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Published byLeona Shelton Modified over 9 years ago
CMS-UK RAL 20/4/06 R M Brown - CCLRC 1 CMS Submission to PPGC UK Deliverables Status of CMS UK Progress & Commissioning Plans Computing UK Physics Programme Summary
CMS-UK RAL 20/4/06 R M Brown - CCLRC 2 The CMS Collaboration April 2006 8 46 1061 462 528 2051 64 69 49 182 UK Global Co-ordination Roles Deputy SpokespersonT. Virdee CMS Electronic Co-ord.J. Nash TK Project ManagerP.Sharp TK Deputy PMG. Hall ECAL IB ChairR.Brown ECAL Endcap Co-ord. D.Cockerill ECAL Commiss.Co-ord.K.Bell TK Offline S/W Co-ord.I.Tomalin ‘e- ’ Group Co-ord.C. Seez Higgs Group Co-ord.A. Nikitenko Computing Com. ChairD.Newbold M&O Authors 1081 UK (4.0%) 43 Scientific Authors2051 UK 106 Countries 38 Institutes 182
CMS-UK RAL 20/4/06 R M Brown - CCLRC 3 Compact Muon Solenoid ECAL Tracker 4T solenoid Muon chambers HCAL Iron yoke Total weight: 12,500 t Overall diameter: 15 m Overall length: 21.6 m Magnetic field: 4 T Person!
CMS-UK RAL 20/4/06 R M Brown - CCLRC 4 The UK in CMS Bristol Imperial College Brunel Tracker Readout SystemGlobal Calorimeter Trigger Electromagnetic Calorimeter Endcaps Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Source Card Leaf Card Computing - Software - Simulation - Physics
CMS-UK RAL 20/4/06 R M Brown - CCLRC 5 LHC Intersection Point 5 CMS is pre-assembled on the surface and lowered in 17 sections weighing between 300 and 2000 tons Surface Assembly Hall Service Cavern (Readout, Trigger, P/S) Experiment Cavern
CMS-UK RAL 20/4/06 R M Brown - CCLRC 6 Surface Assembly Magnet complete, coil cold Yoke Endcap (YE+1)installation ~ done Muon Barrel Drift-Tube/RPC installation well advanced 10 sectors in wheels 0,+1,+2. 2 sectors in wheels -1,-2. HCAL being inserted into solenoid 300 0 T O K Time Days Gas out Gas in
CMS-UK RAL 20/4/06 R M Brown - CCLRC 7 Magnet closed: : May 06 Magnet test/cosmic ray challenge: : June-Aug 06 ECAL 1 st half-barrel (EB+) installation: Aug 06 SX5 Service Cavern ready for crates: : April-May 06 HF lowering: : July 06 Experiment Cavern ready for crates: Jul 06 First connection to Service Cavern: Aug-Sep 06 Central Yoke Section+Coil (YB0) lowering: Nov 06 ECAL 2 nd half-barrel (EB-) installation: Oct 06 SX5+(Jan-May 07 UXC) Tracker installation : Jan-Feb 07 ECAL/Tracker cabling complete: Apr-May 07 Heavy lowering complete: Feb-Mar 07 Initial CMS ready for beam: 30 Jun 07 ECAL Endcaps, Pixels installation: Dec 07 – March 08 Schedule is tight, with no master contingency Options to recover ~2 months after Tracker installation under consideration CMS Schedule: Key Dates
CMS-UK RAL 20/4/06 R M Brown - CCLRC 8 CMS ECAL Endcap (EE) UK has led EE project from inception - Monte Carlo simulations - Performance optimisation - Vacuum Photo-Triode (VPT) R&D - Prototype beam tests at CERN Deliverables: - Overall mechanical design - On-det. electronic design(+CERN) - VPTs (pay 50%, test 100%) - Mechanical structures(+Russia) - Assembly (with Russia, CERN) Vacuum phototriodes: - Single stage pmt - Gain 8 -10 at B = 4 T - Radiation resistant (UV glass window) - Q.E. ~ 20% at 420 nm Presampler Environmental Shield (Russia) Supercrystals Positional Spacers Back plate Ring flange Moderators (Russia) HadCal Electronics Mechatronics 3.5 m 1"1"
CMS-UK RAL 20/4/06 R M Brown - CCLRC 9 EE Status Electronic noise performance verified with a detector module (25 channels) mounted on a Dee (~3800 e/channel) Alignment test of 2 Dees and Ring Flange mounted on HCAL Mechanics: All major components delivered CMS ‘Gold Award’ to TM Engineers (UK) 13800/15500 delivered (89%) VPT Production & Testing
