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INCOFISH progress report ESTONIA Henn Ojaveer Workpackage 2, Workshop I Tallinn, 2-4 March 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "INCOFISH progress report ESTONIA Henn Ojaveer Workpackage 2, Workshop I Tallinn, 2-4 March 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 INCOFISH progress report ESTONIA Henn Ojaveer Workpackage 2, Workshop I Tallinn, 2-4 March 2006


3 Current research Customs books of Port of Pärnu Late 18 th century Detailed information on vessels Main task: exports-imports Tax paid

4 Research planned Customs books of Tallinn and Narva Magistrates of port towns (e.g., Pärnu, Narva) Reports and communications of large trade centres Fonds of gouverneurs of Estonia and Livland 17-18 (19th) century


6 Lajus, J., Tammiksaar, E. and Ojaveer, H. Fisheries on the north-eastern coast of the Baltic Sea in the first half of the 19 th century: what can we learn from the archives of Karl Ernst von Baer Kraikovski, A. V., Lajus, J. A., Dmitrieva, Z. V., Karimov, A., Leontiev, P., Merzliakova, I. and Sukhorukova, A. Marine and river fisheries in the eastern Gulf of Finland (Baltic Sea) area during the 15-19 th centuries Bager, M. and Karnøe, M. The Danish Baltic Sea fisheries during 1890-1930s MacKenzie, B. R. et al. Baltic cod story during the 1550-1880s Eero, M. and MacKenzie, B. R. Analysis of the accuracy of catch statistics for reflecting relative fluctuations in the eastern Baltic cod stock in the first half of the 20 th century Special volume of Fisheries Research

7 Ojaveer, H., Awebro, K. and Karlsdottir, H. Swedish Baltic Sea fisheries prior to the official catch statistics period Gaumiga, R., Karlsons, G., Uzars, D. and Ojaveer, H. Fisheries of the Gulf of Riga (Baltic Sea) in the late 17 th century Enghoff, I. B. and MacKenzie, B. R. Archaeological evidence of the effects of warm temperatures on the fish fauna in the North Sea-Baltic Sea region Kinze, C. C. Marine mammals in the North and Baltic seas Poulsen, B., MacKenzie, B. R., Holm, P. Stock Fluctuations of North Sea herring, c. 1600-1850 Special volume of Fisheries Research cont-d

8 Poulsen, R. T., Cooper, A. B. and Holm, P. The importance of historical baselines to fisheries management - An abundance estimate of ling (Molva molva) in the northeastern North Sea, 1872 Barnard, M. Shared spaces, complex interactions: the impact of extractive activity on fish populations in the Noth Sea UKCS since 1945 Lajus, D. L., Lajus, J. A., Dmitrieva, Z. V., Kraikovski, A. V. and Alexandrov, D. A. Historical data as a source of information on population dynamics of Atlantic salmon in the White and Barents seas: methodology and case studies Alekseeva, Y. L. Lajus, D. L., Lajus, J. A., Dmitrieva, Z. V. and Kraikovski, A. V. Herring fisheries in the White Sea in the 17 th - beginning of the 20 th centuries: factors effecting the catch fluctuations. Special volume of Fisheries Research cont-d


10 FINLAND POLAND ESTONIA LITHUANIA LATVIA SWEDEN DENMARK Baltic Proper GERMANY North Sea NORWAY Bothnian Bay Gulf of Finland Gulf of Riga Norwegian Sea R U S I A Bornholm Basin Skagerrak Kattegat Baltic Sea Bothnian Sea I III II

11 Herring Clupea harengus membras landings (tons) Blekinge Ojaveer et al. in prep. I

12 Herring effort Blekinge Gävleborg Västernorrland Ojaveer et al. in prep. I

13 Cod Gadus morhua callarias landings (tons) Landings higher in south than in north (presence of cod in Västernorrland remarkable). Most of cod fishery conducted at west coast Ojaveer et al. in prep. I

14 Cod effort Blekinge Ojaveer et al. in prep. I

15 Eel Anguilla anguilla landings (tons) General increase in landings. Landings higher in south and southeast than in open Baltic and north. Eel landings decreased due to eutrophication in the 1950s Ojaveer et al. in prep. I

16 Flounder Platichthys flesus landings (tons) Majority of flatfish catches from the west coast (average ca 71 000 tons annually. No effort data available Ojaveer et al. in prep. I

17 Map of the Gulf of Riga showing identified places, fisheries and regions I - Northern part; II - West coast; III - South coast; IV - East coast; V - Parnu Bay Fishing was carried out all over the coasts of the Gulf of Riga in more than 30 localities by means of various gears Gaumiga et al. in prep. II

18 Catch and catch per unit effort (measured as unit catch per fishing day)of herring, flounder and eelpout Switch to eelpout fishing when flounder catches were low (same fishing grounds and seasons) Gaumiga et al. in prep. II

19 Comparison with recent data Herring: max ca. 200 tons in late 17th c. Flounder: max ca. 50 tons in late 17th c. 1984-2002 mean ca. 100 tons Eelpout: max ca 25 tons in late 17th c.; about the same in 2000-2002! Gaumiga et al. in prep. II

20 Freshwater and Coastal Fisheries Grossenhoff Manor, Estonia Ide Leuciscus idus Roach Rutilus rutilus Perch Perca fluviatilis Pike Esox lucius III Lajus et al. in prep.

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