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SLEEP AND DREAMING. November 29, 2012 u Objectives: To develop an understanding of Sleep and Dreams. u Question: How many hours of sleep a night do you.

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Presentation on theme: "SLEEP AND DREAMING. November 29, 2012 u Objectives: To develop an understanding of Sleep and Dreams. u Question: How many hours of sleep a night do you."— Presentation transcript:


2 November 29, 2012 u Objectives: To develop an understanding of Sleep and Dreams. u Question: How many hours of sleep a night do you get? How many hours does the average teenager need? u Agenda: Notes/New Vocab & Obj.

3 u Electroencephalogram EEG - brain wave activity u Electro-oculogram EOG - eye movement activity u Electromyogram EMG - muscle activity SLEEP RESEARCH

4 WAKING EEG ACTIVITY u Alpha wave u synchronous - regular u 8 - 12 Hz (cps) u high amplitude, low frequency u characteristic of relaxed wakefulness

5 u Beta wave u desynchronous - irregular u 13 - 40 Hz (cps) u low amplitude, high frequency u characteristic of behavioral arousal

6 u NREM - 4 stages Stage 1 - irregular EEG, slow eye movements Stage 2 - sleep spindles SLEEPING EEG ACTIVITY TWO STATES OF SLEEP

7 Stage 3 - high amplitude delta waves appear Stage 4 - dominated by delta waves, 1 - 4 Hz

8 u NREM sleep also known as slow wave sleep - SWS quiet sleep - physiological processes slow down

9 Final 5 u What is the stage of sleep when we may experience hallucinations or a sense of falling?

10 REM SLEEP u EEG - irregular beta waves reappear u REM sleep also known as paradoxical sleep dream sleep - most vivid dreams occur now

11 and active sleep - physiological processes speed up

12 u but you are PARALYZED

13 NREM-REM cycles last about 90 min u 1st half of night NREM REM u much stage 3 and 4, short REM periods

14 u 2nd half of night NREM REM u very little stage 3 and 4, longer REM periods

15 STAMP TEST u Impotence u Physical or psychological disorder?

16 WHY DO WE SLEEP AND WHY DO WE DREAM? u Two major hypotheses - Sleep is Ê a restorative process

17 u but what is restored? u The body? u NO

18 u The brain? Yes u Sleep deprivation increases SWS, not REM u Exercise that increases brain temperature increases SWS

19 Ë an evolutionary relic- formerly adaptive response, no longer needed, but built in

20 Circadian Activity u endogenous 25 hr cycle entrained to 24 hr day by u suprachiasmatic nucleus

21 How much sleep do you need? u Answer - tremendous variability u Leonardo da Vinci

22 What are the effects of total sleep deprivation? u Peter Tripp - abnormal behavior u Randy Gardner - just sleepy

23 What are the effects of long sleep periods? u 14 hours of darkness for 30 days u Humans sleep like u chipmunks

24 0 Time - Hrs 14 % Time in Sleep

25 WHAT ARE THE FUNCTIONS OF DREAMS? Dreaming permits each and every one of us to be quietly and safely INSANE every night of our lives. ---- William Dement


27 I was walking down the steps of the library, wearing my nightgown, cradling a bowl of raspberry Jell-O in my arms. At the foot of the staircase I could see the dim figure of my high school algebra teacher. His right arm was upraised and he was shouting at me, but I could not make out the words.

28 Suddenly, the scene shifted. I was traveling through a dense forest. The sun was setting and the forest deepened in darkness. I felt afraid. An unseen menace seemed to be following, but when I glanced back in fear, I saw one. I tried to run faster, but my legs would not respond. I was powerless to escape.

29 u Freud - dreams are windows to the unconscious mind, dreams represent wish fulfillment - distinguish between manifest (actual) content and latent (hidden) content

30 u Crick and Mitchinson - dreams erase information, we dream to forget

31 u Hobson and McCarley - Activation/synthesis hypothesis - Dreams have no hidden meaning - simply by-products of brain activity

32 u Winson - dreams process information into memory u Echida (spiny anteater) - no REM, large frontal lobes

33 Do Animals Dream? u Dogs and cats?

34 Do Animals Dream? u Dogs and cats? Likely

35 Do Animals Dream? u Dogs and cats? Likely u Dolphins?

36 Do Animals Dream? u Dogs and cats? Likely u Dolphins? ??????

37 Do Animals Dream? u Dogs and cats? Likely u Dolphins? ?????? u No REM sleep

38 Do Animals Dream? u Dogs and cats? Likely u Dolphins? ?????? u No REM sleep u SWS alternates between hemispheres


40 u Sleep apnea - cannot sleep and breathe at the same time - may be related to sudden infant death syndrome - SIDS - controversial

41 u Narcolepsy - attack of REM sleep, u often triggered by emotional arousal u 1 in 5000 people

42 Therapies for Narcolepsy u Stimulant drugs such as amphetamine - adverse side effects u New Drug - Provigil - not yet approved by FDA - few side effects - not a stimulant -

43 u Sleep walking (somnabulism) and talking - genetic component u Occurs during slow wave sleep

44 u Night terrors u Sudden arousal from slow wave sleep u Nightmares occur during REM sleep

45 u Pseudoinsomnia u Recurring dreams of insomnia Insomnias

46 Drug-Induced Insomnias u Barbiturates u lethal in overdose u benzodiazepines - Halcion u comparatively safe in overdose u lethal in combination with alcohol


48 Treatments for Insomnia u Melatonin u Mild hypnotic effect u Increases longevity?

49 Treatments for Insomnia u Exposure to bright light during morning hours u Where do you shine the light? u Eyes. Where else? u Behind your knees

50 u Tryptophan u Precursor of serotonin, induces normal sleep u Carbohydrates, not proteins, increase brain tryptophan levels Treatments for Insomnia

51 u Eat graham cracker cookies before bedtime, not a glass of warm milk

52 Treatments for Insomnia Develop good sleep habits

53 Two Examples u Never sleep late on the weekends - always get up at the same time u Use your bed only for sleeping, nothing else!


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