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Universidade do Legislativo Brasileiro Heitor Gurgulino de Souza Ex-Academic Vice-Rector.

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Presentation on theme: "Universidade do Legislativo Brasileiro Heitor Gurgulino de Souza Ex-Academic Vice-Rector."— Presentation transcript:

1 Universidade do Legislativo Brasileiro Heitor Gurgulino de Souza Ex-Academic Vice-Rector

2 2 Creation of UNILEGIS Resolution nº 01, 14/january/2001 “UNILEGIS is an integral part of the structure of the Federal Senate and has as specific objectives the promotion and maintenance of institutions and activities to improve the legislative process and to study, at the highest level, strategic matters related to the development of our country”

3 3 Objectives of UNILEGIS Act nº 09 of the Directive Commission - 16.4.2002 Art. 4-UNILEGIS has as specific objectives the generation, development, transmission and aplication of knowledge through teaching, research and extension activities, in all areas related to the legislative domain and specially, in relation to the organization and legislative procedures, with a view to:

4 4 Objectives of UNILEGIS To train, specialize and continually develop human resources working at the three levels of the Legislative Power, through the offering of undergraduate, graduate, extension and sequential courses, at different levels, in presential form and through distance education;

5 5 Institutions Covered House of Represen- tatives State Assemblies 27 Municipal Councils 5.561 53.400 Parlamentarians 450.000 Employees Accounts Tribunals Federal Senate

6 6 Course Completed Specialization in Legislative Law  Presential 360 hours – 82 graduates  Graduation Cerimony: May/2004  Certificate: Federal University MS  Final product: scientific article  Journal of Legislative Information (Special Issue)

7 7 Distance Education At Program Interlegis At the Brazilian Legislative Institute - ILB

8 8

9 9 CDI Mission To promote the social inclusion of low-income communities by using Information and Communication Technologies as tools for building and exercising Citizen’s Rights.

10 10 – Self-management – Pedagogical Proposal – Self-sustainability – Control CDI

11 11 International Presence

12 12 CDI in numbers 19961998200020022004 Schools1154208702962 Educators221084161.4041.924 Volunteers20572508421.154 Computers703151.0403.5104.810

13 13 2004 Funding

14 14 CDI Network in Latin America Visually Impaired State Prison -RJ CDI Chile Guarani Indians CDI Argentina

15 15 Light Map

16 16 For more information, contact CDI: Tel: +55 (21) 3235-9450

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