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Published byMartha Potter Modified over 9 years ago
600.465 - Intro to NLP - J. Eisner1 Structured Prediction with Perceptrons and CRFs Time flies like an arrow N PP NP VPD N VP S Time flies like an arrow N VP NP NVD N S Time flies like an arrow V PP NP NPD N VP S Time flies like an arrow V NP VVD N V V S S … ?
600.465 - Intro to NLP - J. Eisner2 Structured Prediction with Perceptrons and CRFs But now, model structures! Back to conditional log-linear modeling …
600.465 - Intro to NLP - J. Eisner3
Reply today to claim your … goodmailspam Wanna get pizza tonight? goodmailspam Thx; consider enlarging the … goodmailspam Enlarge your hidden … goodmailspam
600.465 - Intro to NLP - J. Eisner6 … S NP VP NP[+wh] V S/V/NP VP NP PP P S N VP Det N S
600.465 - Intro to NLP - J. Eisner7 … … S NP VP NP[+wh] V S/V/NP VP NP PP P S N VP Det N S … NP NP VP NP CP/NP VP NP NP PP NP N VP Det N NP
600.465 - Intro to NLP - J. Eisner8 Time flies like an arrow …
600.465 - Intro to NLP - J. Eisner9 Time flies like an arrow …
Structured prediction The general problem Given some input x Occasionally empty, e.g., no input needed for a generative n- gram or model of strings (randsent) Consider a set of candidate outputs y Classifications for x(small number: often just 2) Taggings of x (exponentially many) Parses of x (exponential, even infinite) Translations of x (exponential, even infinite) …… Want to find the “best” y, given x 600.465 - Intro to NLP - J. Eisner10
11 Remember Weighted CKY … (find the minimum-weight parse) time 1 flies 2 like 3 an 4 arrow 5 0NP3 Vst3 NP10 S8 NP24 S22 1 NP4 VP4 NP18 S21 VP18 2 P2V5P2V5 PP12 VP16 3 Det1NP10 4 N8N8 1 S NP VP 6 S Vst NP 2 S S PP 1 VP V NP 2 VP VP PP 1 NP Det N 2 NP NP PP 3 NP NP NP 0 PP P NP
12 We used weighted CKY to implement probabilistic CKY for PCFGs time 1 flies 2 like 3 an 4 arrow 5 0NP3 Vst3 NP10 S8 NP24 S22 1 NP4 VP4 NP18 S21 VP18 2 P2V5P2V5 PP12 VP16 3 Det1NP10 4 N8N8 1 S NP VP 6 S Vst NP 2 S S PP 1 VP V NP 2 VP VP PP 1 NP Det N 2 NP NP PP 3 NP NP NP 0 PP P NP 2 -8 2 -12 2 -2 multiply to get 2 -22 But is weighted CKY good for anything else??
13 Can set weights to log probs S NP time VP flies PP P like NP Det an N arrow w( | S ) = w( S NP VP ) + w( NP time ) + w( VP VP NP ) + w( VP flies ) + … Just let w( X Y Z ) = -log p( X Y Z | X ) Then lightest tree has highest prob But is weighted CKY good for anything else?? Do the weights have to be probabilities?
