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ESEA Flexibility: Gap Reduction Maryland Accountability Program Presentation 5 of 8.

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2 ESEA Flexibility: Gap Reduction Maryland Accountability Program Presentation 5 of 8

3 Lillian M. Lowery, Ed.D. State Superintendent of Schools Dr. Charlene M. Dukes President, Maryland State Board of Education Martin O'Malley Governor Carolyn M. Wood, Ph.D. Assistant Superintendent Division of Accountability, Assessment, and Data Systems Maryland State Department of Education Division of Accountability, Assessment, and Data Systems 200 West Baltimore Street Baltimore, Maryland 21201 410.767.0073 2

4 Maryland Accountability Program 3  School Progress  Reduce by half the percentage of students in the “all students” group and in each subgroup who are not proficient within six years  School Progress Index  Achievement  Gap Reduction  Growth  College & Career Readiness  Differentiated Recognition  Reward  Priority  Focus

5 33.3%- Mathematics Proficiency (Algebra/ Data Analysis HSA) 33.3%- English Proficiency (English HSA) 33.3%- Science Proficiency (Biology HSA) Achievement* 40% Gap* College-and Career-Readiness** 40% 20% 60%- Cohort Graduation Rate 40%- College and Career Preparation (CCP) Advanced Placement Career and Technology Education (CTE) Concentrators College Enrollment Gap between lowest subgroup and highest subgroup within a school: 20%- Mathematics Proficiency (Algebra/ Data Analysis HSA) 20%- English Proficiency (English HSA) 20%- Science Proficiency (Biology HSA) 20%- Cohort Graduation Rate 20%- Cohort Dropout Rate Gap* 40% 33.3%- Mathematics Proficiency (MSA) 33.3%- Reading Proficiency (MSA) 33.3%- Science Proficiency (MSA) 50%- Mathematics Proficiency (MSA) 50%- Reading Proficiency (MSA) Gap between lowest subgroup and highest subgroup within a school: Achievement* 30% Growth* 30% 33.3%- Mathematics Proficiency (MSA) 33.3%- Reading Proficiency (MSA) 33.3%- Science Proficiency (MSA) Percent of students making one year’s growth: *ALT-MSA is included in the index component **Revised 9/17/2012: To be submitted to USDE for Approval Maryland School Progress Index** Grades 9-12 Grades PreK-8 Meeting Performance Targets (AMO) Meeting Performance Targets (AMO) 4

6 SPI Indicator: Gap Reduction  Decrease in the performance gap between the highest and lowest performing subgroups  Gap Score calculated for each subgroup category in each measured area  Mathematics  Reading  Science  Cohort Graduation Rate (high school only)  Cohort Dropout Rate (high school only)  Applies to Elementary, Middle, and High Schools 5

7 Subgroup Categories  10 Subgroup Categories for each measured area  Seven Racial Designations  Hispanic  American Indian or Alaska Native  Asian  Black or African American  Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander  White  Multiple Races  Special Education  Limited English Proficient  Free and Reduced Price Meals 6

8 Establishing Targets: Content Areas Reading, Math and Science  50% Reduction of gap between highest and lowest performing subgroups by 2017  Target increases in equal increments for 6 years  2010–2011 assessment results used as the baseline year for setting AMOs  For the purpose of calculating an overall index score, the Current Year and Baseline Year % Proficient for Gap is defined as 1 – Gap percentage  Minimum count of 20 students 7

9 Establishing the Targets: Content Areas Reading, Math and Science - Calculations Goal for 2017 = 100%– 2011 % Proficient = Gap Score 22 Gain Per Year= Goal for 2017 6 2012 Target= 2011 % Proficient + Gain Per Year 8

10 Gap Score Calculation 1. Determine population 2. Identify subgroup populations for each measured area 3. Remove subgroups with less than 20 students 4. Determine Percent Proficient for remaining subgroups 5. Select subgroups with Highest and Lowest Percent Proficient 6. Compare subgroups with the Highest Percent Proficient for this year, with the Percent Proficient for Prior Year 7. Calculate difference between the Highest and Lowest Percent Proficient 9

11 Determine Population: Contents Reading, Math and Science  Minimum group size (n) = 20  AYP rules apply  Full Academic Year  Special Education Exited  Limited English Proficient Exited  1% and 2% rule is applied  Nonparticipants  Are NOT included as Basic within the denominator 10

12 Determine Percent Proficient for remaining subgroups NumeratorDenominator Advanced and Proficient Advanced, Proficient and Basic == Proficient Count÷Test Takers=Percent Proficient  Elementary and middle: MSA/ModMSA/Alt MSA  High School: HSA/ModHSA/Alt MSA  Nonparticipants are NOT included in aggregation 11

13 Example Gap Calculation: Contents Reading, Math and Science Subgroup Prior YearCurrent Year Prof Count Member Count Prof Rate Prof Count Member Count Prof Rate Hispanic10110.90918200.900 Asian790.7781213NA Black931000.93078850.918 White951000.950921000.920 Multiple Races38400.95028300.933 SE18220.81824260.923 LEP460.66734NA FaRMS83910.91281890.910 12

