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BY ANNA BURCH, GRADE 3 FLAGS. United States of America- Great Britain- Russia- Canada- South Africa- DIFFERENT COUNTRIES’ FLAGS.

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2 United States of America- Great Britain- Russia- Canada- South Africa- DIFFERENT COUNTRIES’ FLAGS

3  On May 1776, Betsy Ross reported that she sewed the first American flag.  At first, the flag had 13 stripes and 13 stars.  January 13, 1794 provided for 15 stripes and 15 stars after May 1795.  Today, the 13 stripes represent the 13 colonies, and the 50 stars represent. the 50 states of America. United States Of America Flag

4 When King James Vl of Scotland ascended to the English throne, the flags of England and Scotland on land continued to be, respectively, the red St. George’s cross and the white St. Andrew’s cross. The red stands for hardiness, bravery, strength, and valor. The white stands for peace and honesty. The blue stands for vigilance, truth and loyalty, and perseverance and justice. British Flag

5 It is sometimes called the Imperial flag. The design of the flag is over 300 years old. It was adopted from the flag of the Netherlands. On August 21, Russia celebrates Day of State Flag. Russian Flag

6 Red and white are the colors of Canada and are the colors on their flag. The leaf has 11 points. The maple leaf is the symbol of Canada. The flag was adopted on February 15, 1965. Canadian Flag

7 The flag is sometimes called the rainbow flag. There is a sideways green Y on their flag. There are areas of red, blue, black, yellow, and white. The Y represents the union of many groups of people in South Africa. South African Flag

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