600.465 - Intro to NLP - J. Eisner14 Probability is Useful We love probability distributions! We’ve learned how to define & use p(…) functions. Pick best output text T from a set of candidates speech recognition (HW2); machine translation; OCR; spell correction... maximize p 1 (T) for some appropriate distribution p 1 Pick best annotation T for a fixed input I text categorization; parsing; part-of-speech tagging … maximize p(T | I); equivalently maximize joint probability p(I,T) often define p(I,T) by noisy channel: p(I,T) = p(T) * p(I | T) speech recognition & other tasks above are cases of this too: we’re maximizing an appropriate p 1 (T) defined by p(T | I) Pick best probability distribution (a meta-problem!) really, pick best parameters : train HMM, PCFG, n-grams, clusters … maximum likelihood; smoothing; EM if unsupervised (incomplete data) Bayesian smoothing: max p( |data) = max p( , data) =p( )p(data| ) summary of half of the course (statistics)
600.465 - Intro to NLP - J. Eisner15 Probability is Flexible We love probability distributions! We’ve learned how to define & use p(…) functions. We want p(…) to define probability of linguistic objects Trees of (non)terminals (PCFGs; CKY, Earley, pruning, inside-outside) Sequences of words, tags, morphemes, phonemes (n-grams, FSAs, FSTs; regex compilation, best-paths, forward-backward, collocations) Vectors (decis.lists, Gaussians, naïve Bayes; Yarowsky, clustering/k-NN) We’ve also seen some not-so-probabilistic stuff Syntactic features, semantics, morph., Gold. Could be stochasticized? Methods can be quantitative & data-driven but not fully probabilistic: transf.-based learning, bottom-up clustering, LSA, competitive linking But probabilities have wormed their way into most things p(…) has to capture our intuitions about the ling. data summary of other half of the course (linguistics)
600.465 - Intro to NLP - J. Eisner16 An Alternative Tradition Old AI hacking technique: Possible parses (or whatever) have scores. Pick the one with the best score. How do you define the score? Completely ad hoc! Throw anything you want into the stew Add a bonus for this, a penalty for that, etc. “Learns” over time – as you adjust bonuses and penalties by hand to improve performance. Total kludge, but totally flexible too … Can throw in any intuitions you might have
Given some input x Consider a set of candidate outputs y Define a scoring function score(x,y) Linear function: A sum of feature weights (you pick the features!) Choose y that maximizes score(x,y) Scoring by Linear Models 600.465 - Intro to NLP - J. Eisner17 Ranges over all features, e.g., k=5 (numbered features) or k=“see Det Noun” (named features) Whether (x,y) has feature k(0 or 1) Or how many times it fires( 0) Or how strongly it fires(real #) Weight of feature k (learned or set by hand)
Given some input x Consider a set of candidate outputs y Define a scoring function score(x,y) Linear function: A sum of feature weights (you pick the features!) Choose y that maximizes score(x,y) Linear model notation 600.465 - Intro to NLP - J. Eisner18 (learned or set by hand)
Choose y that maximizes score(x,y) But how? Easy when only a few candidates y (text classification, WSD, …) : just try each one in turn! Harder for structured prediction: but you now know how! Find the best string, path, or tree … That’s what Viterbi-style or Dijkstra-style algorithms are for. That is, use dynamic programming to find the score of the best y. Then follow backpointers to recover the y that achieves that score. Finding the best y given x 600.465 - Intro to NLP - J. Eisner19
time 1 flies 2 like 3 an 4 arrow 5 0 NP3 Vst3 NP10 S8 S13 NP24 S22 S27 NP24 S27 S22 S27 1 NP4 VP4 NP18 S21 VP18 2 P2V5P2V5 PP12 VP16 3 Det1NP10 4 N8N8 1 S NP VP 6 S Vst NP 2 S S PP 1 VP V NP 2 VP VP PP 1 NP Det N 2 NP NP PP 3 NP NP NP 0 PP P NP Given sentence x You know how to find max-score parse y (or min-cost parse) Provided that the score of a parse = total score of its rules Time flies like an arrow N PP NP VPD N VP S
Given word sequence x You know how to find max-score tag sequence y Provided that the score of a tagged sentence = total score of its emissions and transitions These don’t have to be log-probabilities! Emission scores assess tag-word compatibility Transition scores assess goodness of tag bigrams Bill directed a cortege of autos through the dunes …? Prep Adj Verb Verb Noun Verb PN Adj Det Noun Prep Noun Prep Det Noun
Given upper string x You know how to find max-score path that accepts x (or min-cost path) Provided that the score of a path = total score of its arcs Then choose lower string y from that best path (So in effect, score(x,y) is score of best path that transduces x to y) Q: How do you make sure that the path accepts aaaaaba? A: Compose with a straight-line automaton, then find best path.
