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Evangeline Harris Stefanakis Boston University, Boston MA MAKING LEARNING VISIBLE: UNMASKING ASSESSMENT in the ACADEMY? Moving From Problems.

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Presentation on theme: "Evangeline Harris Stefanakis Boston University, Boston MA MAKING LEARNING VISIBLE: UNMASKING ASSESSMENT in the ACADEMY? Moving From Problems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evangeline Harris Stefanakis Boston University, Boston MA MAKING LEARNING VISIBLE: UNMASKING ASSESSMENT in the ACADEMY? Moving From Problems to Possibilities


3 ASSESSMENT Problems to Possibilities ???? PROBLEM: CLIENT’S COST-> PRODUCT QUALITY?  ACADEMY…..EVIDENCE Assessment/ Evaluation POSSIBILITY:EVIDENCE QUALITY PRODUCT  Global Market….CAN BU student compete/win jobs? POLICY IN UK/ EU/AACU/ Higher Ed Competitors BU as an Institution/ Display “cutting edge” products NEASC->ASSESSMENT systemically needs work ?

4 SOCIAL/CULTURAL /HISTORIC VIEW Schools As Sorters Schools As Sorters - Lewis Terman /Intelligence Tests Are over 100 years of “Tests” any different? Chapman 1922

5 Multiple Perspectives : Assessment for Learning Learning Accountability Self Assessment Informal Feedback Rubrics/ Quality Indicators Portfolios Performance Based Standardized Tests

6 Misconception #1- confused terms What is Assessment? What is Evaluation? To Assess To Assess =to Sit Beside the Learner (Latin) To Evaluate To Evaluate =to assess according to values “ Sort Learners into Norm Groups ” To AssessTo Evaluate LearnerNorm

7 Misconception #2- Confused Phrase Assessment for Learning or Assessment of Learning (Stiggins,2006 ) Assess Both Process & Products of Student Learning How? 1.Collection Work + Reflection on Work 2.Selection of Work for Different Purposes 3.Evidence of Accomplishment + Criteria for Merit

8 Misconception #3- Documentation CURRICULUM / ASSESSMENT ASSESS of learning ASSESS for learning Teacher Records Student Records Course Info Blackboard Personalized Original Work Samples/ Digication

9 Misconception #3- Documentation CURRICULUM / ASSESSMENT FACULTYSTUDENT Course Info Blackboard WWW.DIGICATION.COMDIGICATION.COM Personalized Original Work Samples/

10 Multiple Intelligences (Gardner, Sternberg 2002 (Tufts) Multiple Entry Points for Curriculum & Assessment Portfolio Assess Student Works Personalization- Profile Individual

11 Book & CDBook & CD Gallery Portfolios Gallery Portfolios Teacher Resources Teacher Resources MI/Assess/Rubrics MI/Assess/Rubrics Graduation Standards Graduation Standards Conferences Conferences

12 Possibility #1 CLARIFY THE PURPOSES OF ASSESSMENT IMPROVE STUDENT LEARNING Making learning visible to students (Seidel et al) Fostering reflective learning which is self adjusting Acknowledging and celebrating learning Communicating learning to stakeholders and the wider community IMPROVING TEACHERS’ TEACHING Adjusting instruction to meet the needs of individual students Fostering reflective teaching which informs practice Communicating learning to multiple constituencies/stakeholders Improving the capacity to reach high standards of achievement

13 Possibility # 3 Examine and Borrow Education Resources La Guardia & CUNY Penn State----portfolio. psu.edue-portfolio.lagcc.cuny.eduportfolio. Collect Exemplars---- Student Portfolios & Development tools Faculty/ Teacher Resources/ Design Syllabi/Grading/Assess/Rubrics Course/ Discipline/ Graduation Standards


15 CGS Challenges

16 Evidence of Learner’s Development Process & Products COLLECTIONS, SELECTIONS & REFLECTIONS OF LEARNING WWW.DIGICATION.COM Health care professionals create a personalized theory of knowledge to guide practice Curricular Modules Micro Teaching Philosophy Metaphor Wiki or E-Journal School of Public Health


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