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12: Electromagnetic Induction 12.3 Transmission of Electrical Power.

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1 12: Electromagnetic Induction 12.3 Transmission of Electrical Power

2 Infra-red camera image of power lines:

3 Transmission of Electrical Power Power Loss in Transmission Cables Rate of energy loss in transmission lines is determined by the rms current and the resistance of the wires: Also remember that the wire resistance is given by... P = I 2 R P = Power loss (W) I = rms current (A) R = Total wire resistance (Ω) R = ρl A ρ = Resistivity (Ωm) l = Total length of both wires (m) A = CS Area of wire (m 2 )

4 Example Electricity is generated in a power station at 30kV and 400W of power. The voltage is stepped up to 105kV for transmission and then down to 220V in a town. If the wires between the power station and town have a total resistance of 5Ω... a.What current flows in the wires? b.How much power is lost in the cables? c.What is this as a percentage of the total power? d.If the voltage were stepped up to 195kV, what would be the new percentage of power lost?

5 Power Lines and Your Health Read the article form Harvard medical School and make notes / highlight text.

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