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“ Best Practices: What’s in Your” “Toolbox?” Presenter: Ronald L. Smith- Retired School Counselor, NYSSCA President 2012-2014.

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Presentation on theme: "“ Best Practices: What’s in Your” “Toolbox?” Presenter: Ronald L. Smith- Retired School Counselor, NYSSCA President 2012-2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 “ Best Practices: What’s in Your” “Toolbox?” Presenter: Ronald L. Smith- Retired School Counselor, NYSSCA President 2012-2014

2 Agenda Introduction Ice – Breaker: “How I See Myself” NYSSCA/ASCA Model Diversity of Students Examples of Group/Individual Activities

3 How I see myself

4  If I were an animal, I would be: Why?  If I were an insect, I would be: Why?  If I were a color, would be: Why?  If I were a piece of food, I would be: Why?  *New York State Comprehensive Counseling Program – published by NYSSCA

5 Students learn differently  Some students are auditory  Some students are visual  Some students are kinesthetic We must to design our comprehensive counseling program to address the learning style of all students.

6 An example of the positive impact of designing our group/individual/full class Counseling activities based on learning styles.

7 Social – Emotional Development Academic Success Career Awareness/Development Our toolbox should contain activities that address these domains from Pre- high school

8 Review of activities packet and other resources

9 Q & A

10 Ronald L. Smith (917) 538-9221 (cell)

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