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Mr. Fossum 2011-2012 PIB Math. I Don’t Know You Fossum-Possum From Middle School Why I teach (hint, it is not the money) I don’t know you either –Name,

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Fossum 2011-2012 PIB Math. I Don’t Know You Fossum-Possum From Middle School Why I teach (hint, it is not the money) I don’t know you either –Name,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Fossum 2011-2012 PIB Math

2 I Don’t Know You Fossum-Possum From Middle School Why I teach (hint, it is not the money) I don’t know you either –Name, Middle School, Favorite Movie or TV Show Student Information Sheets – Online Option

3 What does the picture make you think? How would this relate to teacher student dynamic?

4 Expectations Come Prepared –Binder –Pencils/Paper –Calculator TI30XIIS –Graph paper and color pencils –Good or great or better than average attitude Behavior –Not tolerated Tiger First – IB Second

5 # 1 PET PEEVE “I Don’t Get It”

6 Expectations Seating Chart Group Work Expectations –Accountable Talk No Bathroom ON TIME –Tardy Policy (3) Dr. Scott’s Expectations –I am an adult

7 Math Anxiety Are you afraid of Math? Math and the IB program

8 TAKE OUT A SHEET OF PAPER Be Ready to Write Down the 10 elements of an IB learner.

9 © International Baccalaureate Organization 2007 Page 9 Programmes : What is the Learner Profile? It’s the IB mission statement translated into a set of learning outcomes for the 21 st century. The attributes of the learner profile express the values inherent to the IB continuum of international education: these are values that should infuse all elements of the three programmes and, therefore, the culture and ethos of all IB World Schools. IB programmes promote the education of the whole person, emphasizing intellectual, personal, emotional and social growth through all domains of knowledge. IB learners strive to be: Inquirers Knowledgeable Thinkers Communicators Principled Open-minded Caring Risk-takers Balanced Reflective

10 © International Baccalaureate Organization 2007 Countries with IB World Schools There are 3,000 IB Schools Worldwide in 136 countries. 56% of these schools are public. In the US, there are more than 1,000 IB World Schools, 92% of which are public.

11 © International Baccalaureate Organization 2007 Values: What are the values that drive the IB organization? Page 11

12 Coord Algebra Standards No excuse of you are not good at math – duh we gotta do it Class Format –Bell to Bell Learning –High Expectations –Here to Help ACC vs non ACC math

13 Alegebra- Cont EOCT is 20 % of Final Grade IB Math is not multiple choice Structure –Tests 45% –Daily/Homework 5% –Quizzes/Tasks 30% Don’t rely on the three points ACADEMIC HONESTY – IB Forms

14 Common District Assessments They count as a test grade (45%) –They will not be curved –They will not be dropped –They will not be ignored –Guess who helped write them? –All multiple choice

15 Calculators TI-30XIIs When it’s wrong, it’s wrong!!!

16 Homework Call or email if you are having difficulty before it is due, not on arrival. The three things method IE What is the square root of negative 25?

17 Homework When you come in everyday, you have the homework, or fill out the homework excuse before the bell rings.

18 When the Bell Rings You must be in your desk and ready (homework out, pencil sharpened ready to go). If you are not ready, I will assign detention.

19 The No’s No headphones (outside of class) –Don’t let me skip headphone policy! No hats No food and drink NO CELL PHONES No Bathroom No excuses No means no

20 TEXT UPDATE 1 st Period (678) 269-6809 @1stpib

21 TEXT UPDATE 2nd Period (678) 269-6809 @2ndpib

22 TEXT UPDATE 3rd Period (678) 269-6809 @3rdpib

23 TEXT UPDATE 5thPeriod (678) 269-6809 @5thpib

24 TEXT UPDATE 6 th Period (678) 269-6809 @6thpib

25 TEXT UPDATE 8thPeriod (678) 269-6809 @8thpib

26 HOMEWORK TONIGHT Form filled out online or on paper by parents. Parents email me your name and class period.

27 Your Questions

28 Summarize 3 Things you like about math. 3 Things you don’t like about math 3 Things you are still fearful of! 3 Important Rules # 1 Pet Peeve Non visual representation of IB Learner Profile

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