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VIRTUAL monitoring What is Virtual Monitoring EXAMPLES:  STAR SYSTEM – Vehicles Cell Phones – I phones or Smart Phones used as a security system detector.

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2 VIRTUAL monitoring

3 What is Virtual Monitoring EXAMPLES:  STAR SYSTEM – Vehicles Cell Phones – I phones or Smart Phones used as a security system detector for vehicles  Viper Car Alarm System – Remote views vehicle Interactive White Boards – Records presentations or trainings  Laptops, Desktops, I-Pads, etc. - Home Security, Video Conferencing, Webinars, On-Line Chats 2

4 What Purpose does Virtual Monitoring Serve Government Performance Results Act of 1993 For strategic planning and performance measurement To cut waste and inefficiency To improve program efficiency and effectiveness The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 requires the state education agency to ensure that programs and activities are implemented as stipulated in the law. The Guam Department of Education is responsible for adopting and using proper methods of administering each program included in the No Child Left Behind Act. Section 80.40 of EDGAR (Education Department General Administrative Rules) requires grantees to monitor their sub-grantees to ensure compliance with applicable federal requirements and that performance goals are being achieved. Virtual On-Site Monitoring is a way of identifying and correcting problems in program policies and operations. 3

5 Federal Grant Monitoring Plan Monitoring Plan and Design Goal: To facilitate the comprehensive and integrated use of educational technology into instruction and curricula to improve teaching and student achievement. 4

6  Timeline  Topics of Discussion  Video Technology  Request for Materials  Visit Planner  Agenda  Specific Dates  The Visit  Programs to be Monitored  Site Visit Report  Participants  Outlying Area’s Response  Letter to the Commissioner  Final Site Visit Report 5

7 Audio Conference 6 Example Date: Thursday, June 7, 2012 at 8 a.m. (ChST) Topic: Successful strategies in establishing effective communication and implementing meaningful private school consultation Conversation with school division and private school personnel To access: CALL IN NUMBER; enter conference code xxxxxx when prompted.

8 Virtual Monitoring What to Expect US-Ed Lead Team contacts SEA counter-part to begin scheduling process, but formal invitation sent to the Commissioner and he/she designates a coordinator for SEA (Federal Programs Division). 1 and ½ Day meeting with Fiscal, Federal Program Office, Program Office Staff and others as appropriate and the Title V-A LEA representative (dependant on what program will have a site visit). Follow-up Report. 7

9 Virtual Monitoring Site Visit Topics Covered Overall Federal Grant Fiscal Management Overall Management of Grants Processes Requirements and Experiences with Each Grant Program. 8

10 School Division:State Program Officer: Date of Review:LEA Program Coordinator: PNP Staff: 9 I.Program GoalsRequirement Being Met? DocumentationSchool Division Response (Actions taken or to be taken, if areas of concern, including a timeline for completion) A.To assist every student in crossing the digital divide by ensuring that every student is technologically literate by the time the student finishes the eighth grade, regardless of the student's race, ethnicity, gender, family income, geographic location, or disability. Guiding Questions: 1. Has the school division developed a method of assessing student technology literacy? 2. Does the school division have information on the technology literacy level of its students? A.To improve student academic achievement through the use of technology in elementary schools and secondary schools. Yes or No

11 USDOE Focus Partnership – working with the State to ensure: – Compliance – Grants Management – Accountability – Fiscal Control 10

12 GET READY for your Virtual On-Site Monitoring with USDOE COMING SOON TO A SCHOOL DISTRICT NEAR YOU 11

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