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All the Moving Parts: Designing a Merged Library/IT Organization EDUCAUSE Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference January 10, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "All the Moving Parts: Designing a Merged Library/IT Organization EDUCAUSE Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference January 10, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 All the Moving Parts: Designing a Merged Library/IT Organization EDUCAUSE Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference January 10, 2006

2 Presenters  Todd A. Heckman Partner, Smart and Associates, LLP  Robert Renaud Vice President & CIO, Dickinson College

3 Agenda  Institutional Context  Factors Leading to Reorganization  Key Decisions  Organizational Design  Initial Outcomes  Key Learnings  Web Site

4 Institutional Context

5  Budget problems in the 1990s  New leadership  Dickinson College Strategic Plan, FY 2001-2005  Focus on measurable outcomes

6 Factors Leading to Reorganization  Strategic Plan review in 2004: Budget balanced Selectivity increased National visibility enhanced Library organization stabilized IT services issues identified  Smart Associates engagement

7 Key Decisions  Decision to merge, April 2004  Decision to adapt initial design to Dickinson culture  Decision to create CIO position  Decision to keep existing units essentially intact  Decision to use summer to implement initial changes

8 Primary User Interface College Governance Structure Dickinson College Strategic Plan Campus Network Functional Applications Administrative Academic How the strategy is managed & translated Primary First Line Response to Campus How the unique departmental requirements are supported by technology The common foundation for driving economies of scale The primary driver for technology strategy Organizational Design

9 Primary User Interface College Governance Structure Dickinson College Strategic Plan Campus Network Functional Applications Administrative Academic CIO Institutional Systems Infrastructure Systems Academic Technology User Services President Library Services

10 Organizational Design  LIS Departments Academic Technology Services Infrastructure Systems Institutional Systems Library Services User Services  LIS Cross Functional Teams Global Education and Language Instruction Web Design and Management

11 Organizational Design Administrative

12 Initial Outcomes  New management team in place  Decision to replace ERP  Migration to new network OS  WiFi deployment  Broad deployment of PDAs  Dramatic gains in front line service  Integrated Web presentation

13 Initial Outcomes  Staff pushback  Resistance to integrated Web site  Confusion over library  Poor alignment with governance structure  Space and logistics problems

14 Key Learnings  Manage expectations at all levels  Align organization with governance structure  Involve staff in decisions affecting worklife  Separate organization and public face  Understand cultures within merged organization

15 Key Learnings  Manage expectations at all levels Tension between need to absorb change and show results Poor understanding of rationale Challenge of communicating to divergent groups

16 Key Learnings  Align organization with governance structure Initial LIS structure incompletely mapped to faculty committees Gaps caused miscommunication Committee structure changed in Fall 2004

17 Key Learnings  Involve staff in decisions affecting worklife Issue of speed of changes History of little change New CIO, new directors Issue of work space

18 Key Learnings  Separate organization and public face Fallacy of one to one matching of organizational structure and services Case study of the library as brand Role of the Web

19 Key Learnings  Understand cultures within merged organization Neither library nor IT side is monolithic Divergent professional cultures Inheriting past baggage

20 Web Site


22 Key Learnings  Understand cultures within merged organization Neither library nor IT side is monolithic Divergent professional cultures Inheriting past baggage

23 Key Learnings  Understand cultures within merged organization Neither library nor IT side is monolithic Divergent professional cultures Inheriting past baggage

24 Key Learnings  Understand cultures within merged organization Neither library nor IT side is monolithic Divergent professional cultures Inheriting past baggage

25 Key Learnings  Understand cultures within merged organization Neither library nor IT side is monolithic Divergent professional cultures Inheriting past baggage

26 Questions and Comments

27 All the Moving Parts: Designing a Merged Library/IT Organization EDUCAUSE Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference January 10, 2006

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