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Bi-Directional Amplifiers

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Presentation on theme: "Bi-Directional Amplifiers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bi-Directional Amplifiers

2 Why Do I need a BDA? When cell phone and two-way radio coverage is impaired inside structures, tunnels and other obstructed areas. Safety reasons, it is important to have radio, paging or cellular coverage inside a building that has spotty or no coverage.

3 BDA’s The Problem-Solver
Allow cell phone and two-way radio users to operate handsets within a building or weak coverage area while maintaining clarity and quality

4 What does a BDA system consist of?
One or more Amplifiers located inside the building An internal and external antenna network.

5 How does it work? The external antenna, usually located on the roof of the building needing coverage, receives the signal coming from the radio site, and brings it into the amplifier. This antenna also radiates a signal back to the radio site thus the term, bi-directional. The internal antenna network, radiates a signal into the building in all needed locations, and receives the signal from the radio being used in the building, back to the amplifier.

6 In-building wireless products:
Bi-directional amplifiers In-line amplifiers Yagi antennas Omnidirectional antennas Power dividers and combiners

7 Typical Coverage Problems
Shopping Malls Office Buildings Government Offices Jails Parking garages Apartment buildings Stadiums

8 Coverage Study Metropolitan Communications will perform a coverage study, and drawings will be provided to the customer on what areas will require BDA’s and what the guaranteed coverage will be.

9 Our Systems Versatile – supports all technologies: Analog CDMA TDMA

10 Our Process Our experienced team provides highly competitive wireless communication solutions through the application of innovative and proven advanced technologies to support client goals. There are six essential products and services provided by our companies

11 Technology We provide the “best of breed” technologies, as they become commercially available, including high quality equipment from major suppliers including Motorola, Nextel, EF Johnson, Kenwood, Zetron

12 System Design Perform on-site needs analysis; determine customer requirements and appropriate solutions. Translate requirements into a clearly defined list of materials and services to be provided.

13 System Implementation
Contract to provide all necessary materials and labor to implement a completely operational system.

14 After Market Maintenance
Provide full service maintenance for complex systems on contract or on demand. Our companies maintain a full time staff of personnel and fully equipped service vehicles to guarantee prompt response in the service area on a twenty-four hour, seven-day basis.

15 Proof of Performance Testing
Our companies will provide personnel, electronic measuring equipment, vehicles and other necessary professional services to perform system operational tests. This includes measuring all specified parameters, operational evaluation and formal certification.

16 Regulatory Our companies will arrange for numerous regulatory authorizations necessary to implement and commission an operating system. We retain a full service regulatory focused legal firm in Washington, DC to handle FCC matters.

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