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2012 STAAR ALT General Security Training Presented by: Campus Test Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "2012 STAAR ALT General Security Training Presented by: Campus Test Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 2012 STAAR ALT General Security Training Presented by: Campus Test Coordinator

2 By now, you should have completed the online training modules

3 Training Requirements All potential test administrators must: View all four modules and pass qualifications for each module Review the STAAR Alternate test administrator manual and resources Participate in local general test administration policy training and sign the STAAR Alternate oath

4 This Training: Covers only the STAAR-ALT Test Administrator Manual Is required for anyone who will be administering STAAR-ALT during the year Does NOT take the place of reading your manual

5 Timeline January 9, 2012 – Assessment window open April 13 - All assessment activities completed and information entered in TAMS. State required documentation forms are due to the campus testing coordinators. April 18 – Campus testing coordinator turns in documentation forms to the student assessment office.

6 Teachers should be: Providing instruction on the skills identified with each task Beginning to conduct assessment observations using TEA’s required resources

7 Test security and confidentiality

8 Test security objectives Account for all secure material before, during, and after each test administration Protect the contents of the assessment and assessment documentation

9 Test Security & Confidentiality The STAAR Alternate standardized assessment tasks and resources are posted on TEA’s STAAR Alternate Resources webpage and are not considered secure Once student performance information has been obtained and documented in notes or on TEA’s required documentation forms, the material is considered secure material ★ Must be locked in a cabinet during the day with limited access ★ Documents may be taken home for grading purposes, but only the authorized test administrator should have access (your eyes only) ★ Do NOT give anyone your password to TAMS (Texas Assessment Management System) Only authorized personnel may have access to STAAR Alternate student information, and they must sign an oath of test security and confidentiality

10 Test Security & Confidentiality Supervisors can view and help administrators develop the preplanned supports, materials and response modes recorded on page 1 of the “STAAR Alternate Documentation Form of Student Performance” prior to the observation Test administrators must keep pages 2 and 3 of the documentation forms secure to maintain student confidentiality until after the close of the assessment window ★ No other individuals can view pages 2 and 3 of the documentation forms until the close of the assessment window and they have been submitted to the testing coordinator

11 STAAR Alternate documentation form The state required documentation form must be used during the assessment as follows: before the observation to preplan the observation, during or immediately after the observation to record the student performance, and after the observation to evaluate the student’s performance in the online system Before turning in the documentation forms, you must TPYE the information onto the documentation forms. The documentation forms must match exactly the information you enter in TAMS. The state-required documentation forms are the only secure document related to STAAR Alternate once student performance data has been recorded. Documentation forms will not be available on TEA website after the window closes

12 Departures from test administration procedures Incidents resulting in a deviation from documented testing procedures are defined as testing irregularities Each person participating in the testing program is directly responsible for reporting immediately to the campus testing coordinator any violation or suspected violation of test security or confidentiality Failure to report incidents violates 19 TAC §101.65(d)(7) and could result in sanctions

13 Penalties for prohibited conduct In accordance with the Texas Administrative Code, 19 TAC §101.65(e), any person who violates, assists in the violation of, or solicits another to violate or assist in the violation of test security or confidentiality, and any person who fails to report such a violation, may be penalized through Placement of restrictions on teaching certificate Inscribed or non-inscribed reprimand Suspension or revocation of teaching certificate Certified personnel are responsible for supervising paraprofessionals who have access to confidential student information or TAMS. The certified professional is subject to the penalties listed above if a violation occurs

14 Examples of testing irregularities

15 Eligibility Error Student who meets eligibility for STAAR Alternate was not assessed with STAAR Alternate Student who doesn’t meet eligibility for STAAR Alternate was assessed with STAAR Alternate Student receives incorrect assessment as determined by ARD committee

16 Improper accounting for confidential information An individual with access to TAMS shared confidential TAMS access information with others which resulted in unauthorized access to student evaluation data ★ Note: The sharing of a user ID and password can result in the loss of data entered into TAMS Non-trained personnel were allowed to assess students, access secure websites, or handle confidential student information Student documentation forms not securely stored allowing unauthorized access to student assessment information

17 Procedural error Student was administered the wrong grade-level STAAR Alternate assessment Student who didn’t participate in STAAR Alternate was not unregistered Student assessment submitted without recording correct information Student assessment submitted without including information on all subjects required for the enrolled grade Student assessment was not documented using TEA’s form

18 Potential referral to the Educator certification and standards division Test administrator falsified information that was submitted in TAMS Unauthorized person(s) viewed or attempted to view, change, alter any part of the assessment A test administrator was influenced to change, alter any part of the assessment

19 incident reporting

20 All incidents reported to TEA Student Assessment Division All potential testing violations will be investigated so statements and reports submitted to TEA clearly lay out exactly what happened Required documentation submitted within 10 working days of testing coordinator being made aware of the incident INCIDENT REPORTING

21 Incident reporting Incident report submitted via Online Incident Reporting Process Typed and signed statements collected from involved individuals Incidents involving the loss of secure materials or can result in referral to Educator Certification and Standards Division must have a Corrective Action Plan

22 Questions? Make sure you sign in and complete your oath

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