“Provided that the score of a parse = total score of its rules” “Provided that the score of a tagged sentence = total score of its transitions and emissions” “Provided that the score of a path = total score of its arcs” How does this fit with what linear models can do? When can you efficiently choose best y? 600.465 - Intro to NLP - J. Eisner23 e.g, θ 3 = score of VP VP PP θ 8 = score of V flies f 3 (x,y) = # times VP VP PP appears in y f 8 (x,y) = # times V flies appears in (x,y)
So it’s fine to have one feature for each rule, transition, emission, arc, … E.g., VP VP PP or V flies The feature counts the # of occurrences of that substructure in (x,y) But is that all? Or can we allow other features and remain efficient? Features that count configurations smaller than a rule (or arc)? Backoff feature V… V… P… ? Backoff feature foo foo PP (asks whether PP is “adjoined” to some foo)? Sure. These just add to the overall score of a rule like VP VP PP that we then use in the parsing algorithm. When can you efficiently choose best y? 600.465 - Intro to NLP - J. Eisner24
So it’s fine to have one feature for each rule, transition, emission, arc, … E.g., VP VP PP or V flies The feature counts the # of occurrences of that substructure in (x,y) But is that all? Or can we allow other features and remain efficient? Features that count configurations bigger than a rule (or arc)? E.g., “NP him” is a good rule when the NP is immediately to right of a V Would have to change algorithm Or, enrich CFG nonterminals with attributes (or split states of FSM) NP[subject] him vs. NP[object] him Now the information about the configuration can be seen locally within one rule When can you efficiently choose best y? 600.465 - Intro to NLP - J. Eisner25
So it’s fine to have one feature for each rule, transition, emission, arc, … E.g., VP VP PP or V flies The feature counts the # of occurrences of that substructure in (x,y) But is that all? Or can we allow other features and remain efficient? Features that count configurations bigger than a rule (or arc)? Reasonably easy case: “Does the tree have even depth along left spine?” Harder case: “Do left and right children have the same # of words?” Extra-hard case: “Is the # of NPs in the parse a prime number?” When can you efficiently choose best y? 600.465 - Intro to NLP - J. Eisner26
So it’s fine to have one feature for each rule, transition, emission, arc, … E.g., VP VP PP or V flies The feature counts the # of occurrences of that substructure in (x,y) But is that all? Or can we allow other features and remain efficient? Features that count configurations bigger than a rule (or arc)? Surprisingly easy case: Features that look at a rule in y together with any properties of x! When can you efficiently choose best y? 600.465 - Intro to NLP - J. Eisner27
Choose y that maximizes score(x,y) But how? Easy when only a few candidates y (text classification, WSD, etc.) : just try each one in turn! Harder for structured prediction: but you now know how! At least for linear scoring functions with certain kinds of features. Generalizing beyond this is an active area! Approximate inference in graphical models, integer linear programming, weighted MAX-SAT, etc. … see 600.325/425 Declarative Methods Linear model notation 600.465 - Intro to NLP - J. Eisner28
Finding the best y given x Given some input x Consider a set of candidate outputs y Define a scoring function score(x,y) We’re talking about linear functions: A sum of feature weights Choose y that maximizes score(x,y) Easy when only two candidates y (spam classification, binary WSD, etc.) : just try both! Hard for structured prediction: but you now know how! At least for linear scoring functions with certain kinds of features. Generalizing beyond this is an active area! Approximate inference in graphical models, integer linear programming, weighted MAX-SAT, etc. … see 600.325/425 Declarative Methods 600.465 - Intro to NLP - J. Eisner29
600.465 - Intro to NLP - J. Eisner30 An Alternative Tradition Old AI hacking technique: Possible parses (or whatever) have scores. Pick the one with the best score. How do you define the score? Completely ad hoc! Throw anything you want into the stew Add a bonus for this, a penalty for that, etc. “Learns” over time – as you adjust bonuses and penalties by hand to improve performance. Total kludge, but totally flexible too … Can throw in any intuitions you might have Exposé at 9 Probabilistic Revolution Not Really a Revolution, Critics Say Log-probabilities no more than scores in disguise “We’re just adding stuff up like the old corrupt regime did,” admits spokesperson really so alternative?
