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Quality and Standards Framework – Collaborative Provision The Basics Janet Pearce, University Quality Officer.

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Presentation on theme: "Quality and Standards Framework – Collaborative Provision The Basics Janet Pearce, University Quality Officer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quality and Standards Framework – Collaborative Provision The Basics Janet Pearce, University Quality Officer

2 Objectives Gain an understanding of: >Universitys quality and standards framework as it applies to collaborative provision >The key processes relating to collaborative provision >Key roles and responsibilities >How and where to access relevant parts of the framework >Questions

3 Standards Academic standards are a way of describing the level of achievement that a student has to reach to gain an academic award (for example, a degree). It should be at a similar level across the UK. (QAA) Standards are absolute University retains responsibility for standards

4 Quality Academic quality is a way of describing how well the learning opportunities available to students help them to achieve their award. It is about making sure that appropriate and effective teaching, support, assessment and learning opportunities are provided for them. (QAA) University ensures that quality and standards for CP are comparable to on-campus

5 Enhancement of quality Quality can be : >Assured – evidencing/making transparent (public confidence) >Enhanced >UoH definition of enhancement: ­taking deliberate steps to improve our systems and processes designed to manage academic quality and standards

6 Key elements of the framework Regulations >University programmes regulations (governing award of credit and progression to the award) >Unfair means >Complaints by students Codes of practice >Programme approvals >Monitoring and Review >Assessment Procedures >The Collaborative Provision handbook

7 Process – Programme Approval Stage 1 >Development Consent ­Role of JDB ­Application via Faculty/Department ­Role of Academic Contact ­Deadlines - October ­Educational Partnerships Committee

8 Process – Programme Approval Stage 2 >Planning Permission ­Role of academic contact/faculty/department ­Faculty PPC ­Deadlines (one month from 1 Feb) ­Permission to advertise

9 Process – Programme Approval Stage 3 >Full Approval ­Submit programme specification – 1 May ­Draft due one month after PPC decision ­Independent externality ­CPAC secretary organises FAPs ­FAPs at partner institutions ­FAP makes recommendation to CPAC

10 Process – Amendments, withdrawals and suspension Major amendments requiring development consent >New location >New mode Major amendments not needing DC >Change of title, award, entry criteria, et al (see QH: H3) Minor amendments >Faculty level decision

11 Definitions Validated – Directly funded programmes >Funding to partner institution Franchised – Indirectly funded programmes >Funding to university Hybrids

12 Administration 1 Recruitment & Admissions Marketing and Recruitment >College responsibility >UoH checks marketing materials Applications >Devolved – authority to make offers >Non-devolved – offers only from UoH Registration >Electronic >Paper

13 Administration 2 Assessment Assessment >Moderation of tasks >Moderation of output >External examiner Boards of examiners >Module boards >Programme boards >Unfair means >Mitigating circumstances

14 Administration 3 Results and Graduation >Results – grids >Pass lists >Transcripts >Graduation >Appeals >Complaints

15 Monitoring and Review Annual review of programmes/processes >AMRs >PQER >JBOS >JDB Periodic review of subjects Partner audit IQER

16 How to find out..... Collaborative Provision Handbook Quality Handbook Quality and Standards Update UQO website Ask........................

17 UQO contacts The collaborative team >Ms Janet Pearce University Quality Officer (Collaborative Provision) 01482 46 >Ms Liz Pearce University Quality Officer (Collaborative Provision) 01482 46 >Mrs Cecilia Periera-Yates University Quality Officer (International Provision) 01482 46

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