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The Book of Genesis: Perspectives Chapters 6:1 – 9:29 “The Flood”

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1 The Book of Genesis: Perspectives Chapters 6:1 – 9:29 “The Flood”

2 Announcements

3 “in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” Announcements Congratulations to Nathan & Charli Collins on the arrival of daughter, Kinsleigh Grace Collins, born Monday, December 28. She weighs 8 lbs. 8 oz., and is 20 ½ inches long. A handout of James Strother’s and Dan Lightfoot’s Honduras mission trip is available on the table in the foyer. Daily Bible Reading bookmarks are available on tables in the hallway and foyer. Some are available in your class tonight. The church office is closed Friday, January 1. We will reopen Monday, January 4, at 8:30 AM. Join us this Sunday, January 3 for evening services in the auditorium. Rick & Gail Northen, of “Ship of Life”, will be our guest speakers. They travel up and down the Mekong River dispensing medical supplies, and work for Partners in Progress.

4 “in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” Prayer List Jean Rickey – Daily out-patient chemotherapy at UAMS. Andi Pierce – came home from the hospital December 28. No calls or visitors, please. Carolyn Williams – St. Mary’s #410. Glaydene Gooden – St. Anthony’s Hospital #310, in Morrilton. Kerri Lewis – at home after out-patient cornea transplant December 28. Mildred Bailey (David & Terry Bailey’s mother) recuperating at home. Chloe Smith (Mary Reid’s & Harry Willard’s mother) St. Mary’s #430 after a light stroke. Harriet Irby (Fern Combs’ mother) AR Heart Hospital #326 after stint surgery December 29. Sarah Ensey (Connie Myers’ mother) stress test December 31, at St. Mary’s.

5 Genesis WeekDateTopic 109 Dec 09Introduction and the Creation: 1:1-2:25 (Ben) 216 Dec 09The Fall: 3:1-5:32 323 Dec 09Elder Selection Discussion (Herb) 430 Dec 09The Flood: 6:1-9:29 506 Jan 10Table of Nations/Tower of Babel: 10:1-11:9 613 Jan 10Life of Abraham – Part 1: 11:10-16:16 720 Jan 10Life of Abraham – Part 2: 17:1-25:18 827 Jan 10Life of Isaac: 25:19-26:35 903 Feb 10Life of Jacob: 27:1-36:43 1010 Feb 10Life of Esau: 36:1-43:34 (Ben) 1117 Feb 10Life of Joseph – Corruption: 37:1-38:30 1224 Feb 10Life of Joseph – Exaltation: 39:1-41:57 1303 Mar 10Life of Joseph – Salvation: 42:1-50:25

6 Today’s Objectives Provide and overview of last week’s lesson Learn about the wickedness of the Earth during the time of Noah Learn what God decides to do in order to rid the Earth of this evil See how and why Noah and his family survives the calamity Learn about events that occurred after the flood and the death of Noah

7 Last week Provided an overview of last week’s lesson (Creation) Learned how the goodness God had created turns to ruin Learned about the temptation of Adam and Eve Reviewed the story of Cain and Abel and the lessons of faith Learned what happened to Cain Learned about the line of Christ created through Adam and Eve

8 Authorship Bible scholars attribute Genesis to Moses –Inspired by God, Moses was the human instrument through which God spoke –Also attributed to writing the first five books of the bible Date of writing –Uncertain –Probably between 1500-1400 BC –Spans more time than any other book of the Bible –Approximately 2370 years, more time than the other 65 books combined –Oldest and most detailed record of ancient history in existence

9 Terminology Bereshith –Hebrew name for the book meaning “in the beginning” Septuagint –Oldest Greek translation of the OT, around 270 BC Torah –Hebrew word for “the law”, refers to the first five books Pentateuch –Greek name for the first five books of the OT Dead Sea Scrolls –Ancient manuscripts found in 1947 contain parts of all books of the OT except Esther, confirming translations

10 Condition of Man (Gen 6:1-8) Reasons why God destroyed the earth –God sees that the wickedness of man is great –Sons of God (by Seth) mix with the daughters of men (by Cain) Thoughts of man’s heart was evil all the time God grieved that he had made man –He decides to destroy mankind, along with animals and birds However, he finds one man with piety and virtue among – Noah

11 Who was Noah? Tenth and last of the antediluvian Patriarchs –Recognized even as a prophet in the Qur’an, with an entire Sura named after him –Son of Lamech –Named because he would bring rest from toil on the land which God had cursed Three sons at the age of 500 –Shem, Ham, and Japheth Flood occurs in Noah’s 600 th year Dies 350 years after the flood

12 Account of Noah (Gen 6:9-22) Why did Noah find favor in God’s eyes? –He was righteous –Blameless among the people of the time –Walked with God Earth was corrupt in God’s sight and he was going to destroy those that were corrupted God instructs Noah –Make an ark of gofer (or gopher) wood –Dictates the physical dimensions of the ark –Noah is to enter the ark to save himself and his family from destruction, God’s covenant –Also bring in two of all living creatures, male and female

13 The Flood (Gen 7:1-24) Source –Fountains of the great deep…windows of heaven (7:11-12) Extent of coverage –All the high mountains…were covered (7:9) Amount of time –Waters prevailed over the earth for 150 days (7:24) –Increased and decreased another 74 days (7:11-8:5) –Noah and his family spent approximately 371 days in the Ark The Ark is Entered –Approximately 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, 45 feet high –95,700 square feet of space




17 Results of the Flood (Gen 8:1-22) Water subsides (8:1) Ark comes to rest on the mountains of Ararat Noah conducts a series of tests to see if it was safe to exit the ark (8:6-14) God tells Noah to leave the Ark with his family and release all the creatures (8:15-16) Noah worships God –Builds an alter and sacrifices burnt offerings on it –God was very pleased God’s covenant with Noah (8:21-22) –Never again will he destroy all living creatures






23 After the Flood (Gen 9:1-17) God blesses Noah (9:1-3) –All the beasts of the earth will fear man –All the beasts are given to Noah and his descendents God’s commands –Not eat meat that has blood still in it (9:4) –Accountability for any man who takes the life of another man (9:5-6) –Be fruitful and increase in number (9:7) God’s covenant about the flood (9:8-17) –Never again will there be a flood that destroys the earth –Covenant shown by the rainbow

24 After the Flood (Gen 9:18-29) Noah (9:18-20) –Man of the soil –Planted a vineyard Curse of Ham (9:21-25) –Ham saw his father naked –Noah cursed Ham, would become a slave to his brothers Blessings to Shem and Japheth (9:26-27) –Territory would be extended –The two brothers would live in harmony –Canaan, son of Ham, would be their slave

25 New Testament Perspectives Equated to the coming Day of Judgment (Luke 17:26) Noah is called a preacher of righteousness (2 Peter 2:5) Saving power of baptism equated with the Ark saving those who were in it (1 Pe 3:18-21) Later Christian theologians identified the three sons of Noah as the source of population found on three continents (Japheth-Europe; Shem-Asia; Ham- Africa)




29 Review Provided and overview of last week’s lesson Learned about the wickedness of the Earth during the time of Noah Learned what God decides to do in order to rid the Earth of this evil Saw how and why Noah and his family survives the calamity Learned about events that occurred after the flood and the death of Noah Next week, Ch 10-11: Genealogy/Babel

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