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By Joey Cordle The Marine Occupation of Lebanon Joey Cordle.

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1 By Joey Cordle The Marine Occupation of Lebanon Joey Cordle

2 Purpose of the Marine Occupation U.S. forces will serve as one component of a multinational force presence in the Beirut area in order to establish an environment which will permit the Lebanese Armed Forces to carry out Their responsibilities.

3 The Multi-National Force The Multi-National Force (MNF) was intended to be purely symbolic The Lebanese government and Lebanese Armed Forces, not the MNF (which consisted of French, Italian, and American troop) were directly responsible for suppressing inter- factional violence. If the Lebanese government failed to do so, the MNF could withdraw its support. The Marines were prohibited to intervene even if a massacre were to occur.

4 10 Parameters of the Marine Occupation 1)The Symbolic presence of the Marines was disproportional to their actual size. 2)Military command wanted to withdraw the Marines as soon as possible 3)President Reagan’s announcement that the Marines would not be withdrawn until “all of Israel, Syrian, and PLO farces had been withdrawn, not only from the Beirut area, but from all of Lebanon.” made the Marine occupation indefinite. 4)Muslims perceived the Marine presence as a protective barrier against the Israeli’s 5)The Marine presence prevented the Israeli Army from responding adequately to Muslim attacks against Israeli convoys.

5 Parameters (continued) 6)The Marines were seen as an “untapped resource” 7)A combined command structure over the MNF had been vetoed (it was vital that France, Italy, and the United States cooperate with each other) 8)The U.S. government actively supported the Lebanese government (dominated by Maronites), however the intended role of the Marine was to remain Neutral. 9)The U.S. military and diplomatic efforts were each coordinated from Washington, down two parallel but independent lines of authority. 10)President Reagan wanted to keep the Marines in Lebanon indefinitely

6 The Basis for Compromise Evaporates Violence in Lebanon threatened to disrupt the basis for compromise negotiations between Israel and Syria. However when the U.S. decided to meet factorial violence with armed force (which it did so ineffectively) the basis for compromise evaporated.

7 Marine Pullout Lebanese, Syrians, and Israelis eventually cam to view the growing U.S. influence in Lebanon as contrary to their interests The U.S. government was unable to sustain an “authoritative strategy” in Lebanon and as a result (coupled with factional violence) the Marines withdrew on February 26, 1984.

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