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Enhancing Social Presence in Online Courses Joni Dunlap School of Education and Human Development Center for Faculty Development.

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Presentation on theme: "Enhancing Social Presence in Online Courses Joni Dunlap School of Education and Human Development Center for Faculty Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enhancing Social Presence in Online Courses Joni Dunlap ( School of Education and Human Development Center for Faculty Development


3 “There is more than a verbal tie between the words common, community, and communication... Try the experiment of communicating, with fullness and accuracy, some experience to another, especially if it be somewhat complicated, and you will find your own attitude toward your experience changing.” ~ John Dewey


5 What is Social Presence? How will I know my learners? And, how will they know me? What happens to my personality? How do I help learners stay connected, and not disappear? How can I establish a supporting learning community?

6 0. The Basics

7 A Few Guidelines How, when, & why to contact you Reach out to learners: personal call, email; use names Discussion: when, why, group size Anonymous, personal, public Learner centered

8 1. Who Me?

9 My Slam-Dunk Course...

10 Let’s see an example... Let me tell you a story about a man named Jed... A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... In the olden days... Once upon a time...


12 I lived in Saudi Arabia as a youth My first car was a white 1966 Barracuda with red leather interior I have been a vegetarian for 25 years I was a member of the road crew for the Grateful Dead from 1989-1991 I used to produce and direct on-air pledge drives for public television I was held up at gun point and had my car stolen as the get-away vehicle

13 Social Network Presence Thoughts on Teaching blogblog Flickr photo sets; VoiceThread storiesFlickrVoiceThread webliographies MySpace, FaceBook Breeze, podcasts, YouTube

14 2. Who You?

15 Write a caption for the picture below.

16 Mr. Picassohead


18 Social Network Presence Guided reflection blog, blog, blogblog Flickr photo sets; VoiceThread stories MySpace, FaceBook YouTube, podcasts, BreezeBreeze

19 3. What about us?

20 Expectations ~ Trust ~ Community

21 Establishing Rules of Engagement, Expectations Using shell, wikis, Google Docs Providing space for connection Modeling “rules” Illustrating relevance

22 Three reasons why the author is dead wrong All we need to know about teaching we can learn from skateboarders Technology replaces teachers Students just aren’t as dedicated as they used to be Social interaction isn’t possible in self- paced online training

23 Two of my chief concerns about teaching online have been... 1.Keeping students engaged and connected with the course and course activities, and 1.How much time it takes to keep students engaged and connected with the course and course activities. What is your number one concern about teaching online? What ideas do you have for addressing the concerns shared by me (above) and shared by others in this forum?

24 The Final Post Groups of 4-6 Each learner posts a quote from the text + 350 words Group members respond with 250 words Originator reacts to the responses (250 words)

25 The Last Word Groups of 4-6 Each learner posts a quote from the text without commenting on the quote Group members comment with 250 words In 250 words, originator’s “last word” incorporates original interest with insights gleaned from reading the group members’ comments

26 Rotating Threads Set up discussion forums, with a different provocative issue to discuss in each forum. In groups of 4-5, have learners rotate to a new forum. Timing = e.g., Forum A on Monday, Forum B on Tuesday, and so on. Each group records their ideas about the issue. Once complete, learners revisit forums to see what other groups posted.

27 Give Learners Responsibility

28 Inspiration Points

29 Thank you, and klaatu barada nikto

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