600.465 - Intro to NLP - J. Eisner31 Nuthin’ but adding weights n-grams: … + log p(w7 | w5, w6) + log p(w8 | w6, w7) + … PCFG: log p(NP VP | S) + log p(Papa | NP) + log p(VP PP | VP) … HMM tagging: … + log p(t7 | t5, t6) + log p(w7 | t7) + … Noisy channel: [ log p(source) ] + [ log p(data | source) ] Cascade of composed FSTs: [ log p(A) ] + [ log p(B | A) ] + [ log p(C | B) ] + … Naïve Bayes: log p(Class) + log p(feature1 | Class) + log p(feature2 | Class) … Note: Today we’ll use +logprob not –logprob: i.e., bigger weights are better.
600.465 - Intro to NLP - J. Eisner32 Nuthin’ but adding weights n-grams: … + log p(w7 | w5, w6) + log p(w8 | w6, w7) + … PCFG: log p(NP VP | S) + log p(Papa | NP) + log p(VP PP | VP) … Can describe any linguistic object as collection of “features” (here, a tree’s “features” are all of its component rules) (different meaning of “features” from singular/plural/etc.) Weight of the object = total weight of features Our weights have always been conditional log-probs ( 0) but what if we changed that? HMM tagging: … + log p(t7 | t5, t6) + log p(w7 | t7) + … Noisy channel: [ log p(source) ] + [ log p(data | source) ] Cascade of FSTs: [ log p(A) ] + [ log p(B | A) ] + [ log p(C | B) ] + … Naïve Bayes: log(Class) + log(feature1 | Class) + log(feature2 | Class) + …
Change log p(this | that) to (this; that) 600.465 - Intro to NLP - J. Eisner33 What if our weights were arbitrary real numbers? n-grams: … + log p(w7 | w5, w6) + log p(w8 | w6, w7) + … PCFG: log p(NP VP | S) + log p(Papa | NP) + log p(VP PP | VP) … HMM tagging: … + log p(t7 | t5, t6) + log p(w7 | t7) + … Noisy channel: [ log p(source) ] + [ log p(data | source) ] Cascade of FSTs: [ log p(A) ] + [ log p(B | A) ] + [ log p(C | B) ] + … Naïve Bayes: log p(Class) + log p(feature1 | Class) + log p(feature2 | Class) …
Change log p(this | that) to (this ; that) 600.465 - Intro to NLP - J. Eisner34 What if our weights were arbitrary real numbers? n-grams: … + (w7 ; w5, w6) + (w8 ; w6, w7) + … PCFG: (NP VP ; S) + (Papa ; NP) + (VP PP ; VP) … HMM tagging: … + (t7 ; t5, t6) + (w7 ; t7) + … Noisy channel: [ (source) ] + [ (data ; source) ] Cascade of FSTs: [ (A) ] + [ (B ; A) ] + [ (C ; B) ] + … Naïve Bayes: (Class) + (feature1 ; Class) + (feature2 ; Class) … In practice, is a hash table Maps from feature name (a string or object) to feature weight (a float) e.g., (NP VP ; S) = weight of the S NP VP rule, say -0.1 or +1.3
Change log p(this | that) to (this ; that) (that & this) [prettier name] 600.465 - Intro to NLP - J. Eisner35 What if our weights were arbitrary real numbers? n-grams: … + (w5 w6 w7) + (w6 w7 w8) + … PCFG: (S NP VP) + (NP Papa) + (VP VP PP) … HMM tagging: … + (t5 t6 t7) + (t7 w7) + … Noisy channel: [ (source) ] + [ (source, data) ] Cascade of FSTs: [ (A) ] + [ (A, B) ] + [ (B, C) ] + … Naïve Bayes: (Class) + (Class, feature 1) + (Class, feature2) … In practice, is a hash table Maps from feature name (a string or object) to feature weight (a float) e.g., (S NP VP) = weight of the S NP VP rule, say -0.1 or +1.3 WCFG (multi-class) logistic regression
Change log p(this | that) to (that & this) 600.465 - Intro to NLP - J. Eisner36 What if our weights were arbitrary real numbers? n-grams: … + (w5 w6 w7) + (w6 w7 w8) + … Best string is the one whose trigrams have the highest total weight PCFG: (S NP VP) + (NP Papa) + (VP VP PP) … Best parse is one whose rules have highest total weight (use CKY/Earley) HMM tagging: … + (t5 t6 t7) + (t7 w7) + … Best tagging has highest total weight of all transitions and emissions Noisy channel: [ (source) ] + [ (source, data) ] To guess source: max (weight of source + weight of source-data match) Naïve Bayes: (Class) + (Class, feature 1) + (Class, feature 2) … Best class maximizes prior weight + weight of compatibility with features WCFG (multi-class) logistic regression
