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Managing Stress for Maximum Learning An ounce of prevention…..

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Presentation on theme: "Managing Stress for Maximum Learning An ounce of prevention….."— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing Stress for Maximum Learning An ounce of prevention…..

2 Keep a Balance Physical Wellness Family/Social Support Scheduled time off Spirituality Fun!!

3 Monitor Your Thoughts ABC’s of Cognitive Process Use Positive and Realistic Statements Refute Negative Thoughts

4 Concentration Monitor your thoughts Write down your distractions Use exercise to help your alertness Choose topics based on alertness

5 Avoid Procrastination One minute rule Minimize distractions Set realistic goals A little is better than none at all

6 Reducing Stress Talk about it Social support Look for solutions 8 count breathing

7 Optimal Performance on Tests Snack before the test Calm—breathe Stay away from anxious people before and after the test Do not tally right answers/guesses Make note of “gut” response Ear plugs

8 More Stress Management Evaluate Stress Style Physical Mental Both Choose stress reducer that matches stress style

9 Miscellaneous Eat breakfast Review tests in instructors office Put away phone/email when studying Organize as you go--3 hole punch/notebook Cornell notes and mind mapping Big calendar Become morning person

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