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Alberta Safety Council for Seniors Housing Helping You Create STRONG Health & Safety Programs.

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Presentation on theme: "Alberta Safety Council for Seniors Housing Helping You Create STRONG Health & Safety Programs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alberta Safety Council for Seniors Housing Helping You Create STRONG Health & Safety Programs

2 Where we began... November 1993 - Council formed WCB’s “Voluntary Incentive Program” Steering Committee established with administrative staff members. 1995 - “Certifying Partner”

3 Voluntary Incentive Program Launched in 1993 by WCB Purpose: Protect employees Reduce costs Workplace Health & Safety Programs Partnerships Financial ($$$$) return to employer

4 PURPOSE & MANDATE Purpose: To Promote Workplace Health & Safety in Seniors Housing Mandate: Serve as the Certifying Partner for the Seniors Housing Industry as it relates to Alberta Human Resources & Employment’s Partners in Injury Reduction Program

5 Steering Committee Co-ordinate training Certify Auditors Communicate industry specific info Co-ordinate auditing process Review and approve external audits Monitor adherence to the program Develop standards of practice

6 Certifying Partner Quality Assurance program Set standards to meet legislation Audit Health & Safety programs Industry specific auditors Assess Audits for Quality Issue Certificates of Recognition (COR) Co-sign with Human Resources & Employment

7 Certifying Partners *Indicates that the Certifying Partner is a safety association that is funded through a levy on WCB premiums

8 Partners in Injury Reduction 1998 - Partners In Injury Reduction (PIR) Replaced Voluntary Incentive Program COR required to receive incentive Incentive  reduced WCB premiums

9 Benefits of PIR Earn up to 20% discount on WCB premiums (min 5% with COR) Achieve a lower lost-time claim (LTC) rate and reduced accident costs (AC) LTC rate is 13%  than non participants AC rate 23%  than non participants Higher productivity, employee well- being and job satisfaction

10 Small Employer PIR PIR isn’t just for large employers “Small Employer COR” (SECOR) available for business with less than 10 employees Meets needs of small employers while considering their resource limitations Costs and audit requirements are significantly less to achieve COR

11 PIR Discounts You can reduce WCB premiums in one of three ways: Achieve or maintain a COR, and Improve your performance, or Maintain Industry Leadership WCB will award a maximum industry rate discount of 20%* * You must have your COR before any discount is awarded

12 PIR Participation 2003 135 accounts in Seniors housing industry 30 (22%) are registered with PIR 13 of the 30 have COR 2004 (as at November 19, 2003) 135 accounts in Seniors housing industry 31 (23%) are registered with PIR  Registration  Industry Rate

13 Lost-Time Claims 2002 639 lost time claims over previous 5 years 8 permanent partial disabilities 0 fatalities 2003 701 lost time claims over previous 5 years 13 permanent partial disabilities 0 fatalities

14 Claim Costs 2002 - $348,423,053 Payroll $2,400,000 claim costs 2003 - $376,939,131 Payroll $3,400,000 claim costs 2002  2003 - 8%  in payroll 40%  in claim costs ! ! !

15 How to Enroll in PIR Register with WCB Complete a PIR registration form prior to December 31 to enroll for upcoming year (registration is for a three year period) No cost to register with WCB Important to submit form even if not sure about pursuing a COR – can always withdraw registration

16 Join the Safety Council The Alberta Safety Council for Seniors Housing is your industry specific “Certifying Partner” Complete application form Fee - $500 per calendar year provides: Industry specific Health & Safety Manual Industry specific training programs Industry specific auditors One (1) Certified Auditor required

17 Achieve COR Health & Safety Program Building Trained Auditor Site specific Health & Safety Program External Audit Achieve 80% rating overall Earn your Certificate of Recognition

18 Testimonials MCF Housing for Seniors North Peace Housing Foundation County of Stettler Housing

19 ASCSH - Summary 10 Year History Certifying Partner Industry Specific - “Seniors’ Housing” Program Resources Regular Up-dates JOIN TODAY !


21 JUST FOR LAUGHS A Russian named Rudolph took a walk with his wife one winter night. Soon it started to rain. “Rudolph, look it’s snowing!” exclaimed his wife. “No dear, it’s raining,” answered Rudolph. “No, I think it’s snowing,” said his wife. At this, Rudolph stood up straight, and stuck out his chest and proclaimed: “RUDOLPH THE RED KNOWS RAIN DEAR!”

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