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Objective: To examine slave family life and methods of resistance.

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1 Objective: To examine slave family life and methods of resistance.

2 Image taken from Harper’s Weekly, July 4, 1863 Life Without Freedom

3 · Slaves often worked up to 16 hours per day and were whipped often. Life Without Freedom Images taken from Harper’s Weekly, July 4, 1863 Smithsonian Photography Initiative

4 Images taken from Harper’s Weekly, July 4, 1863 Life Without Freedom

5 · Strong family relationships were formed through extended families. · Owners could separate families by selling husbands, wives, and their children to different buyers. Five generations of a family born into slavery on a South Carolina plantation.

6 Resisting Slavery · Many slaves tried to escape to the North. Few were successful. · In 1831, an African-American preacher named Nat Turner led a revolt in Virginia, killing 57 whites.

7 · Turner was caught and hanged. His revolt, however, increased Southerner’s fears of slave revolts.

8 American Colonization Society (1817) – wanted to end slavery by setting up a colony in West Africa for freed slaves.

9 · In 1822, the nation of Liberia was formed and several thousand African- Americans settled there.

10 · Most African- Americans wanted to stay in the U.S., which was their homeland. Trustee R.M. McGill 1846


12 Liberian flag



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