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RPMS - EHR v1.1 Techie Class Really Powerful at Measuring Stuff.

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Presentation on theme: "RPMS - EHR v1.1 Techie Class Really Powerful at Measuring Stuff."— Presentation transcript:

1 RPMS - EHR v1.1 Techie Class Really Powerful at Measuring Stuff

2 RPMS-EHR Technical Overview Version 1.1 May 2008

3 RPMS - EHR v1.1 Techie Class Really Powerful at Measuring Stuff Session Seven

4 Component Configuration BEH Components

5 RPMS-EHR Technical Overview BEH Components Configuration: Phil Taylor RN, Clinical Consultant Presenters – May 19-22, 2008

6 Component Configuration Functional overview Properties Security keys Parameters Special setup needs General Considerations

7 Component Configuration Context Components

8 BEHPatientID Provides ability to view the currently selected patient and interact with the patient context object. –Filename:BEHPatientID.ocx –Category: Function \ Patient Information Placement \ Toolbar –Serializable Properties: AUTOSIZE= BOOL BORDERSTYLE= ENUM COLOR= COLOR –Initialization: MINHEIGHT= 50 MINWIDTH= 200 –Required Files:BEHPatientID.chm –Multiple Instances Allowed: Yes –Uses: CSS_PATIENT.PATIENT –Configuration Parameters: None

9 BEHPatientID - continued

10 Additional notes

11 BEHPtDetail Provides ability to retrieve demographic information for selected patient. –Filename:BEHPtDetail.ocx –Category: Function \ Patient Information Placement \ Toolbar –Serializable Properties: CAPTION= TEXT COLOR= COLOR –Initialization: TITLE= Detail for $( RPCNAME= BEHOPTCX PTINQ –Multiple Instances Allowed: Yes –Configuration Parameters: None

12 BEHPrimaryCare Provides ability to view the primary care provider associated with the selected patient. −Filename:BEHPrimaryCare.ocx –Category: Function \ Patient Information Placement \ Toolbar –Serializable Properties: AUTOSIZE= BOOL BORDERSTYLE= ENUM COLOR= COLOR –Initialization: MINHEIGHT= 50 MINWIDTH= 200 –Multiple Instances Allowed: Yes –Configuration Parameters: None

13 BEHEncounterInfo Provides the ability to either select an existing appointment/visit or to create a new visit. –Filename:BEHEncounterInfo.ocx –Category: Function \ Patient Information Placement \ Toolbar –Serializable Properties: AUTOSIZE= BOOL BORDERSTYLE= ENUM COLOR= COLOR –Initialization: MINHEIGHT= 50 MINWIDTH= 200 –Multiple Instances Allowed: Yes –Uses:CSS_ENCOUNTER.ENCOUNTER –Configuration Parameters: None

14 BEHEncounter Info Visit creation is deferred by default Selecting New Visit will always put visit creator as the primary provider Automatically checks for similar visits before creating a new one Inpatients should automatically default to the correct visit

15 Component Configuration Cover Sheet Components

16 Cover Sheet

17 BEHAlerts Displays Kernel Alerts for selected patient on the cover sheet. –Filename:BEHAlerts.ocx –Category: Function \ Patient Information \ Cover Sheet Placement \ Tabs –Serializable Properties: ALLOWPRINT= BOOL AUTOSIZE= BOOL BORDERSTYLE= ENUM CAPTION= TEXT CAPTIONCOLOR1= COLOR CAPTIONCOLOR2= COLOR CAPTIONSTYLE= ENUM COLOR= COLOR DEFERUPDATE= BOOL DETAILPANE= BOOL ORIENTATION= ENUM LAYOUT= HIDDEN –Multiple Instances Allowed: Yes –Configuration Parameters: None

18 BEHAllergies Displays patient allergy information. –Filename:BEHAllergies.ocx –Category: Function \ Patient Information \ Cover Sheet Placement \ Tabs –Serializable Properties: ALLOWPRINT AUTOSIZE= BOOL BORDERSTYLE= ENUM CAPTION= TEXT CAPTIONCOLOR1= COLOR CAPTIONCOLOR2= COLOR CAPTIONSTYLE= ENUM COLOR= COLOR DEFERUPDATE= BOOL DETAILPANE= BOOL ORIENTATION= ENUM LAYOUT= HIDDEN –Required Files:BEHAllergies.chm –Multiple Instances Allowed: Yes –Configuration Parameters: None

