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Substance Abuse in the Workplace. Ice Breaker There are approximately 140 million people in the workforce/looking for work in the US (DOL 2010). How many.

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Presentation on theme: "Substance Abuse in the Workplace. Ice Breaker There are approximately 140 million people in the workforce/looking for work in the US (DOL 2010). How many."— Presentation transcript:

1 Substance Abuse in the Workplace

2 Ice Breaker There are approximately 140 million people in the workforce/looking for work in the US (DOL 2010). How many active alcoholics are on the payrolls of American Businesses? Over 6 million

3 Agenda Objectives Scope and cost of the problem Requirements of the law and our policy Your role in dealing with substance abuse Confidentiality and documentation Detecting substance abuse on the job Taking effective action Quiz

4 Session Objectives You will be able to: Identify the harmful effects of substance abuse in the workplace Our policy and the law Recognize signs of an abuse problem Take effective steps to assist employees in getting help, while protecting other workers and the organization

5 Expectations

6 The Scope of the Problem Substance abuse is a serious workplace issue 10 percent of workers have a problem (drugs and/or alcohol) Most substance abusers are employed Anyone can be a substance abuser


8 Background

9 Addiction Addiction is a chronic, often relapsing brain disease that causes compulsive drug/alcohol seeking and use despite harmful consequences to the addicted individual and to those around him or her.

10 Concurrent Disorders Research shows that about half of those with addictions have underlying co ‐ occurring mental disorders such as:  Bipolar Disorder  Anxiety Disorder  Borderline Personality Disorder  Depression

11 Seeking Help Surveys show that four out of five individuals will not seek help for an addiction issue. What are some reasons people don’t ask for help?  The negative stigma of addiction  Fear of getting fired  Limited treatment options available  An inability to miss 30, 60, or 90 days of work while being treated.  Mental models  Appearing weak

12 The Cost of Substance Abuse What are some of the costs of Substance abuse?

13 The Cost of Substance Abuse (cont.) More than $50 billion annually Reduced productivity Time away from work Abusers have more accidents 40 percent of industrial fatalities are linked to substance abuse 47 percent of all occupational accidents can be attributed to substance abuse Substance abuse also leads to theft and crime in the workplace Destruction of relationships

14 Drug-Free Workplace Act For Federal Contractors or Grantees Written policy Awareness program Reporting requirements Disciplinary action Rehabilitation

15 OSHA Duty to provide employees with a workplace “free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm” Substance abuse is such a hazard

16 Our Policy Prohibits the possession, use, or sale of drugs or alcohol on company premises Forbids working under the influence Imposes discipline on those who refuse to cooperate Help may be available

17 Other Policies Our EAP provides assistance for employees who want help for an abuse problem Depending on the situation the Family Medical Leave Act may apply  Each case needs to be evaluated individually. Leave of absences may be considered

18 You Play a Key Role Promote awareness of the problem Communicate company policy about substance abuse in the workplace Monitor employee performance Refer abusers to professionals for assistance Administer appropriate discipline

19 Confidentiality Employee privacy requirements Need to know Beneficial effects of confidentiality

20 Documentation Documenting performance Recording on-the-job incidents Recognizing patterns of behavior Increasing the possibility of early intervention Keeping a record of supporting actions and recommendations


22 Detecting substance abuse

23 Open Mind Detecting problems isn’t always easy Remember to keep an open mind as many symptoms can be caused by medical disorders and/or legally prescribed medication

24 Detecting Substance Abuse Performance monitoring is the key to detection Abuse often is not obvious Abusers try to hide their problem Co-workers may be reluctant to speak up Family and friends may be involved in secrecy and denial

25 Types of Substance Abuse What are the two types of substance abuse?

26 Alcohol Abuse Social drinking Symptomatic drinking Addictive drinking: the final stage

27 Early Warning Signs Work performance Frequent tardiness Excessive use of sick days Sudden decisions to use vacation time Involvement in accidents, near misses, and errors Heavy use of breath sweeteners

28 Early Warning Signs (cont.) Fatigue Weight loss Facial changes Mental slowdown

29 Impairment in Functioning Low tolerance for frustration Impulsiveness “Know it all” attitude Anxiety Oversensitivity

30 Impairment in Functioning (cont.) Isolation Defiance Mood swings Rationalization Dependency

31 Drug Abuse Profile of a drug abuser Forms of drug abuse Safety concerns Productivity and quality concerns

32 Early Warning Signs Changes in performance Excessive tardiness and absenteeism Increased number of accidents or near misses Changes in appearance Attitudinal and behavioral extremes

33 Early Warning Signs (cont.) Mood swings False confidence Mental slowdown Secrecy

34 Common Drugs Marijuana Cocaine Heroin Amphetamines (a.k.a. “speed” or “uppers”) Prescription drugs

35 Be prepared to act

36 General Guidelines Never ignore a problem Contact HR Talk to the employee privately Focus on behavior and work performance Don’t attack or make accusations Give the employee an opportunity to respond

37 General Guidelines Alert the employee to programs within and outside the organization that can help Emphasize that employee must meet established standards Warn about possible discipline Monitor performance and behavior Send for drug testing at local lab if you suspect they are under the influence

38 Suspected Impairment If you have reasonable suspicion an employee is under the influence:  Notify HR  Ask another manager to speak with the employee to see if they notice any symptoms  Document fact-based symptoms  Speak with the employee  Give them a chance to respond  Send the employee for an immediate test at the local lab  Escort the employee to lab  Policy says within 24 hours

39 Refuses to Test If the employee refuses to test:  Let the employee know if they refuse to test, their employment will be terminated.  Call a cab to take employee home

40 Flees from Workplace If the employee leaves in their own vehicle, and you suspect they are under the influence:  Get the make, model, and plate number of their vehicle if you can do so safely  Call the non-emergency policy line to report it  Can call 911 if needed Remember: this is about employee and community safety.

41 How to handle a crisis

42 How to Handle a Crisis Signs of a crisis Safety first Call in your manager or another supervisor  Notify HR as soon as possible Remain calm and in control Quietly remove the employee Call a cab, escort, or police if necessary  Destination may be to the lab, home, or hospital May need to contact the employee’s emergency contact person

43 How to Handle a Crisis (cont.) Reassure the employee their safety is the priority and we will contact them later concerning the incident Document the incident as soon as possible Follow-up with HR

44 Practice

45 Roll-Play Divide in to pairs  One is a supervisor, one is a suspected substance abuser  Roll-play a situation Switch roles Give each other feedback

46 Key points

47 Key Points to Remember Substance abuse threatens the safety and security of our company and employees Never ignore suspected abuse Take immediate action under our policy to get abusers the help they need and to protect your other workers and the organization Stay connected to your team – There is no substitute for knowing your people

48 quiz

49 Review Expectations

50 Feedback

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