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By: Breeanna. I think the top 3 uses will be chat, e-mail, and games.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Breeanna. I think the top 3 uses will be chat, e-mail, and games."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Breeanna


3 I think the top 3 uses will be chat, e-mail, and games.

4 I was correct the most popular uses for the computer were gaming, chat, and e-mail. Gaming got 37 students, chat got 18 students as well as e-mail.


6 My Hypotheses By Kylee

7 My first Hypothesis I thought that the 3 favorite magazines would be Seventeen, Teen, and YM. The three favorite magazines were Seventeen, Girls Life, and Teen People.

8 My second hypothesis My hypothesis was most people will say that they listen to music 1-2 hours per day. 48 people said that they listen to music less than 1 hour everyday. 40 people said that they listen to music for more than 3 hours everyday.

9 The results for the music question

10 My third hypothesis I thought that most people will say the longest time they have talked on the phone without hanging up was 2-3 hours. 48 people said the longest they have ever been on the phone was less than an hour.

11 Here are the results for the phone question

12 Book Questions Z.O. and M.J.

13 Hypothesis I think that most people will be reading books outside of school. Z.O. I think that most people will NOT be reading a biography. M.J.

14 What We learned We learned that most people are reading a book outside of school. We learned that most people aren't reading a biography. We found out that most people use the SCHOOL library about once a weak. We with our semi intelligent brains figured that most people never go to the public library

15 Chart for book

16 Chart for biography

17 Chart for school library

18 Chart for public library




22 Answering Hypothesis Molly

23 QUESTION & HYPOTHOSIS The question was … Are you currently reading a book outside of school?? My hypothesis was… I think that more people will answer no to this question.

24 As you can see, about twice as many people are reading books (or a book) outside of school.

25 The information from the graph shows that my hypothesis was not correct. More people read outside of school rather than not. I think that more people read than I expected because more people are getting interested in books

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