19 BEHCrises Provides the ability to display a patient’s crises alerts. –Filename:BEHCrises.ocx –Category: Function \ Patient Information \ Cover Sheet Placement \ Tabs –Serializable Properties: ALLOWPRINT= BOOL AUTOSIZE= BOOL BORDERSTYLE= ENUM CAPTION= TEXT CAPTIONCOLOR1= COLOR CAPTIONCOLOR2= COLOR CAPTIONSTYLE= ENUM COLOR= COLOR DEFERUPDATE= BOOL DETAILPANE= BOOL ORIENTATION= ENUM LAYOUT= HIDDEN –Required Files:BEHCrises.chm –Multiple Instances Allowed: Yes –Configuration Parameters: None

20 BEHLabOrders Provides ability to view recent laboratory orders on the cover sheet. –Filename:BEHLabOrders.ocx –Category: Function \ Patient Information \ Cover Sheet Placement \ Tabs –Serializable Properties: ALLOWPRINT= BOOL AUTOSIZE= BOOL BORDERSTYLE= ENUM CAPTION= TEXT CAPTIONCOLOR1= COLOR CAPTIONCOLOR2= COLOR CAPTIONSTYLE= ENUM COLOR= COLOR DEFERUPDATE= BOOL DETAILPANE= BOOL ORIENTATION= ENUM LAYOUT= HIDDEN –Required Files:BEHLabOrders.chm –Multiple Instances Allowed: Yes –Configuration Parameters: BEHOLRCV DATE RANGE

21 BEHMedList Provides ability to view patient medications on the cover sheet. –Filename:BEHMedList.ocx –Category: Function \ Patient Information \ Cover Sheet Placement \ Tabs –Serializable Properties: ALLOWPRINT = BOOL AUTOSIZE= BOOL BORDERSTYLE= ENUM CAPTION= TEXT CAPTIONCOLOR1= COLOR CAPTIONCOLOR2= COLOR CAPTIONSTYLE= ENUM COLOR= COLOR DEFERUPDATE= BOOL DETAILPANE= BOOL ORIENTATION= ENUM LAYOUT= HIDDEN –Required Files:BEHMedList.chm –Multiple Instances Allowed: Yes –Configuration Parameters: None

22 BEHProblemList Provides ability to view the patient’s problem list on the cover sheet. –Filename:BEHProblemList.ocx –Category: Function \ Patient Information \ Cover Sheet Placement \ Tabs –Serializable Properties: ALLOWPRINT= BOOL CAPTION= TEXT CAPTIONCOLOR1= COLOR CAPTIONCOLOR2= COLOR CAPTIONSTYLE= ENUM DEFERUPDATE= BOOL DETAILPANE= BOOL ORIENTATION= ENUM LAYOUT= HIDDEN –Required Files:BEHProblemList.chm –Multiple Instances Allowed: Yes –Configuration Parameters: None

23 BEHVitals Provides ability to view and enter vital measurements. –Filename:BEHVitals.ocx & BEHVitalEntry.dll –Category: Function \ Patient Information \ Cover Sheet Placement \ Tabs –Serializable Properties: ALLOWPRINT= BOOL AUTOSIZE= BOOL BORDERSTYLE= ENUM CAPTION= TEXT CAPTIONCOLOR1= COLOR CAPTIONCOLOR2= COLOR CAPTIONSTYLE= ENUM COLOR= COLOR DEFERUPDATE= BOOL DETAILPANE= BOOL ORIENTATION= ENUM LAYOUT= HIDDEN –Required Files:BEHVitals.chm –Multiple Instances Allowed: Yes –Configuration Parameters: BEHOVM DATA ENTRY, BEHOVM VITAL LIST, BEHOVM TEMPLATE, BEHOVM USE VMSR

24 BEHVisits Provides ability to view appointments and visits. –Filename:BEHVisits.ocx –Category: Function \ Patient Information \ Cover Sheet Placement \ Tabs –Serializable Properties: ALLOWPRINT= BOOL AUTOSIZE= BOOL BORDERSTYLE= ENUM CAPTION= TEXT CAPTIONCOLOR1= COLOR CAPTIONCOLOR2= COLOR CAPTIONSTYLE= ENUM COLOR= COLOR DEFERUPDATE= BOOL DETAILPANE= BOOL ORIENTATION= ENUM LAYOUT= HIDDEN –Required Files:BEHVisits.chm –Multiple Instances Allowed: Yes –Configuration Parameters: None

