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Published byNorma Warner Modified over 9 years ago
INCLUDED: Components for: Annual Contract (AC) Teachers Professional Service Contract (PSC) Teachers Professional Service Contract Teachers - with special assistance needs Appraisal System Steps Examples of Professional Development Plans An Overview of the Citrus County Teacher Appraisal System
Citrus County Schools Teacher Appraisal Overview PURPOSE: To assist teachers in knowing what the basic components are of the District Instructional Appraisal System OUTCOMES: As a result of watching this Powerpoint and reviewing the handout, if necessary, individuals should... know what the different types of appraisal processes are and when they should be used know what the steps of the performance appraisal process (reflective practice cycle) are for AC and PSC teachers know what their responsibilities and their supervisor’s responsibilities are for each type of appraisal process
Citrus County Schools Teacher Appraisal System As a teacher in Florida... you need to know: 1.Each teacher must have a Professional Development Plan that includes: A.Clearly defined training objectives based on the performance data for students for whom the teacher was assigned. These training objectives are identified in the “Strategy” column in the Citrus County PDP. B.Measurable improvements in student performance expected as a result of training C.Results of training activities relative to student performance
Citrus County Schools Teacher Appraisal System As a teacher in Citrus County... you need to know: 1.The Citrus County Professional Development Plan meets all of the State Requirements. 2.All teachers must use the Citrus County Professional Development Plan 3.Every teacher has a team - Administrator, Coach or Collegial Area of FocusStrategies (Including professional development/ training activities) Anticipated Completion Date Anticipated Student Achievement or Other Outcomes Student Achievement or Other Outcome Results Professional Team Member Names _________________________________ Standard/Standards being addressed: ________________________________
Citrus County Schools Teacher Appraisal System Annual Contract Teachers –Professional Development Plan –FPMS Based Observations –Administrative Team Professional Services Contract Teachers –Professional Development Plan –WOW based Reflective Practice Cycle –Collegial or Coach Team Professional Services Contract Teachers in need of assistance –Professional Development Plan –FPMS observations and assistance –Coach or Administrative Team Move towards WOW based appraisal system –OR Move to Professional Assistance Plan
TEACHER APPRAISAL TEAMS This team is required for: Teachers on annual contract Teachers on Professional Assistance Plan PSC teachers who receive an “Ineffective” rating for one or more of the 5 PDP Standards on their previous Summative Assessment. This team may be used for: PSC teachers who receive an overall rating of “Area for Development” for the 5 PDP Standards on their previous Summative Assessment. This type of team is determined and structured by the supervising administrator ADMINISTRATIVE TEAM Typically, this team would include individuals who could help new teachers further develop instructional and classroom management skills. or help struggling teachers develop necessary instructional and/or classroom management proficiency.
This type of team could be used for: Teachers on Professional Service Contract with specific needs (for example - they receive one or two “Area(s) for Development” rating(s) for the 5 PDP Standards on their previous Summative Assessment). This type of team is used to provide expertise in one or more areas relative to teacher needs. The supervising administrator may wish to use this with a Professional Services Contract teacher who needs some specific assistance but is not on a Professional Assistance Plan. –The “coach” member(s) of the team could be a teacher or administrator with expertise in the area(s) of need. TEACHER APPRAISAL TEAMS This type of team is determined by the supervising administrator COACHING TEAM
TEACHER APPRAISAL TEAMS This type of team is appropriate for: Teachers on Professional Service Contracts who received an overall rating of “Effective” for the 5 Professional Development Plan Standards on their previous Summative Assessment. COLLEGIAL TEAM This type of team is determined by the teacher in collaboration with their administrative supervisor.
Rating Levels and Performance Definitions for PDP Standards Effective: Performance and results relative to the standards and related accomplished practices meet or exceed expectations. The level of standards and related accomplished practices reflect efforts and capabilities that meet or exceed expectations. The employee requires normal supervision relative to the standards and related accomplished practices. Area for Development: Performance and results relative to a standard and related accomplished practices sometimes, but not consistently, meet expectations. The level of performance does not yet reflect effort and capability in all the skills required to meet a standard and related accomplished practices Additional training and supervision is needed. Ineffective: Performance and results relative to a standard and related accomplished practices does not meet expectations. Substantial assistance, monitoring and training is required.
Working on the Work Standards/Florida Educator Accomplished Practices STANDARD 1: The teacher supports the beliefs, shared vision, and mission adopted by the Citrus County School District. Related Accomplished Practices: Continuous Improvement: Engages in continuous professional quality improvement for self and school. Ethics: Adheres to the Code of Ethics and Principles of Professional Conduct of the Education Profession in Florida. Role of the Teacher: Works with various education professionals, parents, and other stakeholders in the continuous improvement of the educational experiences of students.