CMS-UK RAL 20/4/06 R M Brown - CCLRC 10 EE Future Work 2006 On detector electronics production Assembly jigs and tooling completed Launch EE crystal production:SIC (China) Assembly of Dee1 from July 2007 Launch EE crystal production:BTCP (RF) Assembly of Dees Installation of Dees 1 & 2 2008 Installation of Dees 3 & 4 Delivery of EE crystals is on the critical path Assembly schedule tight: Parallel work to minimise assembly latency Long term UK commitments - Maintaining and operating the EE - Maintaining the associated databases - Understanding and calibrating the detector - Estimated EID effort: 0.25 FTE in 08/09 & 09/10 EE Commissioning will only START in earnest AFTER end of Ring Fence
CMS-UK RAL 20/4/06 R M Brown - CCLRC 11 TOB TID TIB TEC PD CMS Tracker Two main sub-systems: - Silicon Strip Tracker and Pixel Detector Silicon Strip Tracker comprises: - Outer Barrel (TOB) - Inner Barrel and Disks (TIB-TID) - End-Cap (TEC) ~ 10 7 Channels, 220m 2 Silicon TIB Layer 2, after burn-in Cosmics in TEC+
CMS-UK RAL 20/4/06 R M Brown - CCLRC 12 Tracker Electronic System 1.2 TBytes/sec Input Rate ~ 1.2 TBytes/sec 50 GBytes/sec Output rate ~ 50 GBytes/sec Analogue readout No on-detector zero suppression Optical analogue data transfer UK Deliverables: Development of readout & control system Delivery of APV & APVMUX ASICs ( ~100,000 die, inc spares) Procurement of Front End Driver (~500 modules) Status: APV Project Complete On time, within budget FED Procurement underway (eXception received a Gold Award)
CMS-UK RAL 20/4/06 R M Brown - CCLRC 13 Tracker Future Work 2006: Final assembly and integration in TIF Four large systems to be assembled and operated Test complete tracker in up to 25% units Delivery within budget requires staff from institutes 2007: Commissioning at Point 5 Lower, insert, cable, power,… Commission off-detector electronics & first running 2008: Operations Calibrate and tune performance Optimise S/N, cluster finding in firmware APV, APV emulator, FED, DAQ, Online Software are key elements for Tracker to deliver good data All require UK expertise System of ~500 complex boards 1 FTE EID needed long term for maintenance
CMS-UK RAL 20/4/06 R M Brown - CCLRC 14 Global Calorimeter Trigger Vital Role in CMS Trigger: Electron/ triggers Jet Triggers Transverse Energy Triggers RCT Readout System Luminosity Monitoring Original GCT design was technically challenging - required very high speed (~3GB/s) data transfer between many boards major revision Jan 2006 - Large, powerful FPGAs concentrate algorithm processing in few locations - Optical links bring large number of input signals to processing boards New design to be delivered by July 07 - UK led with CERN engineering effort
CMS-UK RAL 20/4/06 R M Brown - CCLRC 15 The New GCT Design Software: Simulation (efficiencies) Testing and Commissioning Online Monitoring Online Control There are four different types of card: Source Card (54 needed): Translates electrical signals from RCT to optical Leaf Card (8 +1( ) needed): Main algorithm card of the GCT Electron and jet finding and sorting, all E T calculations Proven design from a satellite project (LANL) Concentrator Card (1+1( ) needed): Communicates with rest of Trigger and upstream DAQ Wheel Card (2 needed): Supports Leaf Cards, performs final jet-finder calcs
CMS-UK RAL 20/4/06 R M Brown - CCLRC 16 GCT Future Work 2006: Development and integration phase Aug Integration of Source Card + Leaf Card Oct Integration Source + Leaf + Concentrator 2007: Commissioning phase Jan Commissioning Electron Triggers Jul Commissioning Jet Triggers 2008: Operations phase Respond to actual CMS conditions Calibrate, evaluate & tune trigger performance Trigger must operate with 100% availability 1 FTE EID needed long term for maintenance New design can be scaled and commissioned in stages Electron data from ½ RCT Leaf Cards Wheel Cards Concentrator Card
