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Supplemental Budget Ryan Myers ED 608-01 Dr. Helms 10-07-01.

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Presentation on theme: "Supplemental Budget Ryan Myers ED 608-01 Dr. Helms 10-07-01."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supplemental Budget Ryan Myers ED 608-01 Dr. Helms 10-07-01

2 Adventures in Social Studies Making History fun For Fifth Grade

3 Video Tapes 1.Native American Life Several video segments to document who are the natives of the land, and how they were treated $29.95 2. This is America, Charlie Brown A set of seven tapes detailing everything from the Mayflower to the railroad to the Smithsonian $99.00

4 Video Tapes Con’t 3.Washington, D. C. A feature on the planning and building of our capitol $29.95 4.Becoming an active citizen Johnny Appleseed portrays the ideal citizen in this video. The video also features other stories about students doing their best to be good citizens $59.95

5 Enrichment Books 1.America in the time of… A set of nine paperbacks to help students explore from Christopher Columbus all the way to MLK, Jr. $56.30 2.Library of Congress books A set of five paperbacks featuring the Civil War, Cowboys, Immigrants, Inventors, and Presidents $52.00

6 Computer Programs 1.Travelrama USA This games takes students to different locations throughout the country looking for historical landmarks, monuments, and parks. The students can play against each other to see who wins. $19.95 2. Life in Colonial America This game gives the students a taste of real life back in the colonies. Features paintings as well as recreations of colonial dwellings. $285.00

7 Games and Simulations 1.Crossword America The set contains 84 crossword puzzles that pertain to history and geography $17.00 2.American History Math This book allows students to use math to figure lunch prices on the Santa Fe, guess where a tree will fall, and solve the riddle of Franklin’s magic square. $9.95

8 Teaching and Learning Supplemental Books 1. U.S. History and Geography: Intermediate Social Studies Activities An activity book that invites children to become cartographers and historians $24.95 2.Rand McNally Atlas of the fifty states A must for students to examine the changes that have occurred in our country $10.95

9 Learning Activities 1.The quilt block History of pioneer days This book contains projects that the students can create on their own $23.90

10 Learning Activities con’t. 2.A trip to Jamestown, the historic village in Virginia. The students could get a first hand look at what life was like. $4500

11 Learning Activities con’t. 3.A trip to the capital, Washington D.C. This would be the culminating event for the kids. They would get the chance to see how far we’ve come. $5000

12 Total Budget for fun History $10218.85

13 Making History Fun Priceless

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