Working on the Work Standards/Florida Educator Accomplished Practices STANDARD 2: The teacher designs quality knowledge work containing student- focused design qualities that reflect the needs of the students, parents, school system, and community. Related Accomplished Practices: Critical Thinking: Uses appropriate techniques and strategies, which promote and enhance critical, creative, and evaluative thinking capabilities of students Diversity: Uses teaching and learning strategies that reflect each student ’ s culture, learning styles, special needs, and socioeconomic background. Human Development and Learning: Uses an understanding of learning and human development to provide a positive learning environment that supports the intellectual, personal, and social development of all students. Knowledge of Subject Matter: Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of subject matter Planning Plans, implements, and evaluates, effective instruction in a variety of learning environments.
Working on the Work Standards/Florida Educator Accomplished Practices STANDARD 3: The teacher manages the resources of time, people, space, information, and technology in order to enhance the qualities of the work provided to the students. Related Accomplished Practices: Communication: Uses effective communication techniques with students and all other stakeholders. Learning Environment: Creates and maintains positive learning environments in which students are actively engaged in learning, social interaction, cooperative learning, and self-instruction. Planning: Plans, implements, and evaluates effective instruction in a variety of learning environments. Technology: Uses appropriate technology in teaching and learning processes.
Working on the Work Standards/Florida Educator Accomplished Practices STANDARD 4: The teacher continuously monitors the extent to which students are engaging in the work, persisting with the work, and experiencing satisfaction in the products of the work and modifies the work accordingly. Related Accomplished Practices: Assessment: Uses assessment strategies (traditional and alternate) to assist the continuous development of the learner. Critical Thinking: Uses appropriate techniques and strategies, which promote and enhance critical, creative, and evaluative thinking capabilities of students. Diversity: Uses teaching and learning strategies that reflect each student’s culture, learning styles, special needs, and socioeconomic background.
Working on the Work Standards/Florida Educator Accomplished Practices STANDARD 5: The teacher is a leader. Related Accomplished Practices: · Communication: Uses effective communication techniques with students and all other stakeholders. · Continuous Improvement: Engages in continuous professional quality improvement for self and school. · Ethics: Adheres to the Code of Ethics and Principles of Professional Conduct of the Education Profession in Florida. · Role of the Teacher: Works with various education professionals, parents, and other stakeholders in the continuous improvement of the educational experiences of students.
Teacher Appraisal System Establishing your Professional Development Plan (PDP) The first step in determining a major focus for the year should be a careful look at data or information that could help you determine what would be worth pursuing for your Professional Development Plan. A good starting point would be to complete the PDP Rubric... this should assist you in determining what data/information you may need to analyze. Your data/information must include your school’s improvement plan and appropriate student achievement data This step is called the “Baseline Assessment” in the Reflective Practice Cycle.
Teacher Appraisal System Establishing your Professional Development Plan (PDP) The PDP Rubric and the Appraisal Process for Professional Service Contract teachers are based on the 5 PDP Standards. The teacher on Annual Contract is not expected to be completely proficient relative to all of the Standards, but should be working towards becoming so.
The teacher supports the beliefs, shared vision and mission adopted by the district. The teacher designs knowledge work containing student- focused design qualities that reflect the needs of students, parents, school system, and community. The teacher demonstrates leadership. The teacher manages the resources of time, people, space, information and technology in order to enhance the qualities of the work provided to students. The teacher continuously monitors the extent to which students are engaging the work, persisting with the work, experiencing satisfaction in the products of the work, and learning what is expected as a result of doing the work and modifies the work accordingly.