25 Component Configuration More Components

26 BEHNotifications Provides ability to view and act on OE/RR Notifications sent as Kernel Alerts. –Filename:BEHNotifications.ocx –Category: Function \ Decision Support Placement \ Tabs –Serializable Properties: AUTOSIZE= BOOL BORDERSTYLE= ENUM CAPTION= TEXT CAPTIONCOLOR1= COLOR CAPTIONCOLOR2= COLOR CAPTIONSTYLE= ENUM COLOR= COLOR LEGEND= ENUM –Initialization: ALERTTHRESHOLD= @BEHOXQ ALERT THRESHOLD SHOWALL= @BEHOXQ SHOW ALL –Required Files:BEHONotifications.chm –Multiple Instances Allowed: No –Configuration Parameters: BEHOXQ ALERT THRESHOLD, BEHOXQ SORT BY, BEHOXQ SHOW ALL, BEHOXQPC REQUIRES E&M CODE

27 BEHNotifications - continued

28 BEHNotes Provides ability to create TIU notes and templates. –Filename: BEHNotes.ocx –Category: Function \ Notes Placement \ Tabs –Serializable Properties: AUTOSIZE= BOOL BORDERSTYLE= ENUM CAPTION= TEXT CAPTION= TEXTCOLOR1 CAPTION= TEXTCOLOR2 CAPTION= TEXTSTYLE COLOR= COLOR –Required Files: BEHNotes.chm –Multiple Instances Allowed: No –Uses: BEHESIGSERVICE –Configuration Parameters: None

29 BEHOrders Provides the CPRS Order entry. –Filename:BEHOrders.ocx –Category: Function \ Patient Information Placement \ Tabs –Serializable Properties: AUTOSIZE= BOOL BORDERSTYLE= ENUM CAPTION= TEXT CAPTIONCOLOR1= COLOR CAPTIONCOLOR2= COLOR CAPTIONSTYLE= ENUM COLOR= COLOR –Required Files: BEHOrders.chm –Multiple Instances Allowed: No –Uses:BEHESIGSERVICE.ESIGSERVICE –Configuration Parameters: None

30 BEHMeds Displays existing medications and allows several actions to be performed on them. –Filename:BEHMeds.ocx –Category: Placement \ Tabs –Serializable Properties: AUTOSIZE= BOOL BORDERSTYLE= ENUM CAPTION= TEXT CAPTIONCOLOR1= COLOR CAPTIONCOLOR2= COLOR CAPTIONSTYLE= ENUM COLOR= COLOR –Required Files:BEHMeds.chm –Multiple Instances Allowed: No –Uses:BEHESIGSERVICE.ESIGSERVICE –Configuration Parameters: BEHORX COLLATION ORDER, BEHORX DAYS ACTIVE

31 BEHLab Provides ability to view laboratory information. –Filename:BEHLAB.OCX –Category: Function \ Patient Information Placement \ Tabs –Serializable Properties: AUTOSIZE= BOOL BORDERSTYLE= ENUM CAPTION= TEXT CAPTIONCOLOR1= COLOR CAPTIONCOLOR2= COLOR CAPTIONSTYLE= ENUM COLOR= COLOR –Required Files:BEHLab.chm –Multiple Instances Allowed: Yes –Uses:CSS_PATIENT.PATIENT, BEHREMOTEVIEWS.REMOTESITES –Configuration Parameters: None

32 BEHDCSumm Provides the view of the Discharge Summary. –Filename:BEHDCSumm.ocx –Category: Functions \ Notes Placement \ Tabs –Serializable Properties: AUTOSIZE= BOOL BORDERSTYLE= ENUM CAPTION= TEXT CAPTIONCOLOR1= COLOR CAPTIONCOLOR2= COLOR CAPTIONSTYLE= ENUM COLOR= COLOR –Required Files: BEHDCSumm.chm –Multiple Instances Allowed: No –Uses: BEHESIGSERVICE.ESIGSERVICE –Configuration Parameters: None

