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Metric System The best system in the world! And the only one you will be using in science.

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Presentation on theme: "Metric System The best system in the world! And the only one you will be using in science."— Presentation transcript:

1 Metric System The best system in the world! And the only one you will be using in science.

2 Metric System  The metric system (also known as the international system of units) was introduced by France in 1799. The United States is the only industrialized country in the world that does not use the metric system as its official system of measurement. We used the standard system (inches, feet miles, pounds, gallons, Fahrenheit).

3 The only units you will EVER use in this classroom are: LengthVolume/liquidWeight/massTemperature meterslitersgramscelsius mlgC°

4 The metric system is the best because:  It is much easier to make conversions.  You do not have to memorize odd numbers. For example you have already learned:  How many inches in a foot? _________  How many feet in a yard? _______  How many feet in a mile? __________  How many pints in a gallon? ________  These are “weird” numbers.

5 The only thing you have to remember is to divide or multiple by 10.  That is easily done by moving a decimal place either forward or backwards.  Kilo (multiply by 1000) deci (multiply by.1)  Hecto (multiply by 100) centi (multiply by.01)  Deca (multiply by 10) milli (multiply by.001) KiloHectaDeka (base) DeciCentiMilli khdadcm 10001001010.10.010.001 k ing h enry da nces( m )adly ( l )ightly ( g )ently d rinking c hocoloate m ilk

6 Power of 10  Watch the following video that changes size by a power of 10 each time.  vDjuy0 vDjuy0

7 Metric Prefixes  1000000000000  1000000000  1000000  1000  100  10 .1 .01 .001 .000001 .000000001 .000000000001

8 Metric Conversions are easy if you use the steps:

9 K H Da mlg D C M

10 Try the following problems: k h da mlg d c m  3.4 km = ________________ cm  4001 cg = ________________ hg  67.5 dam = _______________ mm .0421 ml = ________________ l  478 g = ________________ kg

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