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Health and Physical Well-being CECS4100.003 Fall 2009 Amanda Campbell.

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Presentation on theme: "Health and Physical Well-being CECS4100.003 Fall 2009 Amanda Campbell."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health and Physical Well-being CECS4100.003 Fall 2009 Amanda Campbell

2 Health TEKS: 1st Grade (1A) Describe and practice activities that enhance individual health such as enough sleep, nutrition, and exercise (1B) Describe activities that are provided by health care professionals such as medical check-up and dental exams (7C) Explain common practices that control the way germs are spread. (2A) Identify and use protective equipment to prevent injury

3 Discussion: I will discuss with the students as a whole, the importance of practicing healthy habits: –Enough sleep= better school performance, less stress, better overall health –Nutrition= maintain a balanced diet to have a healthy body, weight maintenance. –Exercise= Building of muscles, energy production, strengthens immune system.

4 Activity Students will be divided into small groups and will discuss and brainstorm which foods they THINK go into each category and will write them down. After a class discussion of which foods actually fit into the pyramid, the students will draw and color individual diagrams of the food pyramid to put on their refrigerator at home.

5 Discussion I will discuss with the students the importance of routine doctor/dentist checkups. Explain the roles of doctors and dentists. Explain how to properly brush teeth.

6 Activity The students will write a short story of a visit they have had either to a doctor or dentist. They include details of their experience and color an illustration. They will need to explain in their own words the importance of going to the doctor or dentist.

7 Discussion I will discuss with the students how germs are spread and cause illness. I will explain to the students the different ways of containing germs when possible and safe health practices to rid germs. –Washing hands, covering sneezes and coughs with their elbow, daily bathing, brushing teeth at least 2 times a day.

8 Activity: Glitter Germs Cover a large round ball with Vaseline. Roll the ball in glitter. Stand with students in a large circle and pass the ball from one to the other. This will demonstrate how many germs can be spread quickly from one person to another and the importance of frequent hand washing.

9 Discussion Explain and discuss with the class safe play practices and equipment Importance of helmets, and body pads when engaging in sports. –Bicycling, rollerblading, team sports, etc… Stop, Look and Listen when crossing the streets, and never crossing them alone as a child.

10 References Chapter 115. Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Health Education Subchapter A. Elementary. 1998.. chapter115/ch115a.html

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