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Presentation on theme: "TELECOMMUNICATIONS Dr. Hugh Blanton ENTC 4307/ENTC 5307."— Presentation transcript:


2 Dr. Blanton - ENTC 4307 - Transmission Lines (cont.) 2 Properties of transmission lines Characteristic Impedance Propagation coefficient Phase Velocity Effective dielectric constant Inductance (L) and Capacitance (C ) per unit length

3 Dr. Blanton - ENTC 4307 - Transmission Lines (cont.) 3 RF When a capacitor is created by two parallel conductors, the dimensions of the conductors compared to the actual wavelength ( G ) affects the RF performance of the component. For example: If l << G,the capacitance of the parallel plates may be treated as a single (“lumped”) capacitance C between points x 1 and x 2.

4 Dr. Blanton - ENTC 4307 - Transmission Lines (cont.) 4 If l > 0.05 G, the capacitance of the parallel plates must be treated in “distributed” form as C 1, C 2,... C n, including the effects of the incremental inductances L 1, L 2,..., L n-1,etc.

5 Dr. Blanton - ENTC 4307 - Transmission Lines (cont.) 5 The physical dimensions of conductors and components, relative to the effective signal wavelength, determines the method required for accurate modeling. When conductors are realized on FR-4 type PC- boards, the effective wavelength at 1 GHz is about 10 cm (~ 4”). Five percent of that length is 5 mm (~ 200 mils); therefore if the conductors exceed this length, they should be analyzed in distributed form at frequencies above 1 GHz.

6 Dr. Blanton - ENTC 4307 - Transmission Lines (cont.) 6 The 5% “border” is just an approximation, not an absolute rule. It is generally used as an upper limit to which the tangent of an angle changes in a near linear fashion

7 Dr. Blanton - ENTC 4307 - Transmission Lines (cont.) 7 Transmission lines At high frequencies wires become transmission lines Coaxial Microstrip Coplanar Input and Output needs to be matched.

8 Dr. Blanton - ENTC 4307 - Transmission Lines (cont.) 8 Types of Transmission Lines RF transmission lines generally consist of two conductors, one of which may be a ground plane or a shield. The most commonly used forms are: twin-leads, coaxial, stripline, and microstrip Strip lineMicrostrip line Twin leads Coaxial

9 Dr. Blanton - ENTC 4307 - Transmission Lines (cont.) 9 Coaxial Coax is the most common form of a transmission line. Note that: Stripline is essentially square coax and Microstrip is open top coax. Most of the magnetic field terminated in the ground strip.

10 Dr. Blanton - ENTC 4307 - Transmission Lines (cont.) 10 Transmission lines may be defined two ways: by physical dimensions (conductor size and spacing) or by electrical parameters (characteristic impedance and electrical length). At higher microwave frequencies single conductor transmission lines, such as waveguides may also be used

11 Dr. Blanton - ENTC 4307 - Transmission Lines (cont.) 11 If the dielectric is non-homogeneous,  r, is replaced with the dielectric constant,  eff, which is an average of the dielectric layers.

12 Dr. Blanton - ENTC 4307 - Transmission Lines (cont.) 12 Characteristic Impedance Characteristic impedance (Z o ) of a uniform, lossy transmission line is a complex number; it is defined by the ratio of the series impedance and shunt admittance of an incremental line segment.

13 Dr. Blanton - ENTC 4307 - Transmission Lines (cont.) 13 R and G represent dissipative losses while L and C are the incremental inductance and capacitance in the equivalent series and parallel circuits. Characteristic impedance is given by: If the line is lossless (R = 0, G = 0) the impedance definition is simplified to a real quantity:

14 Dr. Blanton - ENTC 4307 - Transmission Lines (cont.) 14 Characteristic impedance is what the signal “sees” while traveling through the transmission line. Electrically, it is the ratio of the instantaneous voltage and current. a quantity that is constant throughout a homogeneous line. If high-impedance lines the incremental inductance is the dominant term of the impedance expression. In low-impedance lines the capacitance term is relatively large, while inductance is low.

15 Dr. Blanton - ENTC 4307 - Transmission Lines (cont.) 15 Thus in high-impedance lines the incremental inductance is the dominant term of the impedance expression. In low-impedance lines the capacitance term is the dominant term in the impedance expression.