CMS-UK RAL 20/4/06 R M Brown - CCLRC 17 Computing status Major milestones in last two years: –CMS Computing Model fully defined, documented in Computing TDR –Operational prototypes of all ‘infrastructural’ software in place Major UK contributions to data and workflow management systems –Integration with Grid systems (WLCG) now well advanced –Decision taken to adopt new application framework in May 2006 Upcoming milestones before 2008 –CSA2006 (computing, software, analysis): 25% scale test of full computing system, October 2006 –Full computing system readiness by April 2007 –Factor-of-two final resource ramp up before April 2008 CMSUK Deliverables 2006 - 8: –Delivery and support of software components for CMS –Ramp-up and operation of Tier-1 and Tier-2 computing centres –Maintenance and support of computing system for UK analysis
CMS-UK RAL 20/4/06 R M Brown - CCLRC 18 UK Computing Project Project organisation –Organised as single coherent project, covering GridPP, e-science, centre operations, service challenge effort –Project currently limited by available manpower Further physicist / e-science effort will become available in 2007 Vital to retain our expert GridPP / e-science personnel –Project plan is fully tied to CMS global milestones Work areas: –‘Infrastructural’ software deliverables (key for CMS) [2 FTE] PhEDEx: manages all offline data; BOSS: user interface to the Grid –Computing system ramp-up and support [1.75 FTE] Software installation and maintainance; DB management Data challenge activities; integration with new RAL CASTOR system –‘Physics ops’: data handling, reconstruction, MC prod [2 FTE] –Documentation, user support for analysis [1 FTE]
CMS-UK RAL 20/4/06 R M Brown - CCLRC 19 Computing Plans & Challenges Major UK milestones 2006 – 8: –Jul ‘06: All UK centres take part in new framework MC production; new user support resources (web-based) in place –Sep – Oct ‘06: Full UK participation in CSA2006 at 25% scale –Dec ‘06: RAL CASTOR system fully integrated with CMS system –Apr ‘07: UK systems ready to take data; final versions of PhEDEx, BOSS; funded plan for ramp-up to full system scale –Apr ‘08: Ready for full scale data taking Key challenges: –Retention of expert staff: systems are highly complex, will require constant ‘tuning’ in 2007 – 8 –Scale of Tier-1 hardware resources CMS extremely short of Tier-1 storage and CPU; UK is the smallest contributor, despite high profile on CMS CMS Computing Model may be compromised in light of the shortfall Critical factor for effective physics output in UK and Europe
CMS-UK RAL 20/4/06 R M Brown - CCLRC 20 UK Physics Strategy Build on existing expertise - Tracker - ECAL - Test beam analyses - Simulation studies Plan smooth transition from detector/reconstruction studies to physics Emphasise preparations for leading involvement in early analyses But balance with developing tools to achieve longer term physics goals Develop close working collaboration with theorists to ‘gain an edge’ Work cohesively with the wider world of CMS UK provides Convenors for 3 of the 8 CMS ‘PRS’ Groups: ( Physics, Reconstruction, Software ) ECAL- e/ Tracker- b/ Higgs Organisation: 2 ‘Physics Co-ordinators’ (One at CERN, One in UK) Regular programme of meetings
CMS-UK RAL 20/4/06 R M Brown - CCLRC 21 CMS Physics TDR CMS physics activities are focused on Physics TDR Volume 1: Published December 2005 - Validation of detector simulation - Development of reconstruction algorithms - Techniques for Calibration, alignment, synchronisation… Volume 2: To be published May 2006 - Complete analyses(backgrounds, misalignment, miscalibration) - Demonstration of physics capability with 10 fb -1, 30 fb -1 (low luminosity L=2×10 33 ) Volume 3: Due January 2007 - Commissioning - Start-up procedures - First physics - Timing of High Level Trigger processing Detector Performance and Software Physics Technical Design Report, Volume I Physics Performance Physics Technical Design Report, Volume II
