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POVERTY AND ECONOMIC RIGHTS IN BRAZIL 4/12/2010. NOTE from last week  Brazil and citizen consultative committees tried unsuccessfully at the national.

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Presentation on theme: "POVERTY AND ECONOMIC RIGHTS IN BRAZIL 4/12/2010. NOTE from last week  Brazil and citizen consultative committees tried unsuccessfully at the national."— Presentation transcript:


2 NOTE from last week  Brazil and citizen consultative committees tried unsuccessfully at the national level  Contentious selection process  No decision-making power  Ch á vez and democracy  Free and fair elections  Progressive representation: represents the majority which had been ignored or oppressed by the previous democratic system

3 What is Development? Ensuring individual well-being in order to achieve the full flourishing of the human species.  Growth  Poverty Reduction  Improving Living Conditions  Capacity Building  Good Governance

4 Issues in Development  Is economic growth the focus of or merely the means to development?  Sustainability: How can development balance human well-being and natural resources  Should the level of inequality be considered an indicator of development?  What is the appropriate role of foreign countries in ensuring development? For international organizations?  What is the appropriate role of the private sector in ensuring development?

5 Strategies for Reducing Poverty Program Options  Welfare and Social Insurance  Local Social Funds  Subsidies  Land Reform and Title Regularization  Conditional Cash Transfers Evaluation: targeted? minimizes discretion?

6 Poverty and Development in Brazil Economic Growth Economic growth as a policy goal of the Lula administration  Liberal economic orientation  Economic stability as primary focus  Reduced social spending  Debt payment

7 Poverty and Development in Brazil Poverty Reduction Programs of Note  Bolsa Familiar, conditional cash transfer  Land reform  Title regularization


9 Poverty and Development in Brazil Improving Living Conditions  Health and Education  Health and education as conditionalities  Shelter: linked to land and title reform  Expansion of water and sanitation services  In rural areas through the extension of infrastructure  In urban areas through the provision of services in slum areas

10 Poverty and Development in Brazil Capacity Building and Governance Corruption remains a major concern  2005 corruption scandal and its impact on Lula and the Workers Party (PT) Freedom: Relatively free conditions Racism against blacks remains particularly strong  Affirmative action Nearly half the population is of Afro-Brazilian descent but only 14% of university graduates are; blacks and pardos are more than twice as likely to be illiterate  Blacks and pardos earn on average half of what whites do. Security  High levels of violent crime  Police violence remains a problem

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