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Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck Chapter 3 Vocab Words.

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Presentation on theme: "Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck Chapter 3 Vocab Words."— Presentation transcript:

1 Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck Chapter 3 Vocab Words

2 5 Steps for Vocab Journal (Remember to leave enough room for all 5 parts that are required) 1) Write the word and page # 2) Write the sentence with the word from book 3) Write your own meaning/definition 4) Write the dictionary definition and part of speech 5) Write your own sentence using the word

3 Chapter 3 vocab concealing concealing subdued subdued impressively impressively subsided subsided entranced entranced reprehensible reprehensible bemused bemused

4 concealing con·ceal con·ceal Part of Speech: Verb Part of Speech: Verb : to prevent disclosure or recognition of : to prevent disclosure or recognition of : to place out of sight : to place out of sight

5 subdued sub·dued sub·dued Part of Speech: adjective Part of Speech: adjective lacking in vitality, intensity, or strength lacking in vitality, intensity, or strength

6 impressively Part of Speech: Adverb : making or tending to make a marked impression : having the power to excite attention, awe, or admiration : making or tending to make a marked impression : having the power to excite attention, awe, or admiration impression

7 subsided Part of Speech: Verb Part of Speech: Verb :to sink or fall to the bottom : settle :to sink or fall to the bottom : settlesettle to tend downward : descend; : to flatten out so as to form a depression to tend downward : descend; : to flatten out so as to form a depressiondescend

8 entranced Part of Speech: Verb Part of Speech: Verb : to put into a trance : to put into a trance : to carry away with delight, wonder, or rapture <we were by the view : to carry away with delight, wonder, or rapture <we were by the view

9 reprehensible Part of Speech: Adjective Part of Speech: Adjective : worthy of or deserving reprehension : culpable : worthy of or deserving reprehension : culpablereprehension culpablereprehension culpable the act of reprehending : CONDEMNATION the act of reprehending : CONDEMNATIONCONDEMNATION

10 bemused Part of Speech: Verb Part of Speech: Verb : to make confused : puzzle, bewilder : to make confused : puzzle, bewilderpuzzlebewilderpuzzlebewilder : to occupy the attention of : distract, absorb : to occupy the attention of : distract, absorbdistract absorbdistract absorb

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