33 BEHReports Provides ability to view numerous Health Summary and ancillary package reports. –Filename:BEHReports.ocx –Category: Function \ Patient Information Placement \ Tabs –Serializable Properties: AUTOSIZE= BOOL BORDERSTYLE= ENUM CAPTION= TEXT CAPTIONCOLOR1= COLOR CAPTIONCOLOR2= COLOR CAPTIONSTYLE= ENUM COLOR= COLOR –Required Files:BEHReports.chm –Multiple Instances Allowed: No –Uses:BEHREMOTEVIEWS.REMOTESITES –Configuration Parameters: None

34 BEHReports with Health Summary List

35 BEHConsults Provides ability to view and place consult requests. –Filename:BEHConsults.ocx –Category: Function \ Patient Information Placement \ Tabs –Serializable Properties: AUTOSIZE= BOOL BORDERSTYLE= ENUM CAPTION= TEXT CAPTIONCOLOR1= COLOR CAPTIONCOLOR2= COLOR CAPTIONSTYLE= ENUM COLOR= COLOR –Required Files: BEHConsults.chm –Multiple Instances Allowed: No –Uses: BEHESIGSERVICE.ESIGSERVICE –Configuration Parameters: None

36 Component Configuration More Components

37 BEHConsultOrders Provides the view of Consult Order History. –Filename:BEHConsultOrders.ocx –Category: Function \ Patient Information \ Cover Sheet Placement \ Tabs –Serializable Properties: ALLOWPRINT= BOOL AUTOSIZE= BOOL BORDERSTYLE= ENUM CAPTION= TEXT CAPTIONCOLOR1= COLOR CAPTIONCOLOR2= COLOR CAPTIONSTYLE= ENUM COLOR= COLOR DEFERUPDATE= BOOL DETAILPANE= BOOL ORIENTATION= ENUM LAYOUT= HIDDEN –Initialization: HELPFILE= BEHCover.chm –Multiple Instances Allowed: Yes –Configuration Parameters: None

38 BEHCWAD Provides the ability to display a patient’s crises, warnings, allergies and directives. –Filename:BEHCWAD.ocx –Category: Function \ Patient Information Placement \ Toolbar –Serializable Properties: COLOR= COLOR –Multiple Instances Allowed: Yes –Configuration Parameters: None

39 BEHDictate Provides the ability to enter Dictate Notes. –Filename:BEHDictate.ocx –Category: Function \ Notes Placement \ Toolbar –Serializable Properties: CAPTION= TEXT COLOR= COLOR –Initialization: XMLFILE= C:\DICTAPHONE\STUDY.XML HL7FILEMASK= C:\DICTAPHONE\%s.TXT –Multiple Instances Allowed: No –Configuration Parameters: BEHODC DIALOG TEXT, BEHODC PROBLEM FOLDER, BEHODC MAXIMUM LINES, BEHODC DICTATION NOTE TITLES, BEHODC ARCHIVE FOLDER, BEHODC SOURCE FOLDER

40 BEHESigReview Provides the Integrated Signature Tool. –Filename:BEHESigReview.ocx –Category: Function \ Tools Placement \ Tabs –Serializable Properties: CAPTION= TEXT COLOR= COLOR –Multiple Instances Allowed: No –Uses:BEHESIGSERVICE.ESIGSERVICE –Configuration Parameters: None

41 BEHESigReview - continued Providers can unclick any item they don’t wish to sign The list that appears may depend on the parameter setup for OR UNSIGNED ORDERS ON EXIT Orders not signed will not be released to the service.

42 BEHHSReport Provides the view of Health Summary Reports. –Filename:BEHHSReport.ocx –Serializable Properties: GLYPH= IMAGE CAPTION= TEXT LAYOUT= ENUM ASYNCHRONOUS= BOOL ENCOUNTERREQUIRED= BOOL REFRESHOPTION= ENUM REPORT= TEXT TITLE= TEXT –Multiple Instances Allowed: Yes –Configuration Parameters: None

43 BEHPharmED Provides the view of Medication Counseling. –Filename:BEHPharmED.ocx –Category: Function \ Patient Information Placement \ Toolbar –Multiple Instances Allowed: No –Configuration Parameters: BEHORXED COMPREHENSION DEFAULT, BEHORXED COUNSEL TIME DEFAULT, BEHORXED DEF HOSP LOCATION, BEHORXED DEFAULT POV, BEHORXED EDUCATION TOPICS LIST, BEHORXED POV LIST, BEHORXED DISCLAIMER TEXT, BEHORXED POV NARR TEXT

