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Performance Indicator 5.02 Explain the nature of stress management.

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Presentation on theme: "Performance Indicator 5.02 Explain the nature of stress management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Performance Indicator 5.02 Explain the nature of stress management

2 Definitions 'Karoshi' is a Japanese term which means 'sudden death caused by too much work.' However, many people simply use the term stress. Stress Management for the Workplace: Understanding and Managing the Causes of Stress in Organizations | Stress Management for the Workplace: Understanding and Managing the Causes of Stress in Organizations | Stress - one of bodily or mental tension resulting from factors that tend to alter an existent equilibrium Burnout - exhaustion of physical or emotional strength or motivation usually as a result of prolonged stress or frustration

3 Employee Stress Signs Reduced quality of work Indecisiveness and poor judgment Loss of sense of humor More frequent minor illnesses Withdrawal Over-sensitivity Seeming jumpy Tiredness and irritability ns.htm ns.htm Causes The “treadmill syndrome – having too much or too little to do Random interruptions – visit, phone calls, manager requests Pervasive uncertainty Mistrust, unfairness, office politics Unclear policies, direction Career/job ambiguity No feedback/appreciation Lack of communication Lack of control ses_of_workplace_stress_000810.html ses_of_workplace_stress_000810.html

4 Explain how stress can lead to burnout Stress leads to burnout if the stress is continuous - chronic and the stressors are not being resolved or eliminated in the working environment. Job satisfaction becomes excessively frustrating and you become mentally, physically, and emotionally drained Job burnout occurs when stress is continuously insurmountable and thus causes feelings of helplessness and despair which consequently leads to a loss of interest along with motivation

5 Programs that companies can use to identify and alleviate employee stress Take a break after particularly stressful events Encourage employees to treat their bodies right Listen to staff and provide a meaningful response Adjust the atmosphere – lighting, temperature, living plants, etc. Don’t sweat the small stuff Set realistic standards

6 Wellness programs that prevent employee stress Companies with workplace wellness programs are improving employee health, decreasing absenteeism and saving money. – Encourage employees to start their own wellness program by visiting a physician – Target specific health-related concerns – Hire a wellness coach – Reward employee participation – Acknowledge leaders in the newsletter

7 Activities Research a company of your choice and prepare a presentation on the company’s wellness program Invite a wellness coach in to speak to the class Do yoga together Watch The Office, laughter is good for the soul In teams, put on a puppet show or create a media presentation on a stressful situation and the outcome

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