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Presentation on theme: "IUCN Regional Office for West Asia ROWA REGIONAL WATER AND DRYLANDS PROGRAMME REWARD."— Presentation transcript:


2 IUCN ROWA REWARD REWARD = multi-donor and multi –project programme REWARD is core funded by DGCS/Italy through the WESCANA Regional Water Project (2006-2009) Other funding thus far: WANI+SAIC + UNDP + EU + GEF: Jordan WANI + GWP + INWENT: Regional WANI + GEF: Egypt + Palestine (WANI = IUCN Water and Nature Initiative – core funding from DGIS/Netherlands)

3 IUCN WAME REWARD GOAL Develop Systemic approaches to planning and management of water resources on a watershed/river basin basis

4 IUCN ROWA Regional Water Programme With special attention to Developing practical methodologies Influencing policies through networks Poverty alleviation and gender Involvement of all stakeholders (including local communities)

5 IUCN WESCANA Regional Water Programme As well as attention to Environmental concerns and watershed dynamics (down/up stream effects) and interaction with ground water management Potential use of DSTs Economic analysis that takes into account environmental services Climate change

6 IUCN WAME REWARD The programme is build on two pillars: 1)A Regional Water Knowledge Network Networking, shared learning, capacity building, policy influencing 2) Demonstration projects Testing on the ground of approaches in selected watersheds, strengthening the RWKN

7 RWKN Development Management of water resources in mountain watersheds. Management of oasis and the related ground water resources. Management of water resources in large river systems (with an emphasis on irrigation/drainage management). Management of water resources in urban water- scarce environments

8 IUCN WESCANA Regional Water Programme Members of the Regional Network : Regional/Global: AWC/Egypt, CEDARE/Egypt, ACSAD/Syria, INWRDAM/Jordan, GWP-MED/Greece, IRC/NL, UNESCO/Cairo, ELC/Germany, IUCN-WANI/Swiss and other IUCN Regions others …. IUCN WAME REWARD

9 IUCN WESCANA Regional Water Programme Members of the Regional Network : National (established) MMW/Oman, PME/Saudi Arabia, Yemen: MWE, MoA, WEC, SDF Egypt: MWRI, MoA, CEOSS, CARE Egypt, Palestine: MoA, PWA, PHG, UAWC Jordan: MoE, MWI, MoA, MoP, RSCN, JoHud, JRF, JES. Lebanon: SPNL (society of the protection of Nature in Lebanon) + MADA National (targeted) Institutions in Maghreb, Central Asia and other countries of West Asia (Iran, Lebanon, Syria, UAE, ………) IUCN WAME REWARD

10 Ground water Sub-Network/Dialogue Facts: –Severe water scarcities; –High over-exploitation of ground water resources; –Deterioration of water quality; –Low conjunctivity of ground, surface and rainwater; –Few alternative options for water resources (desalinization; use of treated waste water. –High environmental negative impact on ecosystems and human development of not dealing well with environmental flows and conjunctive use of all water resources.

11 In a context of strong economic development, population growth and increasing demand for (quality) water; there is:  Critical need for approaches, tools and policies to propose long-term solutions for management and monitoring of groundwater and other water resources. This Dialogue will be put in the larger perspective of IWRM but focus on groundwater and its conjunctive use and management with other water resources (surface water, rainwater, use of waste water, desalinization of saline water). Ground water Sub-Network/Dialogue

12 Focus Developing tools and approaches for planning and management (stakeholder dialogue, participatory planning, ground water toolkits, system tools). Developing instruments for economic analysis that take into account environmental and social dimensions of environmental flows and their impact on ecosystems and human development. Interaction with similar initiatives in other regions where ground water management and conjunctive use are critical issues (a.o. through the IUCN Global Water Programme: IUCN Water and Nature Initiative (WANI). Recommendations for policy reform that builds on above approaches and instruments. Ground water Sub-Network/Dialogue

13 IUCN WESCANA Regional Water Programme Demonstration projects in the region Initiated: Egypt, Jordan, Palestine and Yemen + Lebanon Potential: Iran, Saudi Arabia and Morocco (dependent on additional funding) IUCN WAME REWARD

14 IUCN ROWA Regional Water Programme The programme builds on the EMPOWERS experience gained in the last years in the Middle East with : Participatory Water Planning Cycle (PWPC) Stakeholder Dialogue and Concerted Action (SDCA)

15 SDCA = vertical + horizontal stakeholder dialogue, planning and action National Level Intermediate level (governorate/district) Village Level NGO Steering committee Government, universities, civil society Governorate level teams Local government, line ministries, NGOs Village water committee(s) Women, agricultural, domestic,CBOs… Facilitation teams Facilitation Documentation Technical support Capacity building

16 Participatory Water Planning Cycle Steps and Activities Visioning: Initial visioning and problem identification Assessing: Targeted data collection and analysis; creation of a shared information base Strategizing: Scenario building and development of strategies to meet the vision under different scenarios Planning: Detailed planning based on most likely scenarios and related strategies Implementing: Execution of plans and (pilot) projects Reflecting: analysis of monitoring and process documentation to inform further planning cycles

17 Water resource assessments Awareness raising Gather information Quality control Analysis Visioning Awareness raising Identify problems Develop future vision Develop initial scenarios Social analysis Stakeholder analysis

18 Planning Finalise plans Select activities Identify actors and roles Analyse costs and impacts Strategizing Awareness raising Finalise vision & scenarios Develop broad strategies Test strategies and vision Select primary scenario Develop detailed strategies Stakeholder analysis

19 Thank you


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