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The Assessment of Culture Learning: Issues, Frameworks, and Techniques Anne Cummings-Hlas PhD. Emily Adler Department.

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Presentation on theme: "The Assessment of Culture Learning: Issues, Frameworks, and Techniques Anne Cummings-Hlas PhD. Emily Adler Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Assessment of Culture Learning: Issues, Frameworks, and Techniques Anne Cummings-Hlas PhD. (, Emily Adler ( Department of Foreign Languages Hibbard 378 University of Wisconsin- Eau Claire Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54703 Acknowledgements: Funds to support this project came from the University of Wisconsin- Eau Claire Summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program. Faculty Surveys PracticesPerspectives Big Mac Drive-thru, Value meal We value convenience over nutritional value. We value quantity over quality. Products Fast Food The Three Ps of Culture Objectives: Culture is… Teaching Culture Assessing Culture Resources “…that complex whole which includes knowledge, beliefs, art, morals, laws, customs, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society”. (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2007) “The ways of the people”. (Lessard and Clouston, 1997) “Knowing how, when, and why to say what to whom”. (ACTFL, 1999) There are three performance areas in which it is necessary to teach culture: Interpersonal- Two-way communication that allows for negotiation of meaning Interpretive- Understand and interpret written and spoken language Presentation- Present information to an audience You can incorporate the Three Ps of Culture into each of these performance areas. (Ipod Project) Culture Portfolios: Portfolios dedicated to the examination of a cultural stereotype Culture Exchanges: Exchange a box of cultural products with a sister-site that includes explanations of the products (i.e. a letter on a letterman's jacket) Cross-cultural comparisons: Compare word associations, movie scenes or newspaper titles between the target culture and the first language culture Interpret Art: Examine symbolism and historical context of works of art from target culture Rubrics: Incorporate culture into grading rubrics (Ex. Proximity for a role play activity) (2001). Giving a Virtual Voice to the Silent Language of Culture: The Cultura Project. Language Learning & Technology, Vol. 5 (1), 55-102. Culture. (2007). In Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved June 6, 2007 from Encyclopedia Britannica online: Lessard-Clouston, M. (1997, May). Towards an Understanding of Culture in L2/FL Education. Internet TESL Journal, 3, Retrieved June 6, 2007, from Standards for Foreign Language Learning in the 21 st Century. 1999 American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Yonkers, NY:ACTFL, 1999. Wisconsin’s Model Academic Standards for Foreign Languages Research past and current frameworks for assessing culture in foreign languages. Design innovative and alternative culture assessments for beginning language learners. Present to the Department of Foreign Languages during a professional development workshop and to state teachers at the state foreign language conference in November 2007. Your Definitions of Culture: In which classes do you devote the most time to the study of culture? (n=10) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 IntroductoryAdvancedEqual treatment Number of respondents How effective are the following as techniques in teaching culture? (n=10) 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 Group Projects Role PlaysWritten Tests Readings Study abroad Highly Effective Not Effective Which of the following do you use to determine cultural learning? (n=10 ) Note: Respondents may select more than one 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Multiple-choice Tests EssaysResearch papers Oral presentations Number of respondents

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