44 BEHProblems Provides the view of problems. –Filename:BEHProblems.ocx –Category: Function \ Patient Information Placement \ Tabs –Serializable Properties: AUTOSIZE= BOOL BORDERSTYLE= ENUM CAPTION= TEXT CAPTIONCOLOR1= COLOR CAPTIONCOLOR2= COLOR CAPTIONSTYLE= ENUM COLOR= COLOR –Required Files: BEHProblems.chm –Multiple Instances Allowed: No –Configuration Parameters: None

45 BEHQOWizard Provides the Quick Order Wizard. –Filename:BEHQOWizard.ocx –Category: Function \ Miscellaneous Placement \ Tools –Serializable Properties: CAPTION= TEXT CAPTIONCOLOR1= COLOR CAPTIONCOLOR2= COLOR CAPTIONSTYLE= ENUM –Multiple Instances Allowed: No –Configuration Parameters: None

46 BEHReminders Shows only due items. –Filename:BEHReminders.ocx –Category: Function \ Decision Support Placement \ Tabs –Serializable Properties: ALLOWPRINT= BOOL CAPTION= TEXT CAPTIONCOLOR1= COLOR CAPTIONCOLOR2= COLOR CAPTIONSTYLE= ENUM DEFERUPDATE= BOOL DETAILPANE= BOOL ORIENTATION= ENUM LAYOUT= HIDDEN –Required Files: BEHReminders.chm –Multiple Instances Allowed:Yes –Configuration Parameters: None

47 BEHRemindersView Provides the View Reminders (CPRS). –Filename:BEHRemindersView.ocx –Category: Function \ Decision Support Placement \ Toolbar –Serializable Properties: CAPTION= TEXT COLOR= COLOR –Multiple Instances Allowed: No –Uses:CSS_ENCOUNTER.ENCOUNTER –Configuration Parameters: None

48 BEHRemindersView Icon Available from the view dropdown menu in the reminders icon

49 BEHRemindersView Setup Reminders can be setup at different levels The new parameter list is cumulative. Can add or remove reminders from the list

50 BEHRemoteData Provides the view of Remote Data. –Filename:BEHRemoteData.ocx –Category: Function \ Patient Information Placement \ Toolbar –Serializable Properties: CAPTION= TEXT COLOR= COLOR –Multiple Instances Allowed: No –Uses: BEHREMOTEVIEWS.REMOTESITES –Configuration Parameters: None

51 Component Configuration More Components

52 vcBroadcast Provides the ability to display a message on a client machine. –Filename:vcBroadcast.ocx –Category: Function \ Communication Placement \ Tabs –Serializable Properties: AUTOSIZE= BOOL BORDERSTYLE= ENUM CAPTION= TEXT CAPTIONCOLOR1= COLOR CAPTIONCOLOR2= COLOR CAPTIONSTYLE= ENUM COLOR= COLOR DEFERUPDATE= BOOL ORIENTATION= ENUM LAYOUT= HIDDEN –Multiple Instances Allowed: Yes –Configuration Parameters: None

53 vcIExplorer Hosts a Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser. –Filename:vcIExplorer.ocx –Category: Function \ Tools Placement \ Tabs –Serializable Properties: ALLOWNEWWINDOW= BOOL AUTOSIZE= BOOL BORDERSTYLE= ENUM CAPTION= TEXT CAPTIONCOLOR1= COLOR CAPTIONCOLOR2= COLOR CAPTIONSTYLE= ENUM COLOR= COLOR HOMEPAGE= TEXT RESETONPATIENTCHANGE = BOOL TOOLBARVISIBLE= BOOL –Multiple Instances Allowed: Yes –Configuration Parameters: None

54 vcIExplorer HOMEPAGE is an attribute to be set Can set a link to the hospital’s webpage ALLOWNEWWINDO W may need to be set to True for some web sites.

