny’ people If you look closely, you’ll see an angel

54 N3TPM/portable 8 land

55 There’s one in every crowd

56 Paparazzi are everywhere…

57 …everything in this booth is free…

58 QRP dummy load (cheap)

59 Gee, those are weird looking tubes…

60 Old radios

61 Very nicely arranged

62 SB104 A or B?

63 More tubes

64 National tuner

65 Directional, or not?..

66 Lunch?

67 Yahoooooo

68 This guy’s giving away Yaesu hats

69 Canada, eh?

70 Whoa, I feel like I’m falling…

71 Going to the dogs…

72 VE3DSR Jim from Willowdale

73 Hummer with attitude

74 Need a techtronics plug-in?

75 Here, put this in your mouth…

76 The guy on the left I recoginze…

77 Wow, this place clears out quick!

78 Poor people line up for the bus back to the Salem Mall

79 Our helicopter coming to pick us up

80 Hara Arena

81 Emergency vehicles

82 More emergency stuff

83 Wheelchair

84 Sunday

85 Breakfast with Ohio’s finest

86 Fuzzy focusing, a new technology

87 What kind of stuff can you buy at the HamVention?

88 Radios

89 Super Glue

90 Rocks

91 Lots of Catalogues

92 Surgical stuff

93 Slot machines

94 Red lights…

95 Underwater radios

96 A desk for your radio

97 Nuclear detonator

98 Everything but the…

99 Snacktime on Sunday

100 May we help you?

101 Ever try to take a picture, then someone walks in front?

102 Same picture, no hat

103 You’ll NEVER see it this quiet

104 In back of these people…

105 Getting ready for the Sunday draw…

106 Our local club hosts

107 Dayton was on the Webcast…

108 The prizes are on the right

109 Waiting on the prize draw…

110 Is that an antenna in your hat, or are you happy to see me?

111 A hush falls over the crowd, during the prize draw

112 Is that all we get?

113 Flight 123 has been delayed…

114 What’s that sign say?

115 Going home with their treasures… Until next year

116 Questions? Yes, I have a question… When can I go to Dayton? Let’s go THIS YEAR!

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