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Diagnostic materials and the VLE Judy Ekins. Current provision in M&C Course descriptions contain varying levels of advice on assumed prerequisite skills,

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Presentation on theme: "Diagnostic materials and the VLE Judy Ekins. Current provision in M&C Course descriptions contain varying levels of advice on assumed prerequisite skills,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Diagnostic materials and the VLE Judy Ekins

2 Current provision in M&C Course descriptions contain varying levels of advice on assumed prerequisite skills, knowledge, maturity etc Paper based “Maths Choices” for entry suite, includes quizzes on prerequisite knowledge for all three courses On-line “Maths Choices” On-line diagnostic quizzes for some courses MU120 and MST121 have diagnostic quiz, within the prep material sent out up to 3 months before course start. There are formative CMAs and TMA questions on this, with cut-off dates on or after course start. Some courses have diagnostic quizzes available to prospective students and sent out just prior to course start. Some higher level courses build, into early materials, revision of assumed prerequisite knowledge, skills etc. Some have summative assessment on this, with cut-off date after course start. There is a variety of provision pre and post course start

3 Some Issues Despite all this, we still get lots of ill-prepared students. What can we do about this? With new VLE we could be more consistent about preparatory / diagnostic teaching and assessment. How much consistency do we want? It is difficult to have feedback before course start on TMA / CMA, as cut-off dates need to be after course start. Should we use other approaches? Currently extra CMAs cost more, so it is cheaper to have one larger CMA rather than several small ones, even if students / prospective students find this better. There is more scope with the new VLE. Open-Mark assessment (which will be integrated into the VLE) includes feedback and some teaching within the preparatory assessment. Once it is set up, it is cheap to run. How many courses might find this useful? We could put preparatory material and formative assessment on “Open Content” to make it accessible to more people and perhaps attract more suitable students. How do we cater for those who prefer on-line and those who prefer working off line or print?

4 MU120 preparatory material formative assessment Prep material studied in first fortnight of course, but sent out up to 3 months beforehand Current assessment one formative CMA on all modules. Feedback in days, weeks or months (if early submission) Pilot assessment 8 mini-quizzes on-line (produced in COLMSCT fellowship) Uses “Open Mark” software (designed by Phil Butcher & used by S151) Mini-quiz on each module and use of the calculator Instant feedback, tailored to different answers Piloted with students on October 2006 presentation

5 Each mini-quiz has About six questions Variety of styles for questions Three attempts allowed for each question Feedback after each unsuccessful attempt Model worked answer given after 3rd attempt unsuccessful attempt Model worked answer after successful attempt (to confirm own working) Can repeat questions, with new numbers, for extra practice Final summary: mark, comments and appropriate study advice References to appropriate pages of course prep material Can repeat quiz and/or individual questions as many times as you like, (parameter values change), and get revised feedback

6 Tutor/administrator can See overall students’ attempts Hence modify feedback for different answers and improve teaching materials See individual student attempts Hence give individual help

7 Possible future improvements HINT button for those who don’t know where to start Link to pdf exerpts of appropriate course materials Available on Open Content for all to try Use for summative CMAs on MU120 / M123, feeding into OU CMA system (student’s ID ensures different parameter values from fellow students)

8 Possible use in other courses Diagnostic / Preparatory mini-quizzes on-line, linked to revision material, with instant feedback, tailored to different answers. Perhaps links to pdf of appropriate parts of pre-requisite courses, Use “Open Mark” for small summative assessments, feeding into OU CMA system, perhaps with low weighting (mostly formative, but some incentive)

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