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A common project of the Ibero-American Institute Berlin, the Institute of Iberoamerican Studies Hamburg, the State and University Library Bremen and the.

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Presentation on theme: "A common project of the Ibero-American Institute Berlin, the Institute of Iberoamerican Studies Hamburg, the State and University Library Bremen and the."— Presentation transcript:

1 A common project of the Ibero-American Institute Berlin, the Institute of Iberoamerican Studies Hamburg, the State and University Library Bremen and the State and University Library Hamburg Virtual Library Latin America / Spain / Portugal Financed by Partner of

2 SALALM 2005 Peter AltekruegerIbero-Amerikanisches Institut A virtual library...... integrates resources for scientific research as well as services and tools for scientific communication like discussion forums, newsletters and mailing lists.... collects, manages and keeps up worldwide distributed high quality websites.... allows access on selected, subject-specific materials from historical books to complete digital documents.... is an internet portal, that enables users to carry out an integrated, subject-specific online-search.

3 SALALM 2005 Peter AltekruegerIbero-Amerikanisches Institut The Virtual Specialist Library cibera Since May 2003 the IAI Berlin, the IIK Hamburg and the SuUB Bremen are working together in the development of the common Virtual Library cibera. In November 2004 the portal went online during the annual congress of the ADLAF (= German LASA). S upplemently funding by the DFG (German Research Society) for the State and University Library Hamburg for the regional covering of Spain and Portugal of cibera was approved. The first phase of cibera ends in April 2005, a second two-year funding by the DFG has been applied for (and is almost approved).

4 SALALM 2005 Peter AltekruegerIbero-Amerikanisches Institut Internet Link Collection Iberolinks Newspaper Article Archive IberoDigital German Database of Latin American Research Virtual Newspaper Reading Room Current-Contents Service of journals Meta-search over all services of cibera Digital Full Texts of Grey Literature Relevant Library Catalogues Central Portal Structure of the Portal

5 SALALM 2005 Peter AltekruegerIbero-Amerikanisches Institut User guide line Search menu Information menu Search box

6 SALALM 2005 Peter AltekruegerIbero-Amerikanisches Institut Meta Search Database selection

7 SALALM 2005 Peter AltekruegerIbero-Amerikanisches Institut Browsing: Navigation in internet resources

8 SALALM 2005 Peter AltekruegerIbero-Amerikanisches Institut Frequently Asked Questions -Can I request the material via cibera? -Which is the nearest library that owns that book? -Is there a charge to use cibera? -Can I contribute to the collection of internet websites? -How can I get the full texts of documents?

9 SALALM 2005 Peter AltekruegerIbero-Amerikanisches Institut Perspectives for term II Ongoing user survey for the needs of the users Implementaion of direct order and delivery from library to user Personalization makes the search easier New integrated services: - Bibliography of Spanish literature and language - Adition of full text serial articles - Server for museum-like holdings - Alerting service of new resources All resources will constantly be extended and expanded.

10 SALALM 2005 Peter AltekruegerIbero-Amerikanisches Institut Lets try it online: CIBERA

11 SALALM 2005 Peter AltekruegerIbero-Amerikanisches Institut Thank you for your attention! See you in the web… cibera CIBERA

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