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India Pakistan Conflict.  Ancient India was land to many rulers and emperors whose religious influence was very impactful on the people.  The Aryans.

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Presentation on theme: "India Pakistan Conflict.  Ancient India was land to many rulers and emperors whose religious influence was very impactful on the people.  The Aryans."— Presentation transcript:

1 India Pakistan Conflict

2  Ancient India was land to many rulers and emperors whose religious influence was very impactful on the people.  The Aryans followed and created the Vedas which was a template for Hinduism and became the religion of the people  As time progress new religions arose as enlighteners such as Siddhartha and Mahavira formed the religions of Buddhism and Jainism respectively.

3  Emperors Asoka was known as one of the greatest emperors for his many conquests and expansion of his empire.  He married a woman who was Buddhist and convert and spread the religion of Buddhism throughout his rain reaching as far as china.

4  Ancient India had multiple invaders who brought with them new rulers and new culture influences.  Arab invasion brought to India the religion of Islam  Muhammad Bin Qasim was the first Muslim ruler after his conquest on the land that is today Pakistan

5  In the mid 1800s England took over and ruled India for the next ninety years  This era was known as the British Raj  George Curzon aka Lord Curzon partitioned Bengal into Eastern Bengal and Assam  Eastern Bengal was for Hindus and Assam was for Muslims  There were many rebels against this partition

6  Bengal was reunited in 1911  The political party All India Muslim League was formed in 1906 as a way of protection for Muslim aristocrats in Northwest India  The political party ends up being divided due to multiple factors including their distrust in Hindus

7  In 1947 India gains their independence from England.  Before leaving England partitions India into two parts giving land to Muslims which is current day Pakistan  This was originally the land conquered by Qasim

8  Conflict Arises over the states of Kashmir and Jammu pertaining to which state belongs to which country  In 1947 the Pakistan army supports a Muslim rebellion in Kashmir and India agrees to help the king of Kashmir by sending aid towards the insurgency  A war breaks out between India and Pakistan in May of 1948 and is ended in January of 1949 after the United Nations orders a cease fire

9  In 1965 a second war arises with the India crossing the border into Lahore  The was is over the states of Kashmir and Jammu  Ceasefire is again ordered by the United Nations  1966 the two nations agree to meet and peacefully resolve issues

10  In 1971 Pakistan enters a civil war with Eastern Pakistan wanting to secede.  Many refugees flee to India who in turn step in to aid again Pakistan  In late 1971 part of East Pakistan becomes Bangladesh  The cease fire line becomes the line of control and is respected by both sides

11  In 1974 Kashmir agrees to being called a state of India a notion which is rejected by Pakistan  In 1989 another insurgency breaks out against India in Kashmir.  Demand is made that the states of Kashmir and Jammu be given over to Pakistan but India rejects the notion  In the early 1990s many Muslim radical groups are formed

12  In 1996 officials of both India and Pakistan meet and divide Jammu and Kashmir to establish peace  The eight point agenda of peace was establish discussing the Kashmir issue and discusses hold on using nuclear weapons  1998 a scare of nuclear war calls to the attention of many western nations who put in place sanctioning that put an ease to the tentions  The two countries sign a pledge to resolves issues in Jammu and Kashmir

13  In 1999 India launches a missile to Pakistan who retaliates  Many flee their homes on both sides of the cease fire  War continues until September 11, 2001 when terror attacks on the US brings a rapprochement about  In 2002 Pakistan's president makes a statement that no terrorist acts will occur on Pakistans soil

14  News Media influences many people all over the world  With world news being something that allows people from one side of the world to see what's happening on the other it gives influence and insights and usually contains fact  News media (usually world news) is a unbiased source of media which contains facts and is relied on by many to provide insight into what is happening in the world

15  World news networks such as CNN, BBC and Al Jeezra provide world news and give people all over the world insight into what is happening in the world  The information on these networks and side usually coincide and are considerer realiable

16  BBC News. BBC, n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2012..  "History of India." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 26 Nov. 2012. Web. 29 Nov. 2012..

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