time 1 flies 2 like 3 an 4 arrow 5 0 NP3 Vst3 NP10 S8 S13 NP24 S22 S27 NP24 S27 S22 S27 1 NP4 VP4 NP18 S21 VP18 2 P2V5P2V5 PP12 VP16 3 Det1NP10 4 N8N8 1 S NP VP 6 S Vst NP 2 S S PP 1 VP V NP 2 VP VP PP 1 NP Det N 2 NP NP PP 3 NP NP NP 0 PP P NP Given sentence x You know how to find max-score parse y (or min-cost parse) Provided that the score of a parse = a sum over its indiv. rules Each rule score can add up several features of that rule But a feature can’t look at 2 rules at once (how to solve?) fund TO NP to TO NP projectsSBAR S that... SBAR...
Given upper string x You know how to find lower string y such that score(x,y) is highest Provided that score(x,y) is a sum of arc scores along the best path that transduces x to y Each arc score can add up several features of that arc But a feature can’t look at 2 arcs at once (how to solve?)
Given some input x Consider a set of candidate outputs y Define a scoring function score(x,y) Linear function: A sum of feature weights (you pick the features!) Choose y that maximizes score(x,y) Linear model notation 600.465 - Intro to NLP - J. Eisner39 Ranges over all features, e.g., k=5 (numbered features) or k=“see Det Noun” (named features) Whether (x,y) has feature k(0 or 1) Or how many times it fires( 0) Or how strongly it fires(real #) Weight of feature k To be learned …
Given some input x Consider a set of candidate outputs y Define a scoring function score(x,y) Linear function: A sum of feature weights (you pick the features!) Choose y that maximizes score(x,y) Linear model notation 600.465 - Intro to NLP - J. Eisner40 To be learned …
600.465 - Intro to NLP - J. Eisner41 Probabilists Rally Behind Paradigm “.2,.4,.6,.8! We’re not gonna take your bait!” 1.Can estimate our parameters automatically e.g., log p(t7 | t5, t6) (trigram tag probability) from supervised or unsupervised data 2.Our results are more meaningful Can use probabilities to place bets, quantify risk e.g., how sure are we that this is the correct parse? 3.Our results can be meaningfully combined modularity! Multiply indep. conditional probs – normalized, unlike scores p(English text) * p(English phonemes | English text) * p(Jap. phonemes | English phonemes) * p(Jap. text | Jap. phonemes) p(semantics) * p(syntax | semantics) * p(morphology | syntax) * p(phonology | morphology) * p(sounds | phonology) 83% of ^
600.465 - Intro to NLP - J. Eisner42 Probabilists Regret Being Bound by Principle Problem with our course’s “principled” approach: All we’ve had is the chain rule + backoff. But this forced us to make some tough “either-or” decisions. p(t7 | t5, t6): do we want to back off to t6 or t5? p(S NP VP | S) with features: do we want to back off first from number or gender features first? p(spam | message text): which words of the message do we back off from?? p(Paul Revere wins | weather’s clear, ground is dry, jockey getting over sprain, Epitaph also in race, Epitaph was recently bought by Gonzalez, race is on May 17, … )
News Flash! Hope arrives … So far: Chain rule + backoff = directed graphical model = Bayesian network or Bayes net = locally normalized model We do have a good trick to help with this: Conditional log-linear model [look back at smoothing lecture] Solves problems on previous slide! Computationally a bit harder to train Have to compute Z(x) for each condition x
Gradient-based training Gradually try to adjust in a direction that will improve the function we’re trying to maximize So compute that function’s partial derivatives with respect to the feature weights in : the gradient. Here’s how the key part works out: General function maximization algorithms include gradient ascent, L-BFGS, simulated annealing … E as in EM …These feature expectations are just what forward-backward computes! Inside-outside too!
