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1 Community Participation in Agro- Culture Tourism Development, Tapon, Klung, Chanthaburi Dr. Preeyanan Sitijinda Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Rambai.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Community Participation in Agro- Culture Tourism Development, Tapon, Klung, Chanthaburi Dr. Preeyanan Sitijinda Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Rambai."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Community Participation in Agro- Culture Tourism Development, Tapon, Klung, Chanthaburi Dr. Preeyanan Sitijinda Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Rambai Barni Rajabhat University Dr. Preeyanan Sitijinda Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Rambai Barni Rajabhat University

2 2 Introduction Tapon community, which has an attractive identity differ from other community in Chantaburi, especially the legend and history were more than 100 years ago, such as a tug-of-war (chak-ga-yer- kwean), an old Buddhist church, pagoda, a clue of Buddha foot step appears on the cloth, and a big sand pagoda. A big sand pagoda can be described the elected as a memorial during King Rama V traveled to Tapon. Tapon community, which has an attractive identity differ from other community in Chantaburi, especially the legend and history were more than 100 years ago, such as a tug-of-war (chak-ga-yer- kwean), an old Buddhist church, pagoda, a clue of Buddha foot step appears on the cloth, and a big sand pagoda. A big sand pagoda can be described the elected as a memorial during King Rama V traveled to Tapon.

3 3 According to Tapon community and Researcher have been developing community-based tourism as a tool for culture and natural resources conservation and the alternative of Thailand tourism. Nevertheless, the researcher and the participants believe that community-based tourism should be the effectiveness of strengthening community. According to Tapon community and Researcher have been developing community-based tourism as a tool for culture and natural resources conservation and the alternative of Thailand tourism. Nevertheless, the researcher and the participants believe that community-based tourism should be the effectiveness of strengthening community.

4 4 The factors of Tapon’s area interested as following: Its located on the high way from Bangkok to Trad which have many tourists travel pass and near the others tourist attractions such as Preaw water fall and Leamsing beach. Tapon is a agricultural community, there are organic orchards which have good management. The people have been alert with the activities for example investigate of local history, the light and sound of legend show and the people used to be a local researcher about finding the form of bio- agricultural production. Its located on the high way from Bangkok to Trad which have many tourists travel pass and near the others tourist attractions such as Preaw water fall and Leamsing beach. Tapon is a agricultural community, there are organic orchards which have good management. The people have been alert with the activities for example investigate of local history, the light and sound of legend show and the people used to be a local researcher about finding the form of bio- agricultural production.

5 5 Purpose of this Study To study by participation with the local community in terms of the real situation, community context, community resources such as natural resources, agricultural resources, culture, local wisdom which are affect to tourism sustainable management. To build up the community participation in order to develop the people potential and resources for the Agro-Culture Tourism of the community management. To find out the suitable management of community tourism. To use Agro-Culture Tourism as a condition for build up a learning process of the people to manage recourses, wisdom and culture through empowerment the community. To study by participation with the local community in terms of the real situation, community context, community resources such as natural resources, agricultural resources, culture, local wisdom which are affect to tourism sustainable management. To build up the community participation in order to develop the people potential and resources for the Agro-Culture Tourism of the community management. To find out the suitable management of community tourism. To use Agro-Culture Tourism as a condition for build up a learning process of the people to manage recourses, wisdom and culture through empowerment the community.

6 6 Concept of Community-Based Tourism (CBT) Community-based Tourism means the alternative tourism which the locals can set the direction based on the suitable management of resources such as nature, tradition, history, life style and the way of production which their are the owners and stakeholders. Furthermore, locals development should be happened to cope the decision, planning, implementation, conclusion through sustainable development which transform to next generation and benefit to the community.

7 7 Concept of Agro-Cultural Tourism Agro-Cultural Tourism is the joint launching of activities for essentially local agricultural production, cultural motivations, which they suggest includes study tours, performing arts, cultural tours, travel to festivals, visits to historic sites and monuments, folklore and pilgrimages. Cultural tourism covers the consumption not just of “the cultural products of the past” but also of contemporary culture or the “way of life” of a people or region. Agro-Cultural Tourism is the joint launching of activities for essentially local agricultural production, cultural motivations, which they suggest includes study tours, performing arts, cultural tours, travel to festivals, visits to historic sites and monuments, folklore and pilgrimages. Cultural tourism covers the consumption not just of “the cultural products of the past” but also of contemporary culture or the “way of life” of a people or region.

8 8 Participatory Action Research (PAR) PAR is research which involves all relevant parties in actively examining together current action (which they experience as problematic) in order to change and improve it. It is action which is researched, changed and re-researched, within the research process by participants. PAR is research which involves all relevant parties in actively examining together current action (which they experience as problematic) in order to change and improve it. It is action which is researched, changed and re-researched, within the research process by participants.

