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IUPUI CLASSROOM SPACE AVAILABILITY & INITIATIVES Mary Beth Myers IUPUI Registrar January 2011 Source: IUPUI Office of the Registrar.

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Presentation on theme: "IUPUI CLASSROOM SPACE AVAILABILITY & INITIATIVES Mary Beth Myers IUPUI Registrar January 2011 Source: IUPUI Office of the Registrar."— Presentation transcript:

1 IUPUI CLASSROOM SPACE AVAILABILITY & INITIATIVES Mary Beth Myers IUPUI Registrar January 2011 Source: IUPUI Office of the Registrar

2  IUPUI increases in headcount & credit hours continue  More students and more full time students leading the increase in credit hours  Increase in credit hours translates to a need for more classes  We have delivered! Good Times bring New Challenges

3 20012002200320042005200620072008200920102011 IUPUI Fall Hrs 270,941 282,456 294,563 298,890 301,362 301,968 306,043 314,888 322,826 327,243 333,057 Heads 26,957 27,619 28,496 28,693 28,594 28,342 28,387 28,809 28,810 28,979 29,150 Ave hrs10.0510.2310.3410.4210.5410.6510.7810.9311.2111.2911.43 % Hrs Increase0%4.25%4.29%1.47%0.83%0.20%1.35%2.89%2.52%1.37%1.78% % Heads Increase0%2.46%3.18%0.69%-0.35%-0.88%0.16%1.49%0.00%0.59% % Ave Hrs Increase0%1.75%1.08%0.77%1.18%1.09%1.19%1.38%2.52%0.78%1.18% Ten Year Trend Upward! Source: IUPUI Office of the Registrar

4 MORE CLASSES in CLASSROOMS (does not include off-campus, hospitals, web classes, etc.) Fall ClassesSpring Classes Source: IUPUI Office of the Registrar

5 MORE ENROLLMENT IN CLASSES IN CLASSROOMS Fall Terms Spring Terms Source: IUPUI Office of the Registrar

6 How do we make better use of current space and find new space for continuing increase in classes?  Class Scheduling Policy  Requires better use of non-prime times  Red/Green “grade report” out soon  School of Dentistry  Possibilities for evening classes  School of Medicine  Possibilities for Public Health classes  Renovation of Cavanaugh Basement  Possible additional classrooms Current Space Initiatives

7  R & R Funding  Covers renovation, carpeting, paint, etc. (not furnishings)  Lecture Hall rooms  Business 2002 and BS 2008  Learning Environments Committee  Grant proposals to be reviewed  Two submitted by Registrar’s Office Additional Space Improvements

8  Adhere to Scheduling Policies  Make best use of department-controlled space  Monitor (and possibly move) low enrolling courses  Spread the word for better understanding if a class is scheduled “across campus”  Other space options, alternatives, creative ideas? What You Can Do

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