600.465 - Intro to NLP - J. Eisner45 Why Bother? Gives us probs, not just scores. Can use ’em to bet, or combine w/ other probs. We can now learn weights from data!
So far: Chain rule + backoff = directed graphical model = Bayesian network or Bayes net = locally normalized model Also consider: Markov Random Field = undirected graphical model = log-linear model (globally normalized) = exponential model = maximum entropy model = Gibbs distribution News Flash! More hope …
600.465 - Intro to NLP - J. Eisner47 Maximum Entropy Suppose there are 10 classes, A through J. I don’t give you any other information. Question: Given message m: what is your guess for p(C | m)? Suppose I tell you that 55% of all messages are in class A. Question: Now what is your guess for p(C | m)? Suppose I also tell you that 10% of all messages contain Buy and 80% of these are in class A or C. Question: Now what is your guess for p(C | m), if m contains Buy ? OUCH!
600.465 - Intro to NLP - J. Eisner48 Maximum Entropy ABCDEFGHIJ Buy.051.0025.029.0025 Other.499.0446 Column A sums to 0.55 (“55% of all messages are in class A”)
600.465 - Intro to NLP - J. Eisner49 Maximum Entropy ABCDEFGHIJ Buy.051.0025.029.0025 Other.499.0446 Column A sums to 0.55 Row Buy sums to 0.1 (“10% of all messages contain Buy ”)
600.465 - Intro to NLP - J. Eisner50 Maximum Entropy ABCDEFGHIJ Buy.051.0025.029.0025 Other.499.0446 Column A sums to 0.55 Row Buy sums to 0.1 ( Buy, A) and ( Buy, C) cells sum to 0.08 (“80% of the 10%”) Given these constraints, fill in cells “as equally as possible”: maximize the entropy (related to cross-entropy, perplexity) Entropy = -.051 log.051 -.0025 log.0025 -.029 log.029 - … Largest if probabilities are evenly distributed
600.465 - Intro to NLP - J. Eisner51 Maximum Entropy ABCDEFGHIJ Buy.051.0025.029.0025 Other.499.0446 Column A sums to 0.55 Row Buy sums to 0.1 ( Buy, A) and ( Buy, C) cells sum to 0.08 (“80% of the 10%”) Given these constraints, fill in cells “as equally as possible”: maximize the entropy Now p( Buy, C) =.029 and p(C | Buy ) =.29 We got a compromise: p(C | Buy ) < p(A | Buy ) <.55
600.465 - Intro to NLP - J. Eisner52 Generalizing to More Features ABCDEFGH… Buy.051.0025.029.0025 Other.499.0446 <$100 Other
600.465 - Intro to NLP - J. Eisner53 What we just did For each feature (“contains Buy”), see what fraction of training data has it Many distributions p(c,m) would predict these fractions (including the unsmoothed one where all mass goes to feature combos we’ve actually seen) Of these, pick distribution that has max entropy Amazing Theorem: This distribution has the form p(m,c) = (1/Z( )) exp i i f i (m,c) So it is log-linear. In fact it is the same log-linear distribution that maximizes j p(m j, c j ) as before! Gives another motivation for our log-linear approach.
600.465 - Intro to NLP - J. Eisner54 Overfitting If we have too many features, we can choose weights to model the training data perfectly. If we have a feature that only appears in spam training, not ling training, it will get weight to maximize p(spam | feature) at 1. These behaviors overfit the training data. Will probably do poorly on test data.
600.465 - Intro to NLP - J. Eisner55 Solutions to Overfitting 1.Throw out rare features. Require every feature to occur > 4 times, and to occur at least once with each output class. 2.Only keep 1000 features. Add one at a time, always greedily picking the one that most improves performance on held-out data. 3.Smooth the observed feature counts. 4.Smooth the weights by using a prior. max p( |data) = max p(, data) =p( )p(data| ) decree p( ) to be high when most weights close to 0
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