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Physical development Dr Jeremy Jolley. Gross Motor 0-1 month Primary reflexes, placing, primary walk, grip Prone – turns head to one side Limbs held in.

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Presentation on theme: "Physical development Dr Jeremy Jolley. Gross Motor 0-1 month Primary reflexes, placing, primary walk, grip Prone – turns head to one side Limbs held in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physical development Dr Jeremy Jolley

2 Gross Motor 0-1 month Primary reflexes, placing, primary walk, grip Prone – turns head to one side Limbs held in flexion Marked head lag when pulled to sit

3 Gross motor 1-3 months Prone – raises chin off floor Bottom gradually lower Knees straighten Rests on forearms Supine – head in midline Hands brought together in finger play (3/12) No head lag (3/12) Three months

4 Gross motor: 3-6 months Prone, support on extended arms, rests on hands Reaches out for toy (4-5/12) Grasps feet (6/12) Holds arms out to be lifted (6/12) Sits with support (6/12) Held, takes weight on legs

5 Gross motor: 6-12/12 Reaches for and holds toys Pulls self to sit (7/12) Sits with support of own arm (7/12) Sits with no support, reaches for toy (8/12) Pulls to stand holding on but cannot get down (10/12) Attempting to crawl (8/12) Cruises (stepping sideways) (12/12) Can let self down from furniture Walks with hand held (11-12/12) 6 months 8 months

6 Gross motor: 12-15/12 Walks alone (13- 14/12) Kneels Crawls upstairs (not downstairs) 12 months 14 months

7 Gross motor: 15-18/12 Walks as adult, runs (18/12) Pulls and pushes large wheeled toy Crawls upstairs and downstairs (backwards) Bends knees to pick up toy from floor Backs into chair Climbs forward into adult chair to sit 18 months

8 Gross motor: 2 years Runs well, starting and stopping Walks upstairs, two feet to a step Climbs on furniture

9 Gross motor: 2½ years Walks up and downstairs two feet to a step Sits on cycle (no use of pedals) 2 ½ years

10 Gross motor: 3 years Walks upstairs but downstairs two feet to a step Can walk on tip-toe Stands on one foot Pedal cycle using pedals

11 Gross motor: 4 years Walks up and down stairs in adult fashion Runs on tip-toe

12 Gross motor: 5 years Runs up and down stairs Stands on one foot with folded arms Hops and skips on one foot Age 6

13 Fine motor: 1/12 Eyes follow moving ball Regards face

14 Fine motor: 3/12 Supine – finger play Holds toy but cannot coordinate eyes and hands Follows moving ball vertical and horizontal

15 Fine motor: 6/12 Supine: holds feet and brings to mouth Grasps toy with both hands and brings to mouth Palmer grasp and transfer

16 Fine motor: 9 months Pokes toy Scissor grasp Begins to be able to find toy hidden from sight

17 Fine motor: 1 year Points Plays pat-a-cake Finds hidden toy

18 Fine motor: 15 months Builds tower of two Carries doll while walking Grasps crayon and scribbles to and fro

19 Fine motor: 1½ years Tower of three bricks

20 Fine motor: 2 years Tower of 6-7 bricks Turns pages singly Uses cup safely

21 Fine motor: 2½ years Copies a V shape Uses preferred hand

22 Fine motor: 3 years Copies circle and V shape Uses scissors

23 Fine motor: 4 years Builds simple buildings with bricks

24 Fine motor: 5 years Copies squares and crosses

25 Physical development Dr Jeremy Jolley

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