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Electrical Power Grid. Parts of the Grid: Generation (Power Plants) Transmission Lines Substations Distribution Lines Transformers Customers.

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Presentation on theme: "Electrical Power Grid. Parts of the Grid: Generation (Power Plants) Transmission Lines Substations Distribution Lines Transformers Customers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electrical Power Grid

2 Parts of the Grid: Generation (Power Plants) Transmission Lines Substations Distribution Lines Transformers Customers


4 Electricity is produced by generators at a power plant. The energy needed to turn the generators comes from a variety of sources including: Burning of Fossil Fuels (Coal, Oil, Natural Gas) Nuclear Fission Geothermal Solar Hydroelectric (Rivers, Tidal, Waves) Wind Hydrogen Fuel Cells

5 The voltage of the electricity produced is raised by transformers to between 132,000 and 765,000 volts. This high voltage is to reduce the energy lost in long distance transmission of electricity.

6 The electricity is sent out from the power plant on high energy transmission lines which may cover hundreds of miles before arriving in the area where the energy is needed.

7 Once the energy is in an area where it is going to be used it will enter into a substation. The substation has a series of transformers and switches that will reduce the voltage and switch the electricity onto the distribution lines.

8 From the substation the electricity travels to the various customers. Transformers will reduce the voltage prior to it arriving at the customer to the appropriate voltage.

9 The voltages delivered are: Heavy Industry – 33,000 volts Light Industry – 11,000 volts Residential – 240 volts

10 The incoming power line to a house has 3 wires; two powered wires and a common (ground) wire.

11 This allows a house to have 240 v lines for devices such as water heaters, Air conditioners, Washers and Dryers, etc. and 120 v lines for normal usage.

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