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Recipe for a Career in Academia: Make Soup Not Cake Seena Haines, PharmD, BC-ADM, CDE Interim Assistant Dean for Academics, Associate Professor Residency.

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Presentation on theme: "Recipe for a Career in Academia: Make Soup Not Cake Seena Haines, PharmD, BC-ADM, CDE Interim Assistant Dean for Academics, Associate Professor Residency."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recipe for a Career in Academia: Make Soup Not Cake Seena Haines, PharmD, BC-ADM, CDE Interim Assistant Dean for Academics, Associate Professor Residency Program Director (PGY-1) Co-Director Diabetes Education and Research Center (DERC)

2 Objectives  Discuss the key ingredients for a successful career in academia.  Explain the differences in the promotion process between the tenure and non-tenure track  Discover one’s personal and professional purpose in academia.  Share strategies to enhance one’s professional career in an academic setting. Upon conclusion of this symposium, the attendee should be able to:

3 Soup Vs. Cake SOUP  Key ingredients  Taste improves with time  Variety  Spices add the flavor  Nutritious meal CAKE  Precision and measurement  Sequential and prescribed  Little flexibility in time and temperature  Can be fickle  Empty calories

4 Key Ingredients #1 and #2 The Stock Is Your Terminal Degree and Postgraduate Training  PharmD Degree  Residency  Fellowship Establishing yourself as a clinical educator Developing or joining an established practice site Specializing in an area of practice which can enhance scholarly/research opportunities The Spices Are You‘re Niche

5 ★ Primary Appointment & Salary Faculty Categories ★ Campus-Based Tenure track -Researcher/educator -Practitioner/educator Nontenure or tenure track -Practitioner Educator -Practioner Researcher Noncampus- Based Those who love to practice and mentor should ask to what extent are you committed to teaching in the classroom

6 Academic Life Scholarship Practice Teaching Service Scholarship of Teaching Scholarship of Engagement Service Learning Professional Practice Institution Learners Community Organizations Scholarship of Application Experiential Learning (IPPEs/APPEs) APPE = Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (Program); IPPE = Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience (Program). Haines SL, Haines ST. ACCP Clinical Faculty Survival Guide. Service: Institution, Community, and Profession.

7 Balancing Responsibilities Responsibilities Teaching Practice Research Service Family Development Clinical Practice Faculty Teaching Service Research/Scholarship Key Question: What is YOUR University’s Expectations Typical Time Spent on Lecture (1 st year) Development is ~4- 8hr for every lecture hr Performance  Ability, Motivation, Opportunity Time Spent (%) in These Categories Changes Over Time

8 Scholarship of Teaching  Didactic  Experiential  Healthcare professional in-service  Continuing education  Advising  Residency/Fellow instruction Teaching Environments Self- Assessment Student Evaluations Methods To Evaluate Peer Review

9 Additonal Scholarly Contributions  Presentations (local, state, national, international)  Publications (reviews, chapters, original research)  Instructional Innovations  Practice Models  Journal Referee  Editorial Advisory Board

10 A Creativity Contract And Goal Setting Portofolio: Document, Document, Document  Organizational value system  Have an agreed upon goals and objectives (short and long-term).  Written proposal/description of specific practice activities (especially when seeking resources).  Used in the annual evaluation process (FAPR example).  Modify your focus at different stages.  May consider nontenure to tenure track appointment.

11 Promotion and Tenure ⌘ Cake: Tenure  Fixed timeframe (~6-7 yrs)  Refereed work (qualitative)  Often scholarship of discovery, integration & teaching ✜  Professional service, collegiate service, practice service Soup: Non-Tenure  Timeframe is variable  Refereed work (qualitative)  Often scholarship of integration, application or teaching  Professional service, collegiate service, practice service ✜ Institutional focus- Research or Teaching  Integration of Primary Academic Roles (Key Ingredients): Teaching, Service, Scholarship ⌘ Yearly or multi-year contracts vary at each institution Review the Promotion and Tenure Guidelines ASAP Review the Promotion and Tenure Guidelines ASAP

12 Key Ingredient #3 Vertical and Lateral Mentors  Identify successful individuals at your institution and beyond.  Indentify individuals with similar areas of interests (teaching, practice, research).  Formal mentoring programs.  Seek multiple mentors for various needs. “Knock, knock”…” “whose there?”….

13 My Academic Journey Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Specialty Residency Assistant Professor/ Administration Associate Professor Phase 1 – Specialty Residency Instructor Appt First Practice Faculty Joined PBA post residency Applied for Promotion Earned Early Promotion Interim Dean Phase 3 – Administration Phase 2 – Assistant Professor/Associate Professor My Scholarship Areas: Integration Application Teaching My Scholarship Areas: Integration Application Teaching Clinical Practice Director Clinical Practice Director Residency Director Focus Modified: Teaching vs. Research Taste Improves with Time Variety Spices add the Flavor Nutritious Meal My Personal Mission Statement and Career Goals Coordinator Flare My 5-year nontenure plan took 5 years

14 Job Satisfaction: The Spice of Academic Life Professional  Life-long learning  Every mistake is a future success  Think “TSS” banana split  Collegial relations  Think outside your institution and profession  Work triangulation (ADDIE)  Teaching philosophy  Resource awareness  Become a “local” expert  Research/scholarship agenda Personal  Feed your spirit  Strive for balance in life  Personal mission statement  Job satisfaction/enrichment  Being adaptable  Reflection  Learn to say “No”  Technology investments  Enjoy the flexibility INSERT QUOTE HERE Growth, Advancement, Responsibilities, Recognition, and Achievements

15 Sharing Recipes With My Fellow Foodie Lateral Mentoring  We have collaborated in all areas of academic life.  Written several peer reviewed publications.  Serve as Co-editors for a national organization.  Earned an AACP Innovation in Teaching Award.  National Service in other professional organizations.  Podium presentations.  Residency development.  A kindred spirit.

16 Recipe Rolodex Lead From Your Strengths  Strengthfinders©, DiSC© inventories  Credentialing (CPD)  Teaching Certifications and Research Institutes (AACP and ACCP)  Fellowships (AACP)  Survival Guides/ Clinical Faculty Survival Guide (ACCP)  Facilitated Workshops

17 Closing Thoughts Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed. Booker T Washington The road to success is always under construction Arnold Palmer

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