CMS-UK RAL 20/4/06 R M Brown - CCLRC 22 UK Contributions to Physics TDR Defining content and work, final editing, detailed contributions: Physics TDR Volume I: Detector Performance and Software ECAL Intercalibration using W e 10 6 Fully simulated events ECAL Test Beam analysis Beam 0 50 100 150 200 GeV /E% 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 Super Module
CMS-UK RAL 20/4/06 R M Brown - CCLRC 23 UK Contributions to Physics TDR Physics TDR Volume II: Physics Performance qqH, H ℓ + jet WW, ZZ Fusion MSSM: bbH/A, H/A 2 jet
CMS-UK RAL 20/4/06 R M Brown - CCLRC 24 First Physics Exciting results possible with ~fb -1 of data Concentrate initial analysis efforts on early discoveries Exploit connections between detector understanding, reconstruction & selection algorithms and physics Focus on e, , energy-flow, and then eg: Study W e, Z ee, leading to: W ' e, Z ' ee, (and eventually, H ZZ * eeℓℓ eg: Study W + jets, Z + jets, Z , leading to: b-jet tagging, H searches
CMS-UK RAL 20/4/06 R M Brown - CCLRC 25 Higgs Physics As luminosity increases, concentrate progressively on Higgs searches Strong UK interest demonstrated by range of studies already underway:
CMS-UK RAL 20/4/06 R M Brown - CCLRC 26 Direct ,Triple Gauge Couplings UK leads studies of gluon structure function of through prompt production Useful results with 1-3 fb -1 Analysis will provide valuable input for development of H searches UK also leads TGC study for Physics TDR Responsible for W+ , Z+ channels & backgrounds TGC sensitivity requires high L If no ‘smoking gun’: Anomalous TGC could provide vital signature of BSM W q q ℓ sensitive to non-SM Physics W+jet background to W+
CMS-UK RAL 20/4/06 R M Brown - CCLRC 27 Summary of CMS Request
CMS-UK RAL 20/4/06 R M Brown - CCLRC 28 Summary CMS assembly is proceeding without significant technical problems Solenoid is cold: Magnet test and ‘Cosmic Challenge’ start in June Schedule is tight for ‘Ready-for-Beam’ in July 07 UK Tracker Readout deliverables on schedule ECAL Endcap completion limited by crystal delivery: Install Spring 08 Revised GCT design is advancing rapidly UK-CMS has provided key tools for CMS Computing (PhEDEX, BOSS) There are concerns about the CMS Tier-1 capacity Continuation of posts currently supported by GridPP/e-Science is vital UK is making strong contributions to CMS Physics TDR A coherent UK physics programme is underway
CMS-UK RAL 20/4/06 R M Brown - CCLRC 29 Back-ups
CMS-UK RAL 20/4/06 R M Brown - CCLRC 30 Tier-1 Issue Role of Tier-1 centres: –Long-term storage (‘curation’) of raw data –Bulk reprocessing of data for reco, skimming, calibration, analysis –Serving data to Tier-2 centres (all data comes through Tier-1) –Stores full copy of AOD Resource situation for CMS: –European Tier-1 contributors do not have large CMS fractions –WLCG ‘pledge system’ results in major shortfall in Tier-1 resources This is emergent behaviour: funding ‘formulae’ may locally make sense in each country, but do not address the global problem –Individual Tier-1 centres are well-run, but far below critical mass Only US, Italian centres approach ‘nominal’ Tier-1 size Strategy: –Funding system must be examined - LHCC asks for CMS input –Must look at new ways to make maximally efficient use of resources Potential danger if redundancy & robustness traded against resources –The CMS computing model may be compromised (in Europe) Urgent need for adequate and realistic Tier-1 resources in UK
CMS-UK RAL 20/4/06 R M Brown - CCLRC 31 WLCG Computing Resources (2008)
CMS-UK RAL 20/4/06 R M Brown - CCLRC 32 Deployment of effort
CMS-UK RAL 20/4/06 R M Brown - CCLRC 33 Exclusive diff. Higgs prod. pp p H p H gap -jet p p 420m High luminosity: Full 3D detectors and pixel readout A. De Roeck, V. A. Khoze, A. D. Martin, R. Orava and M. G. Ryskin, Eur. Phys. J. C 25 (2002) 391 V. A. Khoze, A. D. Martin and M. G. Ryskin, Eur. Phys. J. C 34 (2004) 327 Alberta, Antwerp, Cambridge, Helsinki, FNAL, Leuven, Torino,UCL.. R&D with participants from Atlas and CMS/Totem
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