16 Dr. Blanton - ENTC 4307 - Transmission Lines (cont.) 16 If the transmission line is lossless (R = 0, G = 0) and the impedance definition is simplified to a real quantity:

17 Dr. Blanton - ENTC 4307 - Transmission Lines (cont.) 17 Example A uniform transmission line has the following incremental lumped equivalent circuit parameters: R = 0.2  m G = 2  10 -5 S/m L = 2.51  10 -7 H/m C = 10  10 -12 F/m Find the characteristic impedance of the line at 1000 Hz and 1 GHz. Comment about the nature of the impedance at different frequencies. That is, at 1 KHz, is the circuit a transmission line? Is the circuit a transmission line at 1 GHz? R L GC

18 Dr. Blanton - ENTC 4307 - Transmission Lines (cont.) 18 Electrical Length of Transmission Lines The term electrical length refers to the ratio of the physical length ( l ) of the transmission line to the wavelength ( G ) in the applicable dielectric.

19 Dr. Blanton - ENTC 4307 - Transmission Lines (cont.) 19 Example If a 15 cm long coaxial line is filled with dielectric of  r = 4, what is E at 2 GHz? We could also compute the effective wavelength first

20 Dr. Blanton - ENTC 4307 - Transmission Lines (cont.) 20 Physical Forms A transmission line may have various physical forms: The electrical schematic The real physical circuit equivalent in coaxial form or microstrip form

21 Dr. Blanton - ENTC 4307 - Transmission Lines (cont.) 21 Characteristics If an ideal transmission line of characteristic impedance Z o is terminated with a complex impedance Z L, the new input impedance is Let Z o = 50   ZLZL Z IN 055 450j Z o 90∞0 XLXL XCXC 5500 18055 ⅛ ¼ Impedance Inverter

22 Dr. Blanton - ENTC 4307 - Transmission Lines (cont.) 22 Lossy Transmission Lines For lossy transmission lines the input impedance is a more complicated function: where  is the propagation constant (  j  l is the physical length of the transmission line.

23 Dr. Blanton - ENTC 4307 - Transmission Lines (cont.) 23 If Z L = Z o, the input impedance of the transmission line is always equal to Z L and is not a function of the line length.

24 Dr. Blanton - ENTC 4307 - Transmission Lines (cont.) 24 In a uniform transmission line the current flow is determined by the ratio of the instantaneous voltage and characteristic impedance. Load current depends on the voltage and load impedance.

25 Dr. Blanton - ENTC 4307 - Transmission Lines (cont.) 25

26 Dr. Blanton - ENTC 4307 - Transmission Lines (cont.) 26 When a uniform transmission line is terminated with a load impedance other than its characteristic impedance, reflected waves are created. The ratio of the reflected and forward voltages is called the reflection coefficient and is denoted by .

27 Dr. Blanton - ENTC 4307 - Transmission Lines (cont.) 27 RF Parameters As frequencies reach 100 MHz, the voltages and currents are difficult to measure. A more practical set of parameters can be defined in terms of traveling waves. Four such parameters are: Reflection Coefficient Return Loss Voltage Standing Wave Ratio Mismatch Loss

28 Dr. Blanton - ENTC 4307 - Transmission Lines (cont.) 28 Reflection Coefficient The Reflection Coefficient  shows what fraction of an applied signal is reflected when a Z o source drives a load of Z L.

29 Dr. Blanton - ENTC 4307 - Transmission Lines (cont.) 29 Return Loss The Return Loss  RL  shows the level of reflected wave referenced to the incident wave, expressed in dB.

30 Dr. Blanton - ENTC 4307 - Transmission Lines (cont.) 30 Reflection Coefficient (  ) If the load impedance differs from the characteristic impedance of the line then part of the wave is reflected. The ratio of the incident voltage to the reflected voltage is  Sometimes specified by the return loss = 20 log (  )

31 Dr. Blanton - ENTC 4307 - Transmission Lines (cont.) 31 VSWR The Voltage Standing Wave Ratio  VSWR  compares the maximum and minimum values of a “standing wave” pattern, caused by wave reflection.

32 Dr. Blanton - ENTC 4307 - Transmission Lines (cont.) 32 Mismatch Loss The Mismatch Loss  ML  is the power lost between two interconnected ports, due to mismatch.

33 Dr. Blanton - ENTC 4307 - Transmission Lines (cont.) 33 The four circuit parameters ( , RL, VSWR, and ML) are interrelated. Knowing one, the magnitudes of the others can be computed.

34 Dr. Blanton - ENTC 4307 - Transmission Lines (cont.) 34 When EM waves propagate in two directions inside a transmission line, a “standing wave” pattern is formed.

35 Dr. Blanton - ENTC 4307 - Transmission Lines (cont.) 35 Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) is by definition the ratio of maximum (Vmax) and minimum (Vmin) voltages of the standing wave function. 

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