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Veterinary Basic Sciences

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1 Veterinary Basic Sciences
A Career in Academia Dr Charlotte Lawson Cardiovascular Group Veterinary Basic Sciences

2 What is research? 1 : Careful or diligent search 2 : Studious inquiry or examination; especially : investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts, revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts, or practical application of such new or revised theories or laws 3 : The collecting of information about a particular subject

3 What Interests Me? Subject areas Working environment
Immunology, molecular biology, cardiovascular biology, human cardiovascular disease and prevention, veterinary diseases, basic cell biology Working environment Variety, creativity, independence, improvisation, practical work, responsibility, passing on knowledge, people, travel, team work, management, writing

4 My Career Path… School Undergraduate degree PhD
A levels: biology, chemistry, physics Undergraduate degree Animal Science (Wye College, University of London) 3rd year project: molecular analysis of wheat ATPases (!) PhD Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology (CXWMS, UofL) “Molecular analysis of shedding of human p75 TNF-R” Post-doc Harefield Hospital (Imperial College), Transplant immunology group Fellowship British Heart Foundation Intermediate Fellowship (Harefield Hospital) Royal Veterinary College, London Lecturer in VBS (Lifestyle (Cardiovascular) research group)

5 What do I do in my day? Design and carry out/oversee experiments
Analyse and discuss data Write papers Present papers at meetings Write grants Teaching Committees and admin () Still have fun ()

6 Career options on graduation
? PhD Postdoc Research Fellowship/Lectureship Why choose this route? like research; the “buzz” teaching? Emphasise that skills acquired during time in research useful for all of above careers

7 Or… Work as a technician/research assistant, part time PhD
Work in a clinical lab (trainee Biomed scientist, trainee clinical scientist) Accreditation then part time PhD Senior clinical scientist/biomedical scientist

8 What is a PhD?

9 What is a PhD?

10 What is a PhD? Training in independent research
A variety of techniques Scientific publications Presentations locally and internationally A THESIS! Many generic and transferable skills Time management, team working, organisation, presentation, assertiveness Freedom to develop own academic interests

11 Criteria of success Scientific publications (impact factors, citation indexes…!) Research grants (money) charity, industry, research councils Scientific reputation invited talks, editorial boards…

12 £ Not money…… PhD – about 14-15K (age 21-25) Post Doc 25-30K
Lecturer 25K – 40K (age 30-40) Senior Lecturer/reader 40K – 50K (age 35-50) Professor 50 – 70K (age 40-…) No company car/perks, but ok pension and reasonably secure (and you don’t need a big wardrobe budget!)

13 “Normal” Career path First Degree (MSc) PhD Post doc position x1 or x2
Research fellow Lectureship (tenure) Senior lecturer/senior research fellow Reader Professor

14 Benefits Academic freedom! Creativity! Long term goals and targets
Self motivation, self driven Varied activity – hands on, teaching undergrad and postgrad Writing Travel Sabbatical leave Few constraints Kudos (editorial boards, invited speakers, review panels) Deadlines!

15 Summary Many different ways of entering research
Great way of combining basic science & clinical work Don’t need to be a clinician Fun, exciting, innovative, variable, travel, independence, team work

16 So… If you are the sort of person who has moments Doesn’t mind
Is not too motivated by £ Likes to be creative Enjoys and and

17 A career in academia could be for you!
Then… A career in academia could be for you!

18 Thank you for listening!

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