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Admissions Update for Partner Institutions. Programme Working with International Students James Richardson, Director of International Office Admissions.

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Presentation on theme: "Admissions Update for Partner Institutions. Programme Working with International Students James Richardson, Director of International Office Admissions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Admissions Update for Partner Institutions

2 Programme Working with International Students James Richardson, Director of International Office Admissions to HE – National and Local Update Sheila Dowling, Head of Admissions Service UoH Regulations and Processes Janet Pearce, Quality Office

3 Student visas Points Based System for visas Tier 4 Postgraduates: ATAS (Academic Technology Approval Scheme) >

4 English Language criteria UoH review of list of recognised EFL qualifications Care – fraudulent attempts with EFL copy certificates

5 UoH entry standards Updated matriculation regulations now include: Cambridge Pre-U Access to HE Diploma Extended Diploma, Advanced Diploma Revised BTEC ND awards Use of the Tariff?

6 Admissions Policies A* A-level grades Extended Project Feedback to unsuccessful applicants UCAS Similarity Detection service Age legislation review and mature entry Deans approval regulations notwithstanding

7 Fair Admissions and sector guidance 2003 White Paper: The future of Higher Education 2004 Schwartz report: Fair Admissions to Higher Education 5 principles: - transparency -instns able to select students who are able to complete -reliable and valid assessment methods -minimising barriers for applicants -professionalism 2006: SPA established as a central source of expertise and advice 2008: SPA coordinated review of progress against Schwartz and ongoing issue of guidance notes (

8 Delivery Partnership Steering Group Established 2006 after DfES consultation on proposals for change for improvements to application system – to lead on the programme of reform HE-sector led with engagement by HE, FE, schools UK-wide, exam boards, SU, government offices Considers impact on applicant groups ( OCIATEDORGANISATIONS/PARTNERSHIPS/P ages/AdmissionsDeliveryPartnership.aspx)

9 Changes so far Entry Profiles informed choices, better inclusion of vocational quals Reduction to 5 choices Route B no longer used for 2009/10 cycle

10 Changes considered Predicted grades will remain in the short term. Review in 2010 Gathered Field with no decisions made or notified until UCAS deadline date. Preference to reinforce the equal consideration dates and case studies to illustrate Post-qualification application as a long term prospect. Issues include IAG; timing of exams results and the academic year; setting up student support needs; time for non-exams assessment methods. Review for 2012

11 Changes ahead Summer adjustment period Revised 14-19 curriculum >A-level reform >Progression of Diploma students >Mix of qualification types (eg IB units/Alevel)

12 Legislative change Immigration Independent Safeguarding Authority ­

13 Feedback Any questions? Any further information you would like? Any information you can share with us?

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