The PDP is directly related to specific student performance data for those areas to which the teacher is assigned. The PDP will have clearly defined training objectives. The PDP specifies measurable improvement in student performance resulting from the training activity. The PDP includes an evaluation component documenting the expected student performance gains. The Protocol Standards for Individual PDP’s for Individual PDP’s
The Citrus County Professional Development Plan: Includes 5 columns: 1st Column - Area of Focus Should be based on student performance, school improvement plans and other self-assessment types of data/information Should be phrased as a question (e.g. How do I increase student reading performance in my class?) Student Achievement or Other Outcome Results Anticipated Student Achievement or Other Outcomes Anticipated Completion Date Strategies (Including professional development/ training activities) Area of Focus Requires professional development to accomplish
The Citrus County Professional Development Plan: Includes 5 columns: 1st Column - Area of Focus This is where it is shown that the focus is directly related to specific student performance data for those areas to which the teacher is assigned Student Achievement or Other Outcome Results Anticipated Student Achievement or Other Outcomes Anticipated Completion Date Strategies (Including professional development/ training activities) Area of Focus
The Citrus County Professional Development Plan: Includes 5 columns: 4th Column - Anticipated Student Achievement or Other Outcomes What would hope to be accomplished through this major area of focus (What are the targets)? The outcomes should be measurable (e.g. at least 75% of my students will demonstrate at least one year’s growth in reading as measured by... ) Student Achievement or Other Outcome Results Anticipated Student Achievement or Other Outcomes Anticipated Completion Date Strategies (Including professional development/ training activities) Area of Focus
The Citrus County Professional Development Plan: Includes 5 columns: 4th Column - Anticipated Student Achievement or Other Outcomes This is where the specific measurable improvement in student performance as a result of a training would be identified (PDP Protocol) Student Achievement or Other Outcome Results Anticipated Student Achievement or Other Outcomes Anticipated Completion Date Strategies (Including professional development/ training activities) Area of Focus
Student Achievement or Other Outcome Results Anticipated Student Achievement or Other Outcomes Anticipated Completion Date Strategies (Including professional development/ training activities) Area of Focus The Citrus County Professional Development Plan: Includes 5 columns: 2nd Column - Strategies Must include staff development and other action research necessary to address Area of Focus Must be specific steps that will be taken to address Area of Focus (e.g. Attend a workshop on using FAIR data.)
Student Achievement or Other Outcome Results Anticipated Student Achievement or Other Outcomes Anticipated Completion Date Strategies (Including professional development/ training activities) Area of Focus The Citrus County Professional Development Plan: Includes 5 columns: 2nd Column - Strategies This is where the clearly defined training objectives would be identified (PDP Protocol).
Anticipated Student Achievement or Other Outcomes Anticipated Completion Date Strategies (Including professional development/ training activities) Area of Focus The Citrus County Professional Development Plan: Includes 5 columns: 3rd Column - Anticipated Completion Date Date projected to complete each strategy Should reflect progress throughout year Student Achievement or Other Outcome Results
Strategies (Including professional development/ training activities) Student Achievement or Other Outcome Results Anticipated Student Achievement or Other Outcomes Anticipated Completion Date Area of Focus The Citrus County Professional Development Plan: Includes 5 columns: 5th Column - Student Achievement or Other Outcomes Should be entered after completing plan but prior to end of year meeting with supervisor Should be objectively reported - it is okay if it is not what was anticipated - it should be considered as part of assessment in the development of the next year’s plan
Strategies (Including professional development/ training activities) Student Achievement or Other Outcome Results Anticipated Student Achievement or Other Outcomes Anticipated Completion Date Area of Focus The Citrus County Professional Development Plan: Includes 5 columns: 5th Column - Student Achievement or Other Outcomes This is the evalution component for documenting expected student gains (PDP Protocol)
Teacher Appraisal System Establishing your Professional Development Plan (PDP) The second step in determining your PDP is to meet with your supervising administrator. The primary purpose of that meeting should be to discuss : the results of your analysis of data/information, and reflections (assessment step) your potential PDP your support team Your supervisor may ask you to bring the TACT (teacher assessment collection tool) to that meeting. The TACT form provides space for teacher reflections for each standard.
Teacher Appraisal System Establishing your Professional Development Plan (PDP) The third step is to meet with your team to seek their input and support relative to the proposed PDP. If you are on an annual contract you will have an administrative team. If you are on a professional services contract you will have a collegial or coaching team.
Teacher Appraisal System Finalizing and Implementing your Professional Development Plan (PDP) The fourth step is to finalize your PDP in collaboration with your supervisor and implement the strategies. The PDP is a continuous improvement process. It should always require you to pursue appropriate staff development. If you are an annual contract teacher the Florida Performance Measurement System (FPMS) is the primary vehicle for your supervisor to use in observing and assisting you. If you are on a professional services contract the WOW based reflective practice cycle is the primary vehicle your supervisor will use to assist you. ** While FPMS is the primary process for AC teachers FPMS tools (e.g. summative observations, domain work, etc.) may be used (on an as needed basis) with PSC teachers.
Teacher Appraisal System Implementing your Professional Development Plan (PDP) The fifth step is to use your team to help you maximize your success with the strategies. Your team should function as a “learning community.” You should also be analyzing the results of your plan on a frequent basis to determine if modifications may be necessary. Your administrator may determine at any point if you could benefit from additional assistance.