55 vcImage Supports the display of an image. –Filename:vcImage.ocx –Category: Function \ Tools Placement \ Toolbar –Serializable Properties: BORDERSTYLE= ENUM FILENAME= FILE STRETCH= BOOL –Initialization: FILENAME= $(sysdir)usaflag.gif –Multiple Instances Allowed: Yes –Configuration Parameters: None

56 vcLauncher Provides ability to launch other Windows applications. –Filename:vcLauncher.ocx –Category: Function \ Tools Placement \ Toolbar –Serializable Properties: CAPTION= TEXT COLOR= COLOR COMMANDLINE= TEXT EXENAME= FILE GLYPH= IMAGE LAYOUT= ENUM NUMGLYPHS= INT –Multiple Instances Allowed: Yes –Configuration Parameters: None

57 vcPatPhoto Provides ability to display a photo of the currently selected patient. –Filename:vcPatPhoto.ocx –Category: Function \ Patient Information Placement \ Toolbar –Serializable Properties: BORDERSTYLE= ENUM CAPTION= TEXT COLOR= COLOR –Initialization: CAPTION= TEXT –Multiple Instances Allowed: Yes –Uses:CSS_PATIENT.PATIENT –Configuration Parameters: None

58 vcQuickNote Provides ability to create predefined TIU notes. –Filename: vcQuickNote.ocx –Category: Function\Notes Placement\Toolbar –Required Files: vcQuickNote.lic –Multiple Instances Allowed: No –Configuration Parameters: CIAOQN FORCE VISIT, CIAOQN QNOTES, CIAOQN QNOTES MODIFY

59 vcTelnet Provides ability to establish a telnet session. –Filename:vcTelnet.ocx –Category: Function \ Communication Placement \ Tabs –Serializable Properties: AUTORESIZE= BOOL BACKCOLOR= COLOR BOLDCOLOR= COLOR BORDERSTYLE= ENUM CAPTION= TEXT CAPTIONCOLOR1= COLOR CAPTIONCOLOR2= COLOR CAPTIONSTYLE= ENUM FORECOLOR= COLOR –Initialization: REMOTEHOST= $(SESSION.HOSTADDRESS) –Required Files:vcTelnet.lic –Multiple Instances Allowed: No –Uses: DARTSOCK.DLL, DARTTELNET.DLL, DARTVT.DLL –Configuration Parameters: None

60 Component Configuration Service Components

61 BEHContextAdapter Provides the VueCentric to CPRS Context Adapter. –Filename:BEHContextAdapter.dll –Category: Function \ Service Placement \ Infrastructure –Service:Yes –Multiple Instances Allowed: No –Configuration Parameters: None

62 BEHESigService Provides the service for handling Electronic Signatures. –Filename:BEHESigService.dll –Category: Function \ Service Placement \ Infrastructure –Service:Yes –Multiple Instances Allowed: No –Configuration Parameters: None

63 BEHOptions Provides the CPRS Options in vcManager. –Filename:BEHOptions.dll –Category: Function \ Service Placement \ Infrastructure –Service:Yes –Multiple Instances Allowed: No –Configuration Parameters: None

64 BEHRemoteViews Provides the service for Remote Sites. –Filename:BEHRemoteViews.dll –Category: Function \ Service Placement \ Infrastructure –Service: Yes –Multiple Instances Allowed: No –Configuration Parameters: None

65 BEHSpellCheck Provides the Spelling Check service. –Filename:BEHSpellCheck.dll –Category: Function \ Service \ Notes \ SpellCheckers Placement \ Infrastructure –Initialization: ENABLED= @BEHOSP ENABLE SPELLCHECKER –Service: Yes –Required Files: Interop.BEHSpellCheck.dll –Multiple Instances Allowed: No –Configuration Parameters: BEHOSP ENABLE SPELLCHECKER, BEHOSP SERVICE PLUGIN

66 vcChatservice Provides the ability to chat with other VueCentric users. –Filename:vcChatService.dll –Category: Function \ Service Placement \ Infrastructure –Multiple Instances Allowed: No –Service: Yes –Configuration Parameters: None

67 vcDate A COM service that provides interfaces for date conversion and selection. –Filename:vcDate.dll –Multiple Instances Allowed: No –Service: Yes –Configuration Parameters: None

68 vcMonitor Provides the Remote Monitoring service. –Filename:vcMonitor.dll –ServiceYes: –Multiple Instances Allowed: No –Configuration Parameters: None

69 vcPrint Provides the Print service. –Filename:vcPrint.dll –Category: Function \ Service Placement \ Infrastructure –Service:Yes –Required Files: Interop.vcPrint.dll –Multiple Instances Allowed: No –Configuration Parameters: CIAVUTIO DEFAULT FOOTER, CIAVUTIO DEFAULT HEADER, CIAVUTIO DEFAULT PRINTER, CIAVUTIO LOCAL PRINTER

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