14 Example Gap Calculation: Elementary Math Proficiency 1. Select subgroups with Highest and Lowest Percent Proficient  Highest – Multiple = 0.933  Lowest – Hispanic= 0.900 2. Compare subgroups with the Highest Percent Proficient for this year, with the Percent Proficient for Prior Year  Highest – Multiple  Current Year= 0.933  Prior Year = 0.950  Replace CY value with PY value 3. Calculate difference between the Highest and Lowest Percent Proficient  0.950 – 0.900 = 0.050 = GAP  % Proficient = 1-GAP = 1.0 - 0.050 = 0.950 13

15 SPI Calculation Example: Elementary School VariableAchievementGapGrowth AssessmentMathReadSciMathReadSciMathRead % Proficient CY0.9200.9300.8600.9500.9900.980.6200.820 Target0.9540.9450.8720.927 0.8630.5970.945 % Prof of Target0.9640.9840.9861.0251.0681.1361.0390.868 Content Weight0.330 0.330.500 Weighted % Prof of Target0.3180.325 0.3380.3520.3750.5200.434 Indicator Weight0.300.400.30 Indicator Contribution0.2910.4260.286 School Index1.003 14 % Prof of Target = % Proficient CY ÷ Target Weighted % Prof of Target= % Prof of Target x Content Weight Indicator Contribution= (Math + Read + Sci) x Indicator Weight School Index= (Achievement + Growth + Gap)

16 Establishing Targets: Cohort Rates (Grad and D/O)  50% Reduction of gap between highest and lowest performing subgroups by 2020 using goal of 95% proficiency  Target increases in equal increments for 9 years  2010–2011 4-year rates used as the baseline year for setting targets (same cohort used for AMO Progress)  First Time 9 th Graders 2007  Minimum count of 20 students 15

17 Establishing the Targets: Cohort Rates Goal for 2020= 95%– 2011 Cohort Rate 2 Gain Per Year= Goal for 2020 9 2012 Target= 2011 Cohort Rate + Gain Per Year 16

18 Example Gap Calculation: Cohort Graduation Rate Subgroup Prior YearCurrent Year Graduate Count Cohort Count Cohort Rate Graduate Count Cohort Count Cohort Rate Hispanic10110.90918200.900 Asian790.7781213NA Black931000.93078850.918 White951000.950941000.940 Multiple Races38400.9528300.933 SE18220.81824260.923 LEP460.66734NA FaRMS83910.91281890.910 17

19 Example Gap Calculation: Cohort Graduation Rate 1. Select subgroups with Highest and Lowest Graduation Rates  Highest – White= 0.940  Lowest – Hispanic= 0.900 2. Compare subgroups with the Highest Graduation Rate for this year, with the Graduation Rate for Prior Year  Highest – White  Current Year= 0.940  Prior Year = 0.950  Replace CY value with PY value 3. Calculate difference between the Highest and Lowest Graduation Rate  0.950 – 0.900 = 0.050 = GAP  % Proficient = 1-GAP = 1.0 - 0.050 = 0.950 18

20 SPI Calculation Example: High School VariableGap AssessmentMathReadSciGradDrop % Proficient CY0.9500.9900.9800.9500.949 Target0.927 0.8630.9270.950 % Prof of Target1.0251.0681.1361.0250.999 Content Weight0.200 Weighted % Prof of Target0.2050.2140.2270.2050.200 Indicator Weight0.40 Indicator Contribution0.420 School Index 19 % Prof of Target = % Proficient CY ÷ Target Weighted % Prof of Target= % Prof of Target x Content Weight Indicator Contribution= (Math + Read + Sci) x Indicator Weight School Index= (Achievement + Growth + Gap)

21 Example Gap Calculation: Cohort D/O Rate Subgroup Prior YearCurrent Year D/O Count Cohort Count Cohort Rate D/O Count Cohort Count Cohort Rate Hispanic1110.091010NA Asian090.000013NA Black81000.08071000.070 White71000.07071000.070 Multiple Races3200.1502210.095 SE2220.0912260.077 LEP060.00034NA FaRMS4910.0445890.056 20

22 Example Gap Calculation: Cohort Dropout Rate 1. Select subgroups with Highest and Lowest D/O Rates  Highest – Multiple = 0.095  Lowest – FaRMs= 0.056 2. Compare subgroups with the Lowest D/O Rate for this year, with the D/O Rate for Prior Year  Lowest – FaRMs  Current Year = 0.056  Prior Year = 0.044  Replace CY value with PY value 3. Calculate difference between the Highest and Lowest D/O Rate  0.095 – 0.044 = 0.051 = GAP  % Proficient = 1-GAP = 1.0 - 0.051 = 0.949 21

23 SPI Calculation Example: High School VariableGap AssessmentMathReadSciGradDrop % Proficient CY0.9500.9900.9800.9500.949 Target0.927 0.8630.9270.950 % Prof of Target1.0251.0681.1361.0250.999 Content Weight0.200 Weighted % Prof of Target0.2050.2140.2270.2050.200 Indicator Weight0.40 Indicator Contribution0.420 School Index 22 % Prof of Target = % Proficient CY ÷ Target Weighted % Prof of Target= % Prof of Target x Content Weight Indicator Contribution= (Math + Read + Sci) x Indicator Weight School Index= (Achievement + Growth + Gap)

24 Maryland Accountability Program 23  School Progress  Reduce by half the percentage of students in the “all students” group and in each subgroup who are not proficient within six years  School Progress Index  Achievement  Gap Reduction  Growth  College & Career Readiness  Differentiated Recognition  Reward  Priority  Focus

25 Questions?  Please forward questions and comments to: Doug Strader, Ed.D. 410-767-2055 24

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