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Learning by Design with Digital Badges ISTE 2015 Angela Elkordy Assistant Professor, Learning Sciences National College of Education National Louis University,

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Presentation on theme: "Learning by Design with Digital Badges ISTE 2015 Angela Elkordy Assistant Professor, Learning Sciences National College of Education National Louis University,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning by Design with Digital Badges ISTE 2015 Angela Elkordy Assistant Professor, Learning Sciences National College of Education National Louis University, Chicago, IL

2 How can digital badges be used to individualize learning?

3 Creating iSpaces Make your own Use other educators badges Service Organizations Games and sites such as Khan Academy Hive, Cities of Learning, Museums, Libraries Out of School Learning Mission Learning (e.g. 3D Game Lab)

4 iSpaces: Learner Constellations

5 How can digital badges foster innovation in learning?

6 ….by making learning … Valued and celebrated Visible, acknowledged and communicated

7 What’s the Story in a Star? 7

8 Stars & Constellations 8 Show learning over time Get credit for OST work Portfolios College (or program) Admissions Work-related

9 Where to start? Build constellations Think holistically Ask! Have conversations around interest learning & badges Differentiate!!

10 Building iSpaces Student Story #2 ……Susu

11 This learning works:

12 Fostering Innovation: Student Story #3 ……one team investigated how to prevent desertification in Mali. To test their proposed solutions, the boys built a model using trees and sand. A hair dryer provided wind resistance. They conducted three trials to determine which solution might work best to solve the problem: a fence (with gaps), a line of trees, or a solid wall.

13 InfoMaker Badge Series The focus of this badge series is: “learner as innovative problem solver … ‘Design’ is viewed as a cyclical process, during which the learner is immersed in “design thinking:” defines a problem or a challenge; seeks information to inform a design solution (previous research and needs analysis); proposes a potential solution; communicates outcomes, including reflections/ recommendations on how to improve or refine the design for another iteration of design cycle.

14 Earn a badge!

15 How to earn the Badge Explorer.. Create a digital badge for a new or existing learning experience. Include: 1) Develop 3 learning targets or outcomes 2) Design 3-5 learning tasks. What will badge earners "do"? ( be creative!) 3) Align criteria with 2+ standards (e.CCSS, NET-S or NGSS); 4) Design & create a badge 5) Send details & url to for review with Badge in Subject line 6) Claim *your* badge when notified by email.

16 Resources BadgeChatK12: Digital Badging in Edu Buchem, I. “DIGITAL BADGES / OPEN BADGES TAXONOMY” open-badges-taxonomy/ open-badges-taxonomy/ Fontichiaro, K. & Elkordy, A., “Chart Students Growth with Digital Badges” Malone, T. & Lepper (1987). Making Learning Fun: A Taxonomy of Intrinsic Motivations for Learning. (

17 Thank you! To the #BadgeChatK12 community, particularly @SenorG, for sharing ideas and enthusiasm around kids, learning and badges! To you, for your time and participation! Questions? Please contact me at

18 Motivation & Engagement in Learning NFL-0089-2DC-4N Choice Control Purpose Curiosity Learner Motivation

19 Fostering innovation with digital badges Measure and recognize “new” skills Differentiate …everything! Communicate learning in all contexts Provide essential formative feedback Increase learners’ metacognitive skills and self-efficacy Motivate!

20 How can digital badges be used for learning? Skill based targets (competencies) Learning targets (knowledge) Behavioral targets Socio-emotional targets Soft skill targets Motivation Participation

21 Learn more about kinds of badges:

22 Competency-based Teacher (Digital Promise) 22

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