Teacher Appraisal System Assessing Progress Made through PDP The 6th step of the appraisal process is to identify the results of your plan and compare it to your anticipated outcomes. You would then determine what worked and what didn’t and consider why or why not. Your committee may be able to help with this process. This assessment of your PDP should provide useful data that should be considered as part of your baseline assessment data for the next year’s planning process. Your Supervisor would meet with you to complete the summary FPMS documents if you are on an AC contract or the PSC Summative Assessment if you are on a Professional Services Contract.
Teacher Appraisal System SUMMARY If you are on an annual contract or a professional assistance plan and need specifics about the FPMS, see your supervisor If you are on a professional services contract and need specifics on the process, see your supervisor The next two slides show the Reflective Practice Cycle in a linear Format and in the Cycle Format
Reflective Practice Cycle in Linear Format 1.Individual conducts baseline (self) assessment 1.Use rubric as starting point 2.Look at student achievement and diagnostic data (e.g TABE scores, FCAT data, classroom data, etc.) 3.Look at School Improvement Plan (THIS IS A REQUIREMENT FOR SCHOOL BASED TEACHERS) 4.Include reflections on TACT 2.Meets with Supervisor 1.Share reflections for each Standard 2.May bring TACT 3.Discuss possible Professional Development Plan ideas 4.Discuss possible Team members 3.Finalizes Team 1.Invite members 2.Share draft plan 3.Set up meeting plan 4.Finalizes and Implements Plan 1.Finalize plan with Supervisor 2.Carry out strategies, analyze results and make necessary revisions 3. Measure outcomes 5.Meets periodically with Team 1.Analyze progress/results and seek input 6.Meet with Supervisor for Summative 1.Discuss results of Plan and other Standards 2.Use learning in preparing for next Reflective Practice Cycle
Citrus County Schools Teacher Assessment Professional Assistance Plan CCS Teacher Reflective Practice Cycle Baseline Assessment Discuss Assessment and Professional Development Plan (PDP) with Supervisor Meet with Support Team Collaborate with Support team to develop PDP Conference with Supervisor concerning PDP Develop ongoing collaboration with team re: Plan Complete Summative Assessment
The Citrus County Professional Development Plan: Instructional Position with Assigned Students Example Student Achievement or Other Outcome Results Anticipated Student Achievement or Other Outcomes Anticipated Completion Date Strategies (Including professional development/ training activities) Area of Focus How can I help my students increase their reading fluency and comprehension? 80 % of students will make more than 1 years reading growth as measured through Lexiles 90% of students will make AYP in their respective subgroups 90% of students demonstrated use of higher order questions in completed homework assignments All students will have chosen and read two items (one must be non-fiction) from the classroom library that were at or above their lexile levels Attend FAIR Training Use FAIR reports and other Performance Data to help determine student improvement needs in comprehension and fluency Use Literacy Coach to help with implementing effective strategies and resources identified through FAIR reports Work with Media Specialist to establish appropriate classroom library 09/09 10 /09 10/09 – 3/10 09-10/09 Student reading growth as measured by Lexile level through FAIR Percentage of students making AYP on FCAT Reading Remember - this column is completed after the plan is finished!
The Citrus County Professional Development Plan: Instructional Position without Assigned Students (e.g. guidance counselor, curriculum specialist, etc.) Example School learning gains for all sub-groups in Math on the 09-10 FCAT Student Achievement or Other Outcome Results Anticipated Student Achievement or Other Outcomes Anticipated Completion Date Strategies (Including professional development/ training activities) Area of Focus How can I assist school math staff to become prepared to help students to master the NGSSS math standards? The students will have increased their math comprehension and fluency Attended workshop on Math Promise Modules Identify teacher needs through surveys, math department meetings, observations Attend Performance Matters Workshop to learn how to look at School and Classroom data to help identify patterns that could impact the scheduling process. Attend curriculum/Literacy TOSA meetings to identify most effective instructional math practices Obtain information from school admin. re: CWT patterns and needs of math classes and assist teachers in connecting with resources and effective instructional practices 06/09 08/09 12/09 08/09 – 05/10 80% of students will have demonstrated increased scores on Math CBAT’s
Citrus County Schools Teacher Appraisal System Key Terms Professional Development Plan (PDP) Working On the Work (WOW) Reflective Practice Cycle Florida Performance Measurement System (FPMS) Professional Assistance Plan Appraisal System Assessment Evaluation Accomplished Practices
The Citrus County Teacher Appraisal System is designed to assist each teacher to focus on … CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT by analyzing and reflecting upon the results of his or her own skills, experiences and efforts.
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