9 9 The concept of empowerment and learning community empowerment is considered as an approach to participatory development whereby the powerless are facilitated as equal participants in a learning process by which their capacity and consciousness can be developed so that their decisions are equally counted and their desired change can be achieved. In the process aspect, empowerment is facilitative in its implementation. It is an act of building, developing, and increasing power, increasing abilities to manage better, to have a say in, or to negotiate with existing development delivery systems through cooperation, sharing, and working together. Thus it is an interactive process based on a synergistic process, a "win-win" phenomenon. empowerment is considered as an approach to participatory development whereby the powerless are facilitated as equal participants in a learning process by which their capacity and consciousness can be developed so that their decisions are equally counted and their desired change can be achieved. In the process aspect, empowerment is facilitative in its implementation. It is an act of building, developing, and increasing power, increasing abilities to manage better, to have a say in, or to negotiate with existing development delivery systems through cooperation, sharing, and working together. Thus it is an interactive process based on a synergistic process, a "win-win" phenomenon.

10 10 3. participation planning 4. participation data gathering 5. build the participation from the other partners 2. study resources/ potential which concern tourism the needs and aspects of the people 6. create the program and management of tourism Agro-Cultural Tourism Development at Tapon 7. evaluation and improvement Conceptual Framework

11 participation planning Participation setting Participation evaluation and improvement Agro-Culture Tourism Development at Tapon Conceptual Framework Participation implementation

12 12 Methodology Community entry (the first meeting of research team -local researcher). Arrange learning forum to make understanding with the locals and survey on existing potential and resources in the community and asked the needs of them. Arrange learning forum for co-reviewing the community’s past and present as well as determine vision of tourism of the community. Moreover, set the research team. Arrange learning forum for analyzed the resources of the community and planning to gather the data. Monthly meeting with the research team. Data collection all the resources of the community. Field trip at the best practice area. Community entry (the first meeting of research team -local researcher). Arrange learning forum to make understanding with the locals and survey on existing potential and resources in the community and asked the needs of them. Arrange learning forum for co-reviewing the community’s past and present as well as determine vision of tourism of the community. Moreover, set the research team. Arrange learning forum for analyzed the resources of the community and planning to gather the data. Monthly meeting with the research team. Data collection all the resources of the community. Field trip at the best practice area.

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14 14 Arrange learning forum to give feedback the data obtained from the community and find out the program of tourism. Training on community guide. Action implementation follow the program. Arrange learning forum in order to summarize and evaluate the whole picture of the project and change that will be happened in the community. Arrange learning forum to give feedback the data obtained from the community and find out the program of tourism. Training on community guide. Action implementation follow the program. Arrange learning forum in order to summarize and evaluate the whole picture of the project and change that will be happened in the community.

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16 16 Findings and Conclusion 1.Tapon community has a rich historical, social, cultural environment as shown by the diversity of its people, its rich natural resources, noble way of living and unique beliefs and tradition. Agricultural is the basic economy in the area with the people relying on orchard farming as their main source of income. 2. The form of Agro-Culture Tourism has began based on the context and the needs of community. 3. The community had consciousness of the resources and learning to manage its by themselves based on the local wisdom. 4. There were data-base of community e.g. context, alteration, resources, local wisdom and tradition- culture. 1.Tapon community has a rich historical, social, cultural environment as shown by the diversity of its people, its rich natural resources, noble way of living and unique beliefs and tradition. Agricultural is the basic economy in the area with the people relying on orchard farming as their main source of income. 2. The form of Agro-Culture Tourism has began based on the context and the needs of community. 3. The community had consciousness of the resources and learning to manage its by themselves based on the local wisdom. 4. There were data-base of community e.g. context, alteration, resources, local wisdom and tradition- culture.

17 17 5. Cooperation from other groups of the people to develop tourism in community e.g. local government, temple, school and the villagers hence, there was the unification of tourism of Tapon. 6. The participatory process can be affected the community’s subconciousness in order that the strengthening community. They can understand and analyze the problem solving from the situation, they confront. They were empowered by themselves and created the program and management of tourism. 7. Tapon community should be a network of community-based tourism by Thailand Research Fund (TRF). 8. Rambai Barni Rajabhat University (RBRU) can expand the learning area like community classroom. 5. Cooperation from other groups of the people to develop tourism in community e.g. local government, temple, school and the villagers hence, there was the unification of tourism of Tapon. 6. The participatory process can be affected the community’s subconciousness in order that the strengthening community. They can understand and analyze the problem solving from the situation, they confront. They were empowered by themselves and created the program and management of tourism. 7. Tapon community should be a network of community-based tourism by Thailand Research Fund (TRF). 8. Rambai Barni Rajabhat University (RBRU) can expand the learning area like community classroom.

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19 19 Program Activities ‘Tapon’ “Beyond the happiness”

20 20 Recommendation It is recommended here that the local government officials should learn to solve the local people’s problems. They should learn deeply about the people participation process, the reason why local people do not support each other. According to the government’s decentralization policy, it should be understood that the participatory process can be used to build empowerment or community strength so that they can manage their own problems. It is recommended here that the local government officials should learn to solve the local people’s problems. They should learn deeply about the people participation process, the reason why local people do not support each other. According to the government’s decentralization policy, it should be understood that the participatory process can be used to build empowerment or community strength so that they can manage their own problems.

21 21 On the other hand, the tourist officers should understand the principle how to work or develop the tourism resources by using community guide. It is neither only home-